
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Started by W0NWILL, July 08, 2012, 01:10:54 AM

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"That's them alright." Vash muttered as he ran towards the even louder commotion.
I LOVE 80's music.


"You idiot dog!" Breersk shouted.


  Abby's head snapped to the sound.  She barked, "No, you are the idiot!  I had everything under control until you came along!"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"You call almost being killed under control? They're after you!"


  Abby felt a sharp pain in her leg and yelped.  There was a creature gnawing on it!  The creature that had her knives!  She quickly stabbed it with her spear and took her weapons from his dead body.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


OOC: Don't kill them off so quickly.

BIC: "They here! We gottem!" More creatures came, brandishing weapons.
Breersk held on to his remaining axe, "We'll have to fight our way out of this one. Pity. I would've liked to die with both my axes in my paws."


  "Who said ye were gonna die?"  Abby scanned the mob for the beast with her javelins.  "Do ye see me javelins, Breersk?"  She tried to attack others, but it was hard to move her spear around in such a large crowd.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"There! I'll make this count! Watch my back!" Breersk charged into the thick of it, swinging his remaining axe.


  Abby fought her way over to Breersk, kicking, biting and snapping all the way.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Breersk whirled around, about to bury his axe in Abby's chest, but stopped just in time, "Sorry. He's over there. I'll keep your back. Besides, I want my axe back."


  Abby whirled around, her spear going in all directions.  Whatever she didn't hit with her spear head she knocked down with her spear butt.  She started to slowly make her way to the javelin-bearing flesh eater.  She was stopped several times by other cannibals who tried to kill her, but luckily she managed to dodge most of the hits.  Most of them.  She yelped in pain as an axe was buried deep into her hind leg.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Thanks for finding my axe, Abby!" Breersk chuckled. That's when a cannibal grabbed him and laid a blow to his head that knocked him senseless.

OOC: No one notice, this is all part of my plan.


  "Yeah, I was lookin' real hard for it."  Abby tried not to faint from the pain in her leg.  She fought as hard as she could to get out of the fray, limping as she tried to walk.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"I'm not happy with you!" A brazen voice rang out.
"Yahh! Spikeghost!" The cannibals immediately stopped chasing Abby.
A pure white hedgehog seemingly melted out of the trees, "Go back to your home and never hunt and eat another creature again. And drop your weapons!"
Their heads bobbed as one, evidently terrified of this hedgehog.
"GO!" Rustip shouted. He turned to Abby and shrugged, "They never listen. No matter how many times I tell them, they also come back and get their weapons. And you're hurt! Oh, where are my manners, I'm Rustip Icequill." He stuck out a paw, "Always trying to contain those savages. But make no mistake, they'll be back soon. Need help?"


  Abby nodded slightly and gave a little, hysterical laugh.  She then passed out.
  Wing ran into the scene and shouted, "Abby!"  He looked at the hedgehog and pointed at Abby.  "Wot 'appened ta Miss Abby?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!