
Started by W0NWILL, July 08, 2012, 01:10:54 AM

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Vash couldn't help but smile. "I think it's settled." he said.
I LOVE 80's music.


  Abby sighed while Wing jumped up and down, cheering.  "I wanted t'go to Salamandastron, but alright, we can go north.  If we are, though, we'd best be leavin'!"
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OOC: Sorry I haven't been active but I've been having a really hard time with everything lately and it's all cause of this stupid headache I've had for three and a half weeks.

BIC: "Agreed." Vash said, wondering how far off the cannibals were.
I LOVE 80's music.


"Come on, they won't be far behind." Rustip wrung his paws impatiently as he hopped from foot to foot.

OOC: Time skip.

BIC: They had been traveling for quite a while, along the coast, slipping and sliding among the dunes. Autumn was setting in as they arrived at the ruins of a large castle-like structure, overlooking the sea. It was in ruins, but still standing overall. Rustip leaned forward and peered at some letters carved on a large chunk of rock, that seemed to have been once part of the wall, "M-a-r-s-h. Hm, odd thing to be calling your castle Marsh, huh?" He remarked. They had finally lost the cannibals and slept easier, though not without a guard.


  Abby didn't know history well, so she had no answer to why the castle was named Marsh.  "Mebbe it was vermin that built this castle.  Vermin come up wi' strange names fer everythin'."
  Wing nodded his head, happy to agree with anything and everything Abby said.  "Yeah, siwwy vermin.  Dey funny.  Dey not know 'ow to name stuff."
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Vash glared at them, a tad bit of anger appearing on his face.
I LOVE 80's music.


  Abby cleared her throat.  "Er, not you, of course, Vash.  I meant other vermin.  Yer smart!  Ye know how to name stuff well, don't he, Wing?"
  Wing nodded vigorously, not understanding the problem with what they had just said.  He hadn't seen the look on Vash's face.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Vash crossed his arms and shook his head disapprovingly with a sigh.
I LOVE 80's music.


Rustip shrugged, "Some beasts are biased against vermin species." he said, "Don't feel bad."

Gurff the Pike was a tyrant. He ruled over his army of vermin with an iron paw. None dared cross him. And he had been marching east, toward the shore, with a group of fifty vermin. The fifty was only a fraction of his army, but they had gone south east with this group looking for recruits and slaves. Gurff loved slaves, they way they cowerd at his approach or flinched at the crack of a whip. And they had reached the shores.
"Go south 'long the coast." He ordered in a terrible, rough voice like sandpaper, "Bring ten beasts with yew, scout out a bearth fer the night."
"Yessir!" The weasel who thought that Gurff had been talking to him saluted, then stumped off on a peg leg calling for soldiers.

The weasel and his soldiers saw the ruins of Marshank not long after the sun had gone down. The little group of travelers had settled just inside.


OOC: Yay!

BIC: "Yeah, i've noticed." Vash said as calmy as he could. Theb he thought he heard something in the distance. "Are you sure we escaped those cannibals?" he asked.
I LOVE 80's music.


  Abby placed her paw on her spear, suddenly alert for any movement.  "I 'oped we wouldn't 'ave to run into any more o' those beasts."  She looked to Wing.  "Get ready to run, liddle matey."
  Wing nodded, confused as to what was going on.  He did follow orders well, though, even if he was confused.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Er, I think so." Rustip said. He pulled a burning stick from the fire as a weapon, but immediately burned his paw, "Ouch! Hot!" He exclaimed, and instead he picked up a stone from the decaying walls and looked out a big hole in the wall, "There's some beasts carrying torches out there, don't know if they be friend or foe. I don't think they're the cannibals, anyway. They wouldn't be carrying torches." He assessed.


  "Well," said Abby, "at least they ain't cannibals.  Hopefully.  I 'ope it's just some friendly beasts, not ver- er, enemies."  She looked at Vash, hoping he hadn't caught what she had nearly said.
  Wing tried to make his way around the hedgehog to see through the hole.  "Whewe awe dey?" he asked, jumping up and down to try and see.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"They're coming down a dune, headed here. I say they had the same idea as us, get some weapons if you can, in case they aren't friendly. Makin' a fair bit of noise they are." Rustip reported.


Vash looked at Abby, but decided that he just didn't care anymore. He was used to it, after all. "Well, I say we don't get seen. Good beasts or not, I wouldn't risk it. Maybe we should put out the fire?" he suggested.
I LOVE 80's music.