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Started by W0NWILL, July 08, 2012, 01:10:54 AM

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Vash looked away, trying to pretend to not care. "I suggest you get out of here kid. Go back to your parents at Redwall if you can.
I LOVE 80's music.

Tiria Wildlough

Mari took a careful look at the group so she would be sure to remember them. 'I'll be going home now.' she said. Never mind the fact that she didn't have a home to go to.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


"Amd I'm going to go "join" the other vermin. Maybe I'll be treated as an equal with them." he spat, starting to walk away.
I LOVE 80's music.


  Abby sighed.  Obviously there was no way to stop the weasel from going, and she was tired of arguing.  "Wotever, just go, ye coward."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


OOC: Hi ;D

BIC: Not far from all this action, a badger of about 15 seasons was walking through the woods carrying a sharpened stick. She was petite and her fur was silver with a blue tint to it. The badger heard the noise and stood facing the sounds with narrowed eyes, her stick gripped tightly in paw.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: Yes, I have approved this character.

BIC: Rustip wrinkled his nose at Vash and Mari's actions. He grabbed a fairly long, intact stick from the small pile of wood they had collected, ripped the sleeves of his tunic off and wound them around the end of the stick. He held this to the fire and then kicked loose sand over the flames. He now had a long weapon that doubled as a torch, "Got yer weapons ready?" He asked Abby gruffly.


  Abby nodded, taking her spear.  She looked at Wing, who was holding a small kitchen knife.  "Well, yer certainly prepared, young Wing."
  Wing nodded.  "Yah, thith ith fwom da Abbey."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


The badger crept cautiously towards the voices, but was so focused on what she was going to find that she didn't see the tangle of thorns in front of her. She tripped, and yelled in surprise as she tumbled down a hill, landing right in front of the group. The badger got to her paws with as much speed (and dignity) as she could muster. She had lost her stick in the fall, to her dismay, and was now facing an armed group that might be hostile. Stepping back a little she said, "Sorry if I interrupted something. I wasn't trying to be nosy; I just heard something and wanted to make sure you weren't vermin or the like..." She met each group member's eyes.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Rustip stared at her and blinked once, "You didn't." He said stupidly, "Interrupt something, that is. We're just discussing how to fight for our lives while the weasels leave us to our fate." his voice got slightly higher with fright, "Not busy at all."


"Oh don't worry, we were just leaving." he said, referring to her vermin comment. He walking even farther with a scowl.
I LOVE 80's music.


"When I said vermin I didn't mean vermin species," said the badger calmly.  "I was referring to all villains in general." She found and picked up her stick, and walked away.

OOC: When do I save Breseerk? (sorry if I spelled his name wrong)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


"Of course you would mean villain when you said vermin." he growled, walking even farther. He was still debating everything in his head.
I LOVE 80's music.


OOC: Well, Breersk is far away, so Razer has to be the one that saves him. You can start RPing that now.


OOC: Well, I think I'll have time to RP only one character so I'll just use Razer for now (Skyra the badger isn't very well-developed yet anyway.) Sorry people, you can just pretened that never hapened.

BIC: Razer had finally found the cannibals after pursuing them for half a season.  She wasn't going to let the ruthless beasts get away from their wrongdoings.  Razer pawed the scars on her paws, evidence of the last time she had encountered these canniabls.  Somehow she was going to have the free the ones who were victim to these villains.

OOC: Can you RP the cannibals and what's going on?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


"Biggaotter comin'!" A cannibal shrieked, and hopped through the trees with the agility of a squirrel toward the deep hollow lit with cooking fires. He stopped at a large beech at one end of the hollow and dropped down. Built into the beech was a little grate door, with holes large enough for a captive to stick their paws out and eat from the bland oatmeal the cannibals used to fatten them up, "Getting nice'n'fat, yesyes?" He chittered in amusement as Breersk pressed his face to the door and bared his teeth, "Fat enough to crush you." Breersk snarled. The cannibal was far enough from the door Breersk couldn't reach him, but the cannibal took an involuntary step back at Breersk's expression. Their numbers had been severely diminished as the biggaotter started killing them when they crossed paths. And with some still out on the chase, they were in a weaker position.