Infinite Skies: A Legend of Reedbind

Started by BrookSkimmer, July 08, 2012, 06:59:54 AM

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Young otters tumbled and rolled about. Some took flying leaps from the rocky ledges to land on all fours on the rush mats that made up the floor. Others chased each other about, squealing and giggling. Still others sat across from each other playing at games of paws and rudders. The meeting area of Holt Reedbind was in total chaos. Afterall, it was story night and they all knew what story night meant. Going to bed late, eating special sweets, and listening as the leaders of the Holt, Shring and Eloyna Reefrudder regaled them with glorious tales of bygone days.

The event only took place once a month and was a favorite for young and old alike. As the young continued to leap about with joy, other members of the Reedbind community made their way into the meeting area. Shuffer Rushtide, the head cook of the holt, wore a huge grin as he entered. The old otter pretended he was happy for the young ones, which was true, but really his love for the old stories was the same as any of the otter kits present.

"What ho me darling! Watch that leapin' about now! Remember whot happened in last month's tale? That ol' frog was never the same after the leap he took!" Shuffer snatched a small male otter out of the air as he flew by the otter's head.

"Aw! Mista Shuffa! You gone an' ruined me perfect jump! Was gonna make a new record with tha' one so I was!" The otter kit complained.

Shuffer ruffled his headfur and chortled. "An' so ye shall young Gibsy! Are ye ready?"

Gibsy giggled and wrinkled his nose at the cook. "Aye mista Shuffa! Make I fly!"

Shuffer bounded forward, holding Gibsy over his head. At the end of the jump he what a whooshing noise and deposited Gibsy on a soft rush mat. "There ye are matie! A new long jump record I'd say! Nice flyin' mate!"

Gibsy reached up his arms and grinned. "Again mista Shuffa! Make me fly again!"

It was then that a female otter cleared he throat to call the room to attention. It was Eloyna, the co-leader of Reedbind. Though she had a stern look of her face, Eloyna's lovely features always radiated calm and kindness to those around her. As the room quieted down, the regal female allowed a small smile to spread over her muzzle.

"Friends! Welcome to the Night of Tales. I hope you are all ready to be carried to new heights by tonight's story!"

"I was already carried to new heights tonight miss Eloyna!" Gibsy shouted out and nudged Shuffer in the ribs. "Mista Shuffa helped me to fly!"

Shuffer ducked his head in embarrassment. "Shush now Gibsy...let Eloyna speak."

The female otter beamed. "That is all well and good my young otter as tonight's story is all about flying!" She turned to her husband.

"The tale is called Infinite Skies, the Battle of Eagles." Shring unrolled a scroll and began to read. The otters settled down to sip warm broth, nibble pastries, and hear a Legend of Reedbind."


Character: Shring
Location: Present Holt Reedbind

"Once, long ago when our Holt was young there was a young otter," He paused to look at the otters before him. "He was much like you young Gibsy. This young otter was playing in the salt marshes not far to the south of the Holt. From there he could see the great mountains of the south, rearing up to the heavens. As the otter played he noticed activity on the side of the mountain..."
Character: Bilky
Location: Salt Marshes, old Holt Reedbind

Bilky rubbed his eyes and stared towards the mountainside. it must have been a trick played by the sun. There was no possibility of a bird the size of what he had just seen! The young otter's heart raced and his stomach dropped as he saw the shape again. A silhouette of a huge bird swooped towards the side of the mountain! He had to tell sombeast what he had seen!

Bilky raced towards Reedbind, shouting for attention.

"Somebeast 'elp! I saw... I...I saw..." He was almost in shock. Nothing like the beast he had seen had ever been spotted before.


Lumaq flew at the head of the large flock of eagles, as the leader of the Scarlaks, he was mightier than all! It was time for them to feast on eggchicks and eggs. He let out a harsh cry, which nest would have the tastiest meal... He landed on the edge of a smaller nest, what attracted him was the smell of food the nest radiated. He was in luck, there was a bonus, the mother had been feeding her chicks when his warriors had chased her off. He guzzled down much of the food intended for the chicks, and a chick for good measure. He let out a harsh cry, they had to move, His warriors were fighting the Kreevars, and were losing. "Follow!"

OOC: I fixed it. By holding back, I meant fighting, sorry if that confused you

*This post seems fine to me. It is possible that the eagles could have made it to a Kreevar nest while fighting. -Brooky


  Character:  Shadow
  Location:  Pool near Holt Reedbind

  Shadow Wildfire stood in the water close to Holt Reedbind.  She held her paws underneath the surface, waiting for the unlucky fish to swim by.  Shadow had her bucket ready for the fish that would be part of supper that night.  She closed her eyes and felt a smooth sensation on her paw.  Almost, she thought, almost.  Then, just as she was about to grab the fish, a good sized one too, an otter ran by, startling the fish.  Shadow got out of the water.  "Now, see wot ya did?  Ye scared the fish away!"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Character: Elgar
Location: Outside of Holt Reedbind.

Elgar was sitting meditatively, sipping at a beaker of hot mint tea.  He was seated cross-legged on a rush mat outside of the main Holt, in a quiet area of the marsh.  The weather was warm and balmy, but a slight breeze blew, ruffling his headfur and bringing cooler air. 

Ah, some peace at last.

A quiet moment was a difficult thing to come by in the boisterous atmosphere of the Holt.  Incessant talk, laughter, and rough-housing usually filled the air.  It seemed today that most of the tribe was out swimming or taking an afternoon nap to beat the summer weather.

He sipped at his tea and revelled in the solitude. 

That is, until he heard young Bilky come running, shouting his little lungs out, from the South.  Elgar set his tea aside and rose, watching him splash through the marshes near Shadow.  He waved a paw to them, calling out.

"What's your trouble, young Bilky?"
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Character: Bilky
Location: Near Salt Marshes, old Holt Reedbind

"Now, see wot ya did?  Ye scared the fish away!"

Bilky stopped in his tracks as the black otter chastised him. However, he did not stop for long. As he turned and looked out towards the mountains he could now clearly see many of the huge birds swooping about. They appeared to be fighting.

"But miss Shadow! Look! I see huge birds over by the mountains!"

The young otter pointed in the direction of the mountains.

"What's your trouble, young Bilky?"

Bilky turned around again and saw Elgar. He was an older otter but often listened to beasts such as Bilky. The young otter had a fondness for Elgar. He always seemed to radiate calm.

"Mister Elgar... there's a bunch of big birds! What should we do? What if they come down here. They look like they could eat us up!"

Dannflower Reguba

Jerrith Stiler, leader of the Kreevars swooped from a ledge behind the fight, and landed on the one Lumaq was on... With 2 of his elite, "I know not how you managed to bribe faithful scous of mine, but you shall pay dearly for this under handed assualt!" Jerrith charged the bird he loathed with great speed.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Lumaq lifted off the ledge with speed almost equal to Jerrith's, almost. He flopped back down on the ledge, struggling, pecking, and scratching. "*name of second in command*, get this bird!"

Dannflower Reguba

Character(s): Jerrith, Strig, Sleak

Stiler wheeled from his attackers claws... He wanted Lumaq, "Strig! Sleak! Get this carcass of a bird out of here! (the second in command),"

The promising twins were after the bird designated for them like duel arrows Claws outstretched, wings beating furiously.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Scundoimp (the second in command) screeched in pain and twisted over to dislodge his attackers and carried on with the roll. He sprang on the twins, going for their faces.
Jerrith and Lumaq were both standing and equally matched, Lumaq charged.

Dannflower Reguba

Character(s): Jerrith, Strig, Sleak
Location: Mountain

Strig ducked Scundoimps' attack while Sleak placed herself behind were the oppenent would land. Giving her a rear side to attack while her brother could fight from the front.

Stiler lofted himself above Lumaqs' charge and opened his talons to recieve the fast coming head.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Knowing he was beat, Scundo lifted off, after he had shaken off his attackers calling, "Lord Lumaq! We must leave!"
Lumaq was full of battle rage he did not hear Scundo and was able to duck the talons because Jerrith flew too soon.

OOC: Why did you call him Stiler? Because, by my count there are only two of mine, and three of yours.

Dannflower Reguba

Character(s): Jerrith, Strig, Sleak
Location: Mountain

Jerrith wheeled around and chased his attacker... How could the big bird he was facing have possibly missed his talons?

OOC: I'm serious about that post, you PP'd my character by saying he flew too soon. And his name is Jerrith STILER, I like to change up. BIC:

Strig and Sleak (who are not capable of being shooken off if they are on you) chased after the retreating commander, one on the left, one on the right.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Character: Elgar
Location: Outside of Holt Reedbind

Elgar followed the young otter's paw as he gestured towards the mountains.  He could indeed see large birds, even this far in the distance.  They appeared to be fighting, though with the distance he couldn't be sure.

He could hear the panic in Bilky's voice though, and so attempted to calm him down.

"Easy now." He gave him a pat on the shoulder.  "We'll go and see the elders.  We'll all figure something out, and I promise that no big eagle birds will come and eat anybeast here."

He led Bilky back towards the Holt with a gentle paw on his shoulder.  Calm was vital to figuring out any situation.  Panic only led to rash thinking and poor judgment.  Elgar had already starting working out multiple solutions to the bird situation, though none of his ideas were very good yet.  An answer would come though, of that he was always certain.
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


  Outside Holt Reedbind -

  Shadow looked up to the mountains.  Indeed, there were large birds there, fighting.  "Those look like very large eagles to me.  They can fight pretty well though."  Shadow turned to see Elgar and Bilky heading back towards the Holt.  "Wait for me!  I'm acomin'!"  She raced after them, catching swift glances at the eagles fighting in the mountains.  She stepped inside the holt.  It was much darker inside than out, and it took a while for her eyes to adjust.  When they did, she saw many otters racing back and forth, doing different tasks.  Oh, how I wish that there weren't so many otters here, thought Shadow, it wouldn't be as noisy, to say the least!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!