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The Dragons of Fire Mouth Isle

Started by Rainshadow, July 15, 2012, 03:40:10 AM

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  Shadow was about to spit out a response when a roaring sound thundered around the abbey.  Abbess Joy breathed out the word "Blaze."  Shadow's eyes widened and she shouted, "Everybeast!  Get into the abbey!"  She held her sword at the ready as Joy led beasts into the abbey.
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  "What do you mean?"  Shadow looked at Ericus, secretly panicking but not showing it.  "I'm not going anywhere!  I'm gonna fight them off!"
  Lord Blaze was absolutely delighted.  They had made it to the abbey!  He let loose a burst of flame in the direction of the abbey.  It hit the door that the puny beasts had been heading to.  The door was defeated.  "MY FAITHFUL SERVANTS!  THE TIME HAS COME TO SHOW THE ABBEY BEASTS THE MEANING OF THE WORD PAIN!  ATTAAAAAAACK!!!"  As he shouted the last word, another jet of fire streamed from his mouth, covering the rest of the doors leading to the abbey building.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!



  Shadow handed her bow and arrows to Ericus.  "If you lose these I will kill you."  She ran up to a dragon that had landed in the grounds and started battling it.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Ericius drew back the bow and fired. She missed, but came close. Gull unwound his whip from his shoulders, keeping watch for any dragons that were landing.


  Blaze looked at the abbey building and smiled.  With one flap of his wings he flew to the roof and landed.  He was very pleased to hear the crunch of the building being smashed.  Now that the abbey was done for, he decided to look for the abbess.  Ah!  There she is!  Blaze flew down and landed right in front of her.  "Hello Abbess Joy.  Are you surprised to see me?"
  Shadow finished off the dragon and turned around to see Blaze standing in front of the abbess.  She ran to him and shouted, "Go fight someone your own size!"
  Blaze chuckled and, with a sweep of his tail, flung Joy into the wall.
  "NO!"  Shadow jumped on Blaze and started stabbing his nearly impenetrable skin.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Ericius fired another arrow, this time it glanced off the belly of a dragon. She allowed herself a smirk of satisfaction. She heard the crash and turned...and saw! Shadow was on Blaze stabbing at him. Ericius dove for Joy and put her paw on Joy's neck, feeling for a pulse...


  Joy groaned but didn't move.  Her eyes were closed and she was barely breathing.  Meanwhile, Shadow was still clinging to Blaze and stabbing at him with all her might.  Unfortunately, only a few of her stabs were making it through his armor.  His scales were thick and hard.
  Blaze roared with frustration.  He couldn't get this stupid cat off of him!  He took to flight, hoping that the wildcat would lose her grip and go plummeting to her death.
  But Shadow held on and started climbing her way to the dragon's head.  She dug her sword into his back.  She was met with a frustrated roar.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Joy was alive! Ericius summoned her strength for a healing. Joy's bones began to knit. It was too much for the old hedgehog, she went limp. And Joy wasn't completely healed.


  Joy moaned and groaned, her eyes opening.  She could see the battle around her, but she couldn't move.
  Shadow was holding on as tight as she could, but that wasn't enough!  "Ericus!  Aim for his eyes!  Hit the eyes!"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


OOC: Ericius is at death's door, so she can't really shoot at him.


  OOC:  Shadow doesn't know that.  She's having too much trouble holding on lol.

  BIC:  Blaze shook himself very hard, causing Shadow to lose her grip.  She fell to the ground, her whole life flashing before her.  Shadow knew she was going to die.  She spun around to face the ground.  Before her eyes was the pond!  Splash!  She had survived!
  Shadow got up and ran to Joy.  Joy didn't look very good.  Shadow grabbed her bow and grabbed an arrow, spinning around to aim for Blaze.  But to her frustration, she couldn't see him!  Where was he?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Whoa! When did the dragon slaying commence?  :D What should I do with Unicadoe?
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


  OOC:  You could have him come to Shadow and fight her.  Or something like that.

  BIC:  Shadow whipped her bow wildly around, trying to find the scaly lizard.  Where was he?
  Blaze chuckled to himself, watching the little kitty looking for him.  Was she really that stupid?  He was on the roof, waiting for her!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!