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Favorite Redwall RP characters Contest and Discussion Please VOTE

Started by Leatho Shellhound, July 20, 2012, 10:34:47 PM

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Who made the best Redwall RP character(s)

Stonefeet Earthotter
0 (0%)
Muchlik (Muck-lick) the Warrior
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (7.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
2 (14.3%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Davidari the Hero
2 (14.3%)
Maximus the Ranger
1 (7.1%)
Avatar Gareth
0 (0%)
Zanzuthari Deathhound Sparra
0 (0%)
Rusvul the Sabre
1 (7.1%)
Leneat Tazzun
0 (0%)
Shadow Wildfire
5 (35.7%)
Jag Wildfire
0 (0%)
1 (7.1%)
Dranfor Rofnard
1 (7.1%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Leatho Shellhound

You can post you favorite RP Character(s) and I will make a poll for people to vote on them. You can also talk about them here as well. BTW you may post up to 4, for the Contest.

1:Name:Stonefeet Earthotter
  Gender: Male
  Species: Otter
  Occupation: N/A
  Age: 18
  Weapon: Mace and chain
  Personality: N/A
  Appearance: white fur, Black eyes, gray feet and paws

2:Name, Muchlik (Muck-lick) the Warrior
  Weapon, Dagger
  Armor, A Red tunic covering chain mail.
  Age, 22
  Gender, Male
  Race, Mouse
  Appearance, White fur, brown eyes.
  Other, Brother of Hylia and chieftan of Noonvale.

3:Name: Hillack
  Age: 14 seasons
  Gender: male
  Species: Flying squirrel
  Wepaon: long viking dagger

4:Name, Foxessa (for short, fox)
  Weapon, sword
  Armor, A white dress.
  Age, 20
  Gender, female
  Race, Mouse
  Appearance, red fur, blue eyes
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Name: Kreasle
Age: 19 seasons
Gender: female
Species: squirrel
Wepon: Martin's sword
From: Redwall Abbey Vermin

Gender: Female
Age: teen
Appearence/occupation: she is a brownish black, wears a simple but flattering marching clothes, doesnt like to be bossed around, and is used to a soft life only in the long patrol due to her father
From: Off to MOssflower

Name: Tully
Species: Squirrel
Weapon: Bow and arrow or anything else Redwall has to offer
Age: 16 in human years
Gender: Female
Lives: Redwall as a part of a squirrel crew  maybe if that's allowed
Other: She is a white brown squirrel with a big bushy tail
From: Return of the WIldcats

Fun. is a fantastic band.

Leatho Shellhound

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Name: Dari
Species: Bat
Age: Young, but not all that young
Gender: Male
Weapons: Is so confident he won't get caught that he doesn't carry one
Armor: N/A
Appearance: Black, one ear cut off
Other: Thief

Name: Leeft
Species: Rabbit
Age: Mid aged
Gender: Female
Weapon: Dirks
Armor: Light green tunic with blue cloak
Appearance: Grey and white lop-eared rabbit
Other: Family died, husband, and their newborn leverts

Name: Zwerg
Species: Pygmy shrew
Gender: Male
Weapon: Small knife, which is technically a sword on him
Clothing: Chainmail over black tunic, black hat set with a red feather
Age: 31 seasons
Appearance: Small even for a pygmy shrew
Other: Bloodrath

Name: Clayclaw
Title: Clayclaw the Clever
Species: Mole
Age: Mid aged
Armor: Thick brown tunic
Weapon: War hammer
Appearance: Typical mole

They are all from Hero of Redwall


Name, Davidari the Hero
Weapon, The Knight Sword
Armor/Clothing, Green tunic covering chain mail, arm bracers, brown boots, Hylian Shield, wolverine pelt for cape
Age, 35
Gender, male
Race, mouse
Appearance, light brown fur, blue eyes, tatoos on back and paws, single ear piercing with ring, wedding ring
Other, Slayer of Zanthar Deathhound, descendant of Maximus the Ranger

Name, Maximus the Ranger
race, mouse
gender, male
age, 19 seasons
position, Redwall outcast
weapon, double-bladed sword
armor, green habit

Name (title), Avatar Gareth
Age, 15 seasons
Race, mouse
gender, male
weapon, Water, air, earth, and fire bending

Personality, Polite, strong leader, hates vermin, a little merciful.

Appearance, light brown fur, blue eyes, green tunic over chain mail (hint hint to some RPers), brown boots, arm bracers.

Other, Son of Davidari the Hero and Lady Hylia Voh.

Name, Zanzuthari Deathhound Sparra
Weapon, Trident of Demons
Armor, Black armor plates, Crimpson cape.
Age, ??
Gender, Male
Race, Fox
Appearance, Orange fur, blue eyes, black tipped tail.
Other, Once known as Devil, graduate from the Academy, undead so doesn't take as much damage as living creatures.  

I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

Leatho Shellhound

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i might as well post a few.

Rusvul the Sabre
weapon: sabre (duh), long dagger, medium dagger, short dagger.
armor/clothing: blue tunic, green cape
age: roughly 13
gender: male
race: fox
appearance: reddish fox with three scars across his eye, one across his nose. also is missing the tip of one ear, i think it is his left ear and his right eye. he has forest green eyes, and the scars are maroon.
personality: very honorable, not with a lot of physical strength or endurance, but with plenty of agility and speed. would rather run than fight, hates bloodshed and killing.

Leneat Tazzun
weapon: six short curved throwing knives, deadly aim
armor/clothing: green tunic, belt with crossbelt.
age: roughly 13
gender: female
appearance:reddish fox, more red than rusvul, with large tufts of hair on her head, bright blue eyes, a green tatoo of an adder spiraling around her arm. she does not know the origin of the tatoo.
personality: hates bloodshed, though slightly less than rusvul, also has no reservations about killing something that is charging at her face with a pointy weapon. more agile and less physical strength than rusvul, climbs trees extremely easily. avoids hand to hand combat at all costs, preffering to drop her enemies from a distance with her knives.

Leatho Shellhound

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Name: Shadow Wildfire
Species: Wildcat
Gender: Female
Age: 28 seasons
Side: Good
Home: Mossflower Woods wanderer
Appearance: Black, white flame mark on forehead, dark purple tunic, stormy grey eyes
Weapons: Black bow and quiver, black dagger, staff, foresight
Personality: Quiet, kind, doesn't trust easily

Name: Jag Wildfire
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Species: Wildcat
Weapons: Staff, silver sword
Side: Good
Appearance: Soft white fur with black paws, sea blue eyes, black tunic
Other: Kind, funny, charming, has a mate and child

Name: Dunadan
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Weapon: Airbending, staff/glider
Appearance: Cream colored fur, blue eyes, yellow and orange outfit
Side: Good
Home: Mossflower
Personality: Fun, happy, curious
Other: Loves traveling to Redwall
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

The poll is up, sorry it you can't vote for more than one character....I think it had to do with my computer.
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Leatho Shellhound

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If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

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Leatho Shellhound

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