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The Heart of a Warrior - Sign Up Thread

Started by Moss the Warriormaid, July 29, 2012, 08:43:50 PM

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Moss the Warriormaid

Extract from the record of Recorder Speecrum -

  It is at times like this that we need warriors.

  The worst thing that could ever happen to our abbey has finally happened;

 Not long ago, a group of assassins were able to sneak into our beloved Abbey and steal not only the sacred sword of Martin the Warrior and his tapestry, but also the life of young Abbot Colin! Our badgermum, Decreen, is temporarily taking charge in absence of an Abbot or Abbess. Young Snowdrop was horribly wounded, as she woke up just as the Assassins where about to murder poor Colin, and attempted stopping them. She was at the doors of the Dark Forest, and would have entered them had Sister Nucoreen not found her and quickly escorted her to Brother Huckle where he applied all of his concerns and work into saving the maiden's life, which, fortunately, he was able to.
  The unusually white-furred squirrelmaid is now content on catching up with these assassins and dealing with them....but shall she succeed?


Welcome to the Heart of a Warrior Sign Up Thread!

Here are the roles that anyone can play and the ones that are taken;

Snowdrop - Moss The Warriormaid

Rarou (Journies with Snow) - Dan

Zilch (Journies with Snow) - SpiderMonkey

Leten (Journies with Snow) - WILLWON

Badgermum - Open; may choose name

Brother Huckle (Healer) - Open

Speecrum (Recorder) - Moss the Warrior

Skipper of Otters - Open; may choose name

Log a Log of Gousim - Moss the Warriormaid

Assassins (Three open; may choose names) -

1. Capa Lor (Wildcat) - Moss the Warriormaid

2. Baumår (Pine Martin) - Wonwill

3. Open

4. Open

5. Open

Sisters and Brothers - Always Open; may choose names

Otters of Skippers tribe - Always Open; may choose names

Gousim Shrews - Always Open; may choose names

Fredur - Moss the Warriormaid

Here is the form; Credit to Willwon!

History (Optional):

Link to roleplay thread:


I'll be the guosim shrew.

Name: Leten
Species: Shrew
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Weapon: Rapier and bow
Personality: To be RPed
Appearance: Average shrew

Moss the Warriormaid


And yes, I think I should make a form as well.....^^'

Dannflower Reguba

I call the male squiddel!

Name: Rarou (Rah-Rouw) Liefrunner
Age: 25
Gender (duh) male
Species: SQUIDDEL!
Weapons: Twin short swords (back scabbards), wears a sling about waist... But prefers melee fighting.
Appearance: Golden fur (like Fwirl!) Dark green tunic with black marking and hood, piercing blue eyes
Personality: Kind hearted, welcoming, Self-conscious, loves to help others, gets quite at times, but is usually fun to be around
Other: Has had rough times early on, yet manages to pull kindness out of trial. (I think I had something else, might add it later)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Moss the Warriormaid

Dan, you are accepted!

You can roleplay as soon as you would like! 83

Dannflower Reguba

 :) Welcome to the forums. As I stated in The Front Lawns, I'm the resident goofball, and squirrel nut. This RP sounds great! Ha ha ha! lol, you took my white squirrel!  :D
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Moss the Warriormaid

Me? Take your squirrel? No....

White squirrels are mine!

They are my minions! >:3


Anyways, updated the RP thread!

Dannflower Reguba

Woops! Forgot to mention...
Around here, I'm usually reffered to as Danflorreguba, or Dannflower because there is another one on here called Danflor... If you get to know me well enough then you get my name and you can use that on OCCASION.  :)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Moss the Warriormaid


Name: Harlem
Species: Fox
Age: About five years.
Gender: Male
Weapon: He only has a dagger, as he tries to stay out of trouble.
Appearance: He has silver-and-black mottled fur and cheerful blueish eyes. He wears a brow cap with a large floppy feather, and a tan tunic.
Personality: He's laid back and easygiong,a nd prefers to keep to himself. He enjoys riddles, music and poetry, and considers himself quite the bard.
History (Optional): He was born into a rogue Clan, but he didn't take to fighting,a she isn't as strong or fast as the rest. Plus, his arts weren't appreciated there. So one night, when all were asleep, he grabbed his flute and his cap and snuck off, outrunning some sentries that had chased him all the way to Mossflower.
Other: Thanks!
The biggest mistake ever made was neglecting the art of escape; for it is shunned and looked down upon as cowardice, just until the split second when its use is the vital variable between life and painful death.


I'll do an assassin!

Name: Baumår
Species: Pine maten
Age: Older
Gender: Male
Weapon: Two knives for throwing and one longer one for melee.
Personality: He's a bit full of himself, and cruel, he enjoys killing with no reason
Appearance: Average pine maten, with scars lacing his body
Other: He's blind but an asset in that he is an expert killer and his other senses are finely tuned

Moss the Warriormaid

Everyone is accepted!

So is Harlem just a traveling fox; not one who kills?


Alright Moss, I'll try this before the otter gets taken. ;)  

Name: Zilch

Species: Otter

Age: 15

Gender:  Male

Weapon:  The typical otter javelin and sling

Appearance: Quite small for an otter, Rugged looking.

Personality:  Goofball, tends to take nothing seriously unless he's threatened.

History:  He was a Troublemaker as a dibbun, and lived in the abbey, Skipper's son if that's Ok with you Moss. :P

Other:  I got nothing else so far.

Moss the Warriormaid


Cool I'd like to join.  :D Ill take the role of skipper if you don't mind.

Name: Skathber
Species: Otter
Age: about 30 something seasons
Gender: male
Weapon: sling and sometimes javelin
Appearance: sleek brown fur wears a brown tunic with s ling and stone pouch around his waist. he is the strongest in his Holt. 
Personality: Good nurtured and level headed he values the life of his Otters more than his own.
History (Optional): the title and role of skipper was passed down to him by his father after he proved he was worthy.
Other: is the skipper and is a good tactician. he is trying to make his son into a good leader so he pushes him and is  more harsh and strict with him than the others.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?