
"Beep-Bloop" -Verdauga, 2024

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Started by Rainshadow, August 11, 2012, 09:27:43 PM

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"Sometimes I think it should be me in that wheelchair." Ericius muttered. Longear halted, breathless and laughing.


  Joy turned her head.  "Thank you for the wonderful ride.  It was... well... exciting!"  She laughed.
  Shade gestured for them to come in.  "C'mon, let's go get us summat ta eat."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Troy Troodon

OOC: Have I joined this RP? If I have then I'm sorry for not being active.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Longear nodded, "Ale, I'd like some ale."

The hare raised his head, dappled sunlight on his face. He sometimes questioned the life he lead, he was an outcast of the family Toresorem, by choice, though he did sometimes question that choice. He punched the tree next to him in rage, as if that tree was the cause of his problems. He looked at his paw, it was bloody and full of splinters. He ignored the throbbing and continued walking, toward Redwall.

OOC: No, his name isn't Toresorem. That's his family name.


  OOC:  I believe you did with a goose, but you might want to check the sign up page to be sure.

  BIC:  Joy wheeled her cart into the kitchen and smiled to the friar.  "Friar," she said, "might you send someone down to the cellars to get some October Ale for my friends here?"
  The friar nodded and pointed to a hedgehog.  "Please go get some October Ale."  The hedgehog ran to the cellars.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


The hare looked up at the imposing sandstone building; it was huge, even from this distance.

Longear smiled, "Excellent! It's been many a season since I've tasted fine ale."


  The hedgehog came back with several mugs of October Ale.  "'Ere ye are."
  Joy thanked him and took her share, followed by Abby and Shade.  "Thankee," said Abby.  Shade just grunted a thank and stuck her nose into the mug.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Longear slurped most of his down in a single gulp, "That's prime ale you have here!"


  Joy shrugged and stated, "Well, we like to think of it as the best in Mossflower.  So, what brings you here?"
 Shade said, "I dunno.  Food an' drink for me."
 "Well, I came here 'cause I ain't ever been here afore," said Abby.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"I came to keep Shade out of trouble."


  Shade rolled her eyes at Longear.  "More like I came ta keep you outta trouble."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Longear snorted, "You wish."


  Abby put herself between the fox and wildcat.  "Alright, alright, settle down here.  We don't wanna fight in the Abbey, ye two."
  Shade grunted and started drinking her ale again.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"I'll fight wherever I please, and it isn't here!" Longear said, an outrageous look of nobility on his face.


  Abby turned to Abbess Joy.  "I'm sorry for these two's behavior.  They be tired, an' I think that's makin' 'em grumpy."
  Shade snorted but didn't say anything.  She thanked the Abbess and walked out.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!