
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Started by DanielofRedwall, August 13, 2012, 09:32:16 AM

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This game plays similar to "Overlord's Orders", but as I explain the rules you'll see it is a lot different in a number of ways. It's an adapted-for-forums version of a game my friend made up to pass the time on the long bus trip from school. Read each section and decide if you want to sign up!

The Idea
The Idea
I will be the "scenario" master. I've come up with a sort of story. Your aim is to work through the story without dying. Sounds fun, right?  ;) :D
Throughout the story I will have parts where you decide what option you will take. Whichever option you decide will result in different consequences and will alter your story, some good, some bad and some not really effecting you at all. There won't necessarily be any way for you to tell if you've made the right choice, but you have to pick which one you think sounds right. There may be ways to pick the one which will result in the best consequence, such as the context of the game and some may just seem more logical. This means it does take some skill as well as a bit of luck. But it is up to you to decide what to do!
How it's played
How it's Played
The only thing you really need to do is decide which option you'll take. Because you will each be working through the story in different ways, your decisions will not alter the outcome of the other player. In fact, you won't even come across the other players at all. So it's fairly simple on your part, harder on mine. Your aim is to survive longer than the other players. The next round of posting will begin once I post up the next bit of the story after every player makes there decision.
Example Round
Example Round
Because this might seem complex, here is a quick example of a round to show you what it's like. Say there were three players: Bob, John and Jane.

Scenario: You open your eyes and find yourself in a place you've never been before. It is extremely dark and you can't even see your own hand in front of your eyes. You feel in your pockets and discover two things: A book of matches and a torch. What do you do?

Options: Option A: Light the matches and throw away the torch. Option B: Turn on the torch and throw away the matches. Option C: Throw them both away.

The three players will then make their decision in the post. For example:

Bob: I choose option A.
John: I choose option A.
Jane: I choose option B.

Next post, the scenario master will then post something like this:
Results for Bob and John: The light of the matches gives you just enough light to see where you are, but not enough to disturb anything which may be living in here.. You appear to be in some dark cave. There isn't much you can see, but you think you can see the light of the match reflect in some water. You suddenly feel a dreadful thirst. What do you do?
Options: Option A: Crawl towards the water. Option B: Stay where you are.

Results for Jane: The light of the torch blinds your eyes as you turn it on. It also awakes a giant hungry bear. You die.

(Except you won't die so early on.)

Sign Ups
Sign Ups
Sign ups is done the same as the "Overlord's Orders" games. Below is a lot of numbers. The first person to sign up must put their username next to the first number. The next person to sign up must copy/paste the list from the other person and put their username next to the next number. You may pull out at any time as it won't affect anyone else. There will be six players for this round. First come, first served. Sign ups close when we have five players or after a reasonable amount of time. Even if you don't manage to sign up you can always play along in your head. :)


So that's the game. It will probably make more sense as the game goes on. Good luck, hope you have fun!

Current Players:

1. Tiria Wildlough
2. Psybox
4. Trigoma
5. SpiderMonkey
6. Flandor
Received mostly negative reviews.

Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Excellent. :) You have read how to sign up, haven't you? Copy/paste the list of numbers. :) I'll just sign you up anyway. The next person, copy/paste the list from the original post.
Received mostly negative reviews.


might as well try it.
1. Tiria Wildlough
2. Psybox


1. Tiria Wildlough
2. Psybox


Anyone else interested before I start in a couple of days?
Received mostly negative reviews.


Sounds like a lot of fun. I'll give it a go.

1. Tiria Wildlough
2. Psybox
4. Trigoma
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


I think I'll give it a try.

1. Tiria Wildlough
2. Psybox
4. Trigoma
5. SpiderMonkey


1. Tiria Wildlough
2. Psybox
4. Trigoma
5. SpiderMonkey
6. Flandor

I LOVE choose your own adventure books haha.
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Quote from: Flandor on August 21, 2012, 10:44:52 PM
I LOVE choose your own adventure books haha.
This game is quite a bit like those, isn't it? I wasn't thinking of that! :D

And that's all the spots filled up! I'll start it as soon as I can.

I've been thinking, perhaps contestants should PM me their options to avoid cheating. I'll post what everyone chose afterwards. Thoughts?
Received mostly negative reviews.


Sounds good, I agree that if the first 5 people choose "A" then the sixth will probably go along with the majority. 


Sorry for the delay guys! Let's get started!

1. Tiria Wildlough
2. Psybox
4. Trigoma
5. SpiderMonkey
6. Flandor

Send your decisions to me by PM. :)

Scenario: You wake up in a dark room and suddenly realise this isn't your bedroom. You have a strong headache and feel like you've been drugged. There is a single window in your room, but it is too small, too high up and to murky to see anything out of. You go back and lie down on your bed again. Suddenly, you hear a knock at the door.

Options: Option A: Answer the door. Option B: Don't answer the door.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


My answer (correct of course ;)) was sent to you.