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Dragon Cave!

Started by Dannflor, September 05, 2012, 07:42:29 PM

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New eggs.
Please click!


Please click!


Free Egg! Claim it anyone. Free till someone claims it.
Claim my eggs/hatchlings!
My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.

Mad Maudie

Could you guys click the eggs in my siggie?
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



I need a lot of help. I've got a ton of eggs that have died. :(
Please click!


Clicked all the ones on this page.

Just so you all know, the Halloween event will be coming up soon!  Grab any other eggs you want now, and stop catching eggs at the 16th.  That will give your eggs time to hatch before the 24th.  Why the 24th?  Because that's one week before Halloween, and it's the ONLY time that Halloween eggs from past years breed - they're pretty rare.  So what you'll want to do is, like I said, stop catching eggs at the 15th.  Your eggs you've caught before then will hatch, and you'll be left with four free spots to catch eggs.  So, starting at midnight EST on the morning of the 24th, look on the page of abandoned dragons, and keep an eye out for old Halloween eggs!  Otherwise you'll need to wait till next year.
I will try breeding some and gifting them to you guys here as well, so stay tuned to this thread.  ;)
And we'll need to just wait and see what he does on the 31st itself.  There's always a one-day-only Halloween egg release that day, so make sure you've got at least one egg spot open then; I'm not sure what he'll do apart from that.

Trisscar, here's a site you can use to get them to hatch.  Stick them in there once you've had the egg for at least a day (if you put them in too soon, they can get sick and die from sickness), and just having them on the site will be enough to let them hatch/grow up.  This is the one I use.  I've already added those current three eggs, since you have "accept aid" turned on, so you don't need to worry about those, so just for future reference. ;)


Could you try breeding some for me please? Because I on't think I'll be able to be on the computer long enough.

Mad Maudie

Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Quote from: Redwaller on October 12, 2012, 05:45:31 PM
Could you try breeding some for me please? Because I on't think I'll be able to be on the computer long enough.
Older Halloween eggs?  Here's how I'll do those.

Of these three kinds, at *most* (assuming they all breed and produce eggs, and I'm keeping 2 Shadow-Walkers for myself to complete my set of them), I will be able to give away 3 Pumpkins, 4 Black Marrows, and 2 Shadow-Walkers.   If anyone posts now with what they'd like (only 1 request per person), I can put them on the list, and then when I try to breed (starting on the 24th), if it's successful, it can go to them.  

- Only 1 request per person.
- I can't guarantee that a breeding will be successful, unfortunately, and there is only ONE chance to produce these eggs per year.  Be forewarned that being on the list doesn't guarantee you an egg. :(  The purpose is just to know who to give the eggs to if I can produce them this year.
- Once I produce an egg and PM you with the Teleport link, I will only hold onto the eggs for about 1 day; if you do not respond/claim the teleport link by then, you forfeit the egg.
- If the lists aren't full, and if one of the breedings is unsuccessful, that person may request an egg of another type instead if that second breed has leftovers.  (If there's more than one unsuccessful breeding, the leftover egg(s) [and choice of breed, if applicable] will go in the order of whoever made the original request first.)
- If the lists aren't full and everyone on it gets an egg, and I don't give away the leftovers elsewhere, I'll post about it here.

So, post your request if you want one of these!  ;)

1. gorath
2. Dalek Fur

Black Marrow:
1. Redwaller
2. AxeHound

1. dannflorreguba
2. Mad Maudie

Dannflower Reguba

Shadow Walker!
And a Black Marrow if no one else wants one, but if someone else wants one, they can have it.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Mad Maudie

Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.


(please do not send me the pm game messages)


Quote from: AxeHound on October 13, 2012, 12:02:09 AM
Shadow walker!

Those spots are full since danflorreguba and Mad Maudie asked for them first; would you like a Pumpkin or Black Marrow instead?


Sorry, I posted again.
My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.