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What is your headcanon?

Started by Dawnwing, September 09, 2012, 06:15:40 AM

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I made a thread like this on another forum and it was pretty successful, so I thought I'd post it here.


So, there's this term, personal canon, or "headcanon", that refers to what one person personally considers to be canon (what "really" happened) in their mind. It can be about something that the book/movie/etc left intentionally ambiguous, or maybe it was something minor they never mentioned, or maybe you just don't like what is canon.

So, what is your personal canon?


Here's mine (in spoiler tags if they contain spoilers):


Maximum Ride
After book 3, the School and everything associated with it was revealed to the public and shut down. Max and friends lived a peaceful life, eventually merging with society by hiding their wings. Max and Fang ended up married. Nudge married a regular human, and Iggy found that one other winged girl that the flock met in the second(?) book and became really close to her.  Angel and Gazzy either stayed single or found a regular human. The whole group remained really good friends and saw each other often for their entire lives.

I like to think that Onewhisker is Tallstar's nephew. I will be very disappointed if the "Tallstar's Revenge" super edition doesn't have that relation.
last book

Sandstorm and Dustpelt retired after the battle. With both of their mates gone, the cat they were closest to in the Clan was each other. It wasn't a romantic relationship, but they became pretty close again.
Brambleclaw was a good Clan leader - not as famous a leader as Firestar, but he at least didn't become another Tigerstar like he always feared. Squirrelflight was a loyal deputy, finally retiring. I'd really like to see Lionblaze as the next deputy, becoming leader and having Dovewing as his own deputy, but realistically I think the position would be offered, but he'd turn it down because it wouldn't really be fair to have a nine-lived invulnerable leader (especially since the other Clans now know about his power).  So I think that maybe Cinderheart would be the next leader, with either Dovewing or Ivypool as her deputy.
Lionblaze and Cinderheart had kits, and so did Dovewing and Bumblestripe (the authors have confirmed that's who Dove ended up with anyway). Clan boundaries were more relaxed after the battle, and Ivypool and Tigerheart had a romantic relationship. Jayfeather and Half Moon were reunited in StarClan.
I kind of like the one fan's suggestion that maybe Breezepelt and Nightcloud ran off to become rogues. I'd say Ashfoot died in the battle since she's so old and Crowfeather became deputy - seems natural to me, since Deadfoot had said he might make a fine leader, and one of the authors had said Nightcloud wanted to be Crowfeather's mate because he's "going places". I haven't decided whether I want him to become leader yet.
Mistystar's nine lives didn't last long since she's already like the oldest cat in the Clans, but her son/deputy Reedwhisker became leader afterward. He just picked some random RiverClan cat as his deputy.
Blackstar remained leader for a while yet - lived longer than Mistystar but shorter than Onestar - still remaining his stubborn self. Rowanclaw became leader, but I don't know who he would have chosen as deputy; not Tigerheart, I think. Tawnypelt just remained a senior ShadowClan warrior.
Crag raised one of Stormfur's kits to be the next Stoneteller, as Sign of the Moon implies that the Tribe of Endless Hunting had originally wanted.

Savannah Reid (an obscure chick-lit mystery series nobody's heard of)
Dirk wasn't actually "sleep-crying" in the scene where he's grieving for his ex-wife and blaming himself for her death. He was awake and alert, just pretended the next morning that he'd slept through the whole thing of him crying and Savannah hugging him and comforting him so that things wouldn't be awkward between the two of them.

Inheritance Cycle
last book

The dragons were not behind everything: werecats just have an innate, uncontrollable fortunetelling ability, and Arya's spell to teleport the egg was meant to send it to the person who it would be best off with - she *thought* it would be Brom, and it would have been, had it not been the perfect time for Saphira's true Rider, Eragon, to bond with her.

Death Note
Something like this fanfic happened between L and Lind L. Tailor.

Dragonheart 2 was an alternate continuity and not canon.  It's an okay film, considering it was direct-to-DVD, and being for more of a younger audience.  Changed too much about the original, though. Draco is the last dragon in my mind.  Not Drake, not Griffin.  I don't like the ice-breath thing.  And in the first movie, dragons could only breathe fire out their nose - was necessary to make a believable standoff between Bowen and Draco - but they just forgot that here.  Just lots of little things like that make it not fit in with the original; it's better when you judge it by itself.

Video Games
Portal and Portal 2
Cave Johnson is no relation to Chell. I don't really see him and Caroline as actually having married, though I imagine there was something of a relationship there. I can picture them as being close friends, joking around with and teasing each other (like the "Goodbye, Caroline" thing which apparently references a TV show that was around at that time), perhaps flirting a bit. Ultimately, though, I feel that Cave would have been more devoted to his business than anything else, seeing her as a devoted assistant, while Caroline might have had a much stronger, one-sided love for him.
As far as Caroline, I haven't quite decided yet for sure, but either she's Chell's birth mother, or (and I think I might be leaning toward this more) because of her feelings for Cave she never married, and instead sees Chell as the daughter she never had (either because she knew her as a friend's daughter, or because she saw her from inside GLaDOS and felt protective of this one living human girl).   I don't think that GLaDOS and Caroline are one and the same - I think it's more like because of the upload Caroline influenced certain parts of GLaDOS' personality (and voice), but they are two different entities. Caroline herself just didn't "wake up" until the trip into Old Aperture, and she doesn't have any major control over GLaDOS or anything, she can only talk to GLaDOS, or maybe even less than that (perhaps GLaDOS can only feel Caroline's emotions, seperate from her own).  GLaDOS didn't really delete Caroline - perhaps, after a while, the two are able to become friends and keep each other company.
The 99999999.... was an error because the systems were shut down for a bit, and turning them back on caused it to "reset" kind of like a VCR resets to 12:00. Maybe 200-300 years actually passed.
Rattman died after the Lab Rat comic.
This happened after Chell got out.

Kid Icarus: Uprising
 Chap. 18
Palutena put Pit inside the ring to protect him. She realized the Chaos Kin was there and that it was about to win. It was after her, but once it won, it would probably kill Pit because he would be a threat to it; he would never follow what it/Possessed!Palutena had planned. (And he wouldn't come back to life, since in-game he says he only gets revived because Palutena's watching out for him.) So before the Chaos Kin possessed her, she had a chance to do one last thing: she put Pit's consciousness in a ring and flung it to Earth. This way, Pit's body would still be kept alive. Even though it might be forced to harm humans, there was still the chance that he could regain control of it and defeat the Chaos Kin. She chose a ring because it would be the most likely object to be picked up and worn and kept safe, thereby making it easier for Pit to go in search of his body. He heard her say something about the Chaos Kin before she did this, which is why he has the name in his head when he "awakens" as a ring.

There's a bug in the game where if you complete the "In My Time of Need" quest, two Alik'r warriors will permanently spawn at the entrance of Whiterun and you'll still see random Alik'r questioning Redguard women. My headcanon is that the two waiting there have made an agreement with the guards: they promise they won't cause trouble or even enter the city, they'll just wait at the entrance and watch for Saadia if she ever tries to leave. As far as the random encounters, they're just some of Kematu's men that haven't gotten the message that Kematu is dead so they're still trying to find Saadia for him.
For the "No Stone Unturned" quest, you'll see that the restored Crown of Barenziah has 25 stones in it, even though it was empty when you found it and you only had to find 24 stones. Vex had the last one and had found it first, then learned of the stones' history, and after you found another one (or several), she realized there was a real chance of collecting them all and told you there were 24, not feeling the need to mention she had one.