
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Round 1 Danflorreguba (Rarou) vs. Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin)

Started by BrookSkimmer, September 26, 2012, 06:43:18 PM

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You have one week from today to put up at least three posts for judging.
If you make more than three posts you must signify which posts you want judged.
All posts must be at least three sentences long.

Do not:
auto-hit (posting hits on anyone's character. Post your attacks and the other person will respond with whether the attack connected or not. Receiving a hit does not mean you will loose the match.)
God-mode (make your character so strong that nothing can hurt them)
Mary-sue (make your character perfect in every way)

First come, first served for posting. Your first post may or may not include an opening attack.

Have fun!!!

The quarry at twilight, an eerie place. The wind gusted through the soft stone and caused flurries of dust to rise. The area had been lit by torches in sconces, the light flickering and dancing as the wind played with it. A wide part of the quarry was roped off as boundaries for dueling contestants. The roped area included a pile of large boulders, an open sandy area, and sheer rock walls. High on the edge of the quarry rested a small booth in which the tournament judges watched.

A voice echoed down to the contestants. "Round one! Rarou vs. Tarwin! Begin!"


Rarou was sharpening both his swords, and his wits before the match, sword on stone, and his mind let loose.

"Round one! Rarou vs. Tarwin! Begin!"

The golden squirrels' ears stood flagstaff at the call, "It is time," he thought to himself. Sheathing both swords he calmly paced out to his designated area.... He took quick note of the high sheer walls, those could work to his advantage... "Should try to stay out of the sand, that could potentially slow me down to dangerous, possibly fatal lack of speed." It was then that Rarou looked to his oppenent...


Warrior of Mossflower

BIC: Tarwin Rushburrl Shellhound fell immediately into a fighting stance as he entered the arena. The lithe young otter gripped Corriam's Lance tightly; in his free paw he held his sling loosely. A stone was already fitted inside. Tarwin glanced up at the towering walls, then at his enemy. A squirrel. I might be in a pinch here. The sand is bound to slow me down, and that golden squirrel has the advantage of climbing. Oh well, I didn't train in being light-footed for no reason. Let's go! I'm a descendant of the outlaw Leatho Shellhound, and no squirrel's gonna take me down! He slapped his rudder down as his challenge rang out, echoing around the arena.
"I am the Shellhound! Let's see the colour of yore insides, matey! Ee aye eeeeee!"



"I am the Shellhound! Let's see the colour of yore insides, matey! Ee aye eeeeee!"

Rarou took his final steps to his starting position. He took up the "Parade-Rest," position facing his opposition. The golden furred creature cocked his head this way and that, studying the reactions of the beast down the way. It was not until then that he graced his foe with an answer, calm and collected as ever he was, "I must say that if I were into this whole shouting buisiness, that would have been quite the acomplishement there. As it is, I put no stock in the bellows of beast, good or bad, big or small."

***modified to fix name misspells***  ;D ***keep going you guys***


Tarwin smiled. The smile was not completely hostile, but not friendly, either. It seemed to say, I don't want to kill you, but I'll do what I must."Really now? Well that's interestin', mate."
The otter darted towards the wall. I know he's going to use it, and who says I can't? He leaned against it, giving Rarou that same 'I'm-sorry-but-you're-not-going-to-last-long-with-me' smile and inviting him to take the next move. He was ready.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.

Dannflower Reguba

Rarou raised his eyebrows and showed his own wry grin in return, "An interesting predicament you just thrust your self into otter, you realize you're now backed against a wall right?" The golden furred squirrel didn't give the dueler enough time to respond as he rushed in front of him, crouched with both swords ready, "A squirrel can usually overlook such subtle matters as unimportant as we can simply scale any obstacles in our path, but an otter such as you doesn't have that advantage."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Tarwin smirked, unafraid. "Oh really now?" He leapt high into the air and pushed off the wall, vaulting over the squirrel's head. With lightning speed he whipped back with his lance, hoping to land Rarou a stinging blow to the midriff.

OOC: This does not have to be judged.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.

Dannflower Reguba

Rarou wasn't expecting this kind of move, but after some of the foes' he'd faced, he left himself loose. He drooped slightly lower, and caught the incomg steel in a "scissors," manuever. The squirrel thouroughly wrenched on the tip to attempt one of two things, first, he hoped to break the tip outright, second, he hoped to wring the weapon out of Shellhounds grasp.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Tarwin tried to pull the lance back. It's been broken too many times, it's already fragile! He pulled harder, but his mind told him something entirely different. Let it go...push forwards...use the sling... Tarwin understood immediately. With a grunt, he relaxed his grip and shoved the weapon towards Rarou. Without a second thought, he attempted to bring his loaded sling smashing down on the squirrel, right between the tufty golden ears.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.

Dannflower Reguba

"Tugging, tugging, tugNOPE!" "There's no more resistance!" Rarou rushed into a roll to save himself from the rather obvious attempt at his head, one miss and he was a goner. The athletic squirrel sprang to his paws as soon as they came over his own body, and turned.... a purposefully broken lance in his hand. Rarou threw it over his shoulder, then remembered the cliff face... "Nah," he thought to himself, "I've got plenty advantage as it is." He continued the fight by circling his opponent.

OOC: Plan on this post being judged! (I'll remove this note if I don't want it judged)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Tarwin tried not to mourn over the lance. It's been broken before. If I survive, I can always fix it. This filled him with fire and energy. Throwing caution to the wind, he launched himself at the squirrel with an overwhelming animal roar. His sling was whirling; not to fire a stone, but to lay his enemy low with it loaded. He swiped furiously at Rarou.

OOC: This does not have to be judged.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.

Dannflower Reguba

Anger was now on Rarous' side! He had been hoping for that as a side-effect and he sure got it. The fast squirrel ducked and rolled under his foes' charge. He sprang up and whirled his right sword around for a strike at the otters' back, and let the force drive his left sword in a stab maneuver also towards his back. The golden furred creature couldn't help but notice how precariously close they were to the drudging sands, but that would affect both himself and the otter so it didn't nake too much difference, though it would alter his own course of action slightly more than this sea dogs' as the squirrel was and always would be one for speed, not heavy duke-outs.

OOC: This one is also marked for judging AT THE MOMENT. Descisions subject to change.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Tarwin spun as he felt the blade graze the coarse fur on his back. He thrashed sideways with the sling, suddenly bringing it vertical across his enemy's head. Any creature can be wounded; this squirrel is no different, though I have not struck him quite yet, have I? Oh well. The otter narrowed his eyes. For the Lance! He whacked out again, this time towards Rarou's sword-paw. Tarwin backed up slightly, for he too had realised that the warriors were steadily edging towards the sand.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.

Dannflower Reguba

Rarou lazily side-stepped the first assault, a and simply withdrew his hand at the second. The squirrel was not impressed in the least, "You're going to have to up your game alot if you plan on striking me. I'm not a big fat ol' rat that stands there as you hack him to pieces, and attacks like these will get you no where." Interesting that the otter would evade the sand since he would be less affected by the grainy material. What did his foe fear about the sand? Certainly not being slowed down! It should be obvious to Tarwin by now that Rarou was completely a reaction and speed fighter.

OOC: Ready for judging.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This