
"Beep-Bloop" -Verdauga, 2024

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The Chase

Started by Rainshadow, October 07, 2012, 12:22:06 AM

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  The Mask was unhappy.  He was very unhappy.  His one prisoner had escaped!  How could his prisoner have escaped when it was broad daylight, and he had had most of his crew watching her?
  As he was following his tracker at the lead of the pack, he turned his head to sweep over his horde.  "Kyte, come here.  I have a task for you."

  Ray was stumbling through the woods, not caring if she made tracks.  All she wanted to do was get away from the terrible creatures following her!  As she was running along, she tripped over a root and smacked her head into the solid trunk of a tree.  Looking at what she had hit, she saw a door in the side of the tree.  Ray couldn't read, so she didn't know what it said on the door.  She continued running away, leaving the small door leading to Brockhall behind.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Aticaus started, he had been poking around Brockhall when Ray had ran into it. Mumbling about kids and their crazy games, he went back to his business.

"Task fer me? I do task good." Kyte nodded.

OOC: I assume you mean my Kyte.


  OOC:  Yes.

  BIC:  "Good, good.  I want you to go scout out the path ahead of us and see if there is anything worth mentioning."  The Mask knew that there was a great building, possibly a castle, ahead of them.  He wanted to raid it, but first he wanted his prisoner back!

  Ray realized that the tree she had left behind might have been a home.  She ran back and banged on the door.  "Let me in!  Please, oh please let me in!"  She figured that if no one was there, she could still probably break down the door.  She certainly was hitting it very hard!

  OOC:  Wonwill, if you want to have Kyte spot Ray, you can.  Just don't make it too obvious (example:  Kyte's flying by and all of a sudden, "Oh, look!  A fox, standing right there!  I could see it perfectly!  This was such an easy task.").
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

RaKe NiGhTfUr

Zwan and Zoah watched the Vermin as the talked


Kyte nodded again and soared into the air, heading along the path, eyes alert for Ray, or any obvious difficulties.

Aticaus grinned as he found and grabbed a dusty book, in his younger seasons he had visited Redwall, he couldn't read, but they could. He sneezed as the dust flew off the cover and into his nose. Rubbing it, he started trekking up toward the door.

RaKe NiGhTfUr

Zwan pulled out his bow and arrows and aimed at the bird he pulled the string back and "ZWAN LOOK AT THAT THERE BEAST!"  Zwan was so startled that his posion arrow missed the bird by a good half a mile. "What i just about to kill that blloody bird"Zwan hissed. "Look that beast over there looks like good prey. I am very hungry and we nned to eat"

"I like your thinking Zoah"


  Ray continued banging her fist on the door.  She started crying and wailed out, "Please let me in!  They're going to kill me!"

  The Mask watched the large bird lift off and rubbed his paws together.  Soon he would have his prisoner back, and after that, to the castle!  What was that place called, he wondered.  Redwall?  No, that couldn't be it.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

RaKe NiGhTfUr

Slowly the two mosue brothers crept up om their future dinner


  Ray looked around to see if anyone was following her.  She thought she saw a creature off to one side, but she wasn't sure.  She took a second glance.  There were creatures!  Two mice, in fact.  "H-hello?  Can you help me?  I-I think I'm being chased by someone.  They're going to kill me if they find me!"  She banged on the door once again.  She didn't quite like the looks of these mice.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

RaKe NiGhTfUr

"Yes little beastie we can help you die" said Zwan lunging at the madden


  Ray screamed and ran.  She ran for her life, instantly hating the two mice.  "Why are you trying to kill me?"  she shouted to the creatures she knew were chasing her.  "Why?!"

  OOC:  If you could go a little light on the attacking, that would be really nice.  I don't want the main character of the RP to get killed lol.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

RaKe NiGhTfUr

OOC: yeah i know... but it is in their blood. However she wont die...not yet atleast

BIC: Zwan put an arrow on his bow and fired while Zoah ran after the maddien who was surorisinly fast. "I am hungry young one. I need blood to fuel me"


  "NO!"  Ray ran on, her heart feeling as though it would burst out of her chest.  "I will not end up as someone's dinner!"

  The Mask was beginning to get impatient.  When were they going to find his prisoner?  He hated the fact that she was able to escape so easily.  That was one of his reasons for wanting her back.  If a young fox could get away from the dreaded Mask, everyone should be able to!  He didn't want that thought of him.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

RaKe NiGhTfUr

Just as Zwan was about to fire he saw his brother trip...he quickly let his arrow go and ran towards his bro


Marvin was paddling lazily around the abbey pond, almost dozing.