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Round 3 Matthias 720 (Matthias the Warrior) vs. Daniel of Redwall (Cluny)

Started by BrookSkimmer, October 25, 2012, 02:36:02 AM

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The sting of winter had just begun to touch Redwall Abbey's orchard. Small gusts of icy wind played fitfully about trees and shrubs. Some snow had begun to form drifts about the area. The last of the season's fruits hung grimly onto branches that were ready to shed their burden. Late russet apples, new winter pears, a few pawfuls of blackberries, and some over ripe damsons, were all that was left of Autumn's harvest.

It was twilight, the last birds of the day sang their evening songs. Stars were beginning to glitter in the sky as it changed from hues of orange and red to the deep blue black of night. Sconces baring torches had been set at various intervals between the trees to light the dueling field. Their flames guttered and flickered and cold winds caused them to dance. Contestants were to pit their skills against each other in these famed orchards. Weaving among trees, using wheelbarrows as possible blockades, and maybe even taking advantage of the fruits of the season or snow in their attacks. This would be a battle to remember.

A judging booth containing three otters bundled for cold weather was set up to one side of the orchard with a good view of the scene. A shout rebounded off the red sandstone walls of the famed abbey of Redwall.

"Matthias the Warrior versus Cluny the Scourge! Ready, begin!"


OOC: We could just copy word-for-word the duel description between these two from the book! XD But on a serious note, do you want to make references to the book, Matthias? Almost as if this was a re-written version of the ending? Anyway...

BIC: The moon and stars made the battle armour Cluny the Scourge was dressed in glow faintly with an eerie hue as he stood in the middle of the duelling area. An iron railing from St Ninian's Church he held in one claw and his whip-like tail with the poison barb on the end of it he held in the other. His one eye flickered from side to side inside his helmet as he slowly rotated on the spot, hoping to catch a glimpse of his opponent before his opponent saw him. "Where are you, mouse?!" he snarled out to the space, the sound echoing around the trees.
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OOC: Imitating the book would be a fitting homage to the entire series, Let's do it!

BIC: Striding cautiously through the trees, Matthias struggled to compensate for the armor he was now wearing. It hampered his movements, was hot and uncomfortable, and it felt like it weighed as much as the great Joseph Bell itself. As he struggled to silent, Matthias heard the voice of his nemesis calling out to him. With great difficulty, he managed to sneak from tree to tree until he was only a few trees away from the rat. He paused a moment, collecting both his thoughts and his breathe, knowing full well that this would be his last moment of peace for quite a while. Quieting his anxieties, Matthias gathered his courage and stepped out from behind the tree. "Here I am, Cluny the Scourge. Face me in battle! I have come to settle a score with you!"

OOC: Please judge this post


Cluny did a double take. Surely not! Here, standing before him in full armour and with his dazzling sword stood the warrior mouse! The one from the tapestry, the one that had been haunting his dreams! Cluny, for the first time in his life, felt the cool grip of fear. "Wh-who are you? Go away! I'm not asleep! You're dead! Long dead! Leave me alone!" While shouting these words Cluny ran in to the nearby trees.
Cluny shook himself. Martin was dead. This must be an entirely different mouse. Of course! It was that imprudent young mouse from that night he demanded the Abbey for the first time! It wasn't Martin at all!
His fears conquered, he came out from the trees again and addressed the mouse. "Haha, you're just an ickle mousey! One last thing standing in the way of me claiming this entire Abbey! Cluny's Castle I shall call it! Come at me, I'm not afraid!" He bent his knees, Held the railing crossed against his body in both claws and braced himself.

OOC: Please use this post for judging.
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It seemed to Matthias that Cluny was possibly crazier than when they had last seen each other, when Cluny had demanded the surrender of the Abbey. If he hadn't been such a threat, Matthias would have almost felt sorry for him. Looking across at the rat he said "I am that is. Martin, Matthias, call me what you will. But today, I will end your miserable life." As if on cue, the Joseph Bell rang out, loud and clear. Holding the sword of Martin aloft, and his shield in front, Matthias charged towards Cluny, "For Redwaaaalllll!" Upon reaching his nemesis, Matthias swung down with all his might at Cluny.

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There was a loud clang! that echoed from the trees as metal crashed about metal. Cluny had braced himself for impact and, as the sword swung, he lifted the iron railing above his head to stop the momentum of the sword and parry the blow. As soon as he felt the sword hit the railing he pushed outwards, hoping to put the mouse off balance. In the same act he swung his tail in an arc at Matthias' legs, again aiming to trip his foe.
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Matthias parried the metal railing, struggling momentarily to keep his balance. Upon seeing Cluny's second attack, Matthias skipped to one side, out of range of the attack. With a quick flick of his sword, Matthias swung the blade in a flashing arc straight for Cluny's tail.


Cluny tried jumping away to avoid the sword, but failed. He cried out as it swung through the tip of his tail, severing it and taking the poison barb with it. He backed away in tot he trees for a while to allow most of the pain to pass, and to turn his mind to his next move. With some quick thinking, an idea formed. Breaking forth from the cover of trees and charging forward, he grabbed some dirt from the floor (some which hadn't frozen over from the icy wind) and flung it towards Matthias' face, hoping to blind the young mouse momentarily. As he did so, he rushed upon his foe, making a quick swing at head-height.

OOC: Please use this post for judging.
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As Cluny threw the dirt at his face, Matthias swiftly raised his shield deflecting the soil back to where it came from. Seeing Cluny's next strike coming, Matthias raised Martin's sword to absorb the blow. Waves of numbness traveled through the blade as they clashed, into his body, and felt from ears to tail. With his paws like that, he had difficulty maintaining focus, but somehow managed to continue battling onwards. Giving no quarter, Matthias led Cluny on a dance of death across the Abbey grounds, from walls, to lawns, past the entrance to Great Hall. Sweating profusely, Matthias paused for moment to catch his breathe, but maintained his guard by keeping his shield raised.

OOC: I hope this doesn't count as auto-hits, but I had a hard time staying close to the book without continuing the battle around the Abbey grounds. Just trying to keep the continuity going.

OOC #2: Please judge this post


OOC: That's fine, Matthias.

Cluny's claws were numbed considerably from the constant clashes of metal, but he battled on, not daring to show signs of weakness. As Matthias stopped to catch his breath, he thought he saw his chance. He literally ran tight circles around his weary opponent, his aim to confuse Matthias enough so he wouldn't know which side of his body the rat was going to strike from. Then, suddenly, he sprinted forward and lashed out, hoping to Matthias' back with the railing, and then ran to the other side of where he charged from, where he started circling again and looked to see what the result of his manoeuvre was.

OOC: Please use this post for judging.
Received mostly negative reviews.