Rainshadow (Shadow) VS Skyblade (Silverstorm) mock tournament duel

Started by Skyblade, October 28, 2012, 12:23:28 AM

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So... I figured, why should people who dropped out of the tournament feel left out? That's why Rainshadow and I set this this mock duel. It'll be like a real tournament round. We'll post until the end of the week and then choose our best three. Except that instead of judges I'll set up a poll at the end of the week, and you can vote your favorite. ^.^


Name:  Shadow Wildfire
Age:  28
Gender:  Female
Species:  Wildcat
Weapons:  Black bow and arrows, black dagger
Side:  Good
Appearance:  Black fur with white flame mark on forehead, purple tunic, stormy grey eyes
Other:  Not very trusting, kind, quiet, has a mate and child

Skyblade's (mine)
Name: Silverstorm Brushtail
Age: 20-ish let's say
Gender: Female
Species: Badger
Weapons: Small sword, bow and arrow (I really need to get accustomed to more weapons)
Side: Good
Apperance: Large and well-built. Has sleek silver fur and a bushy tail
Other: Does have bloodwrath

We will be dueling in a desert with sand dunes that you can easily fall into. There may be a few plants and rocks for cover, but mostly sand, sand, sand. The audience will be, I guess, sitting in a tree or something.
(I'll let Rainshadow post first)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


  OOC:  Thanks, Skyblade, for setting it up!


  Shadow entered the scene, pulling out her bow.  She scanned the barren desert, searching for her worthy opponent.  She hadn't heard very much of this Silverstorm, and had never met her.  All Shadow knew was that this Silverstorm was a strong badger.
  Shadow pulled an arrow out of her quiver and set it to the bowstring.  She pulled the arrow back to her cheek, feeling the string on her whiskers.  Then, Shadow Wildfire waited.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Silverstorm was crouching behind a boulder, sword in paw and ever vigilant for her opponent. She didn't know much about this wildcat, Shadow, she was going to spar but had heard she wasn't evil and had a family. Whatever she was, Silverstorm was not going to underestimate her.
Silverstorm slowly raised her head above the rock and spotted the wildcat standing nearby, bow at the ready. The badger warrior stepped out in front of her calmly, sword down but held firmly. "Hello." She raised her sword. "Shall we begin?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


  Shadow relaxed her grip on the bow.  She bowed to the badger, seeing as her opponent was a civilized creature.  "We shall."
  Shadow quickly moved into her ready stance and pulled back the arrow.  She aimed for Silverstorm and fired, hoping to shoot her sword paw.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Silverstorm moved her sword in a quick downward movement. The arrow bounced off the metal. Then she slashed at Shadow's shoulder in a lightning-fast move, immediately leaping back after attacking.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


  Shadow had rather quick reflexes, and she sidestepped the blow.  Unfortunately, Shadow lacked a tail, therefore, she lacked a good sense of balance.  She tripped and fell down a dune, rolling and tumbling.
  After rolling for some time, Shadow finally came to a stop.  She coughed, spitting out sand.  Picking up her bow, which she had dropped near her, she fired a few arrows in what she thought was Silverstorm's direction.  Shadow had sand in her eyes, so she couldn't tell quite where Silverstorm was.  She hoped that she was aiming at the badger.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Silverstorm raced over as Shadow tumbled down the dune, sword in paw. The badger was clever but also reckless. Seeing Shadow in weakness, she immediately charged to her with no other thought. But a few arrows whizzed at her. One completely missed her and she swerved to the side and dodged another, but one arrow found its way in her already-scarred ear. She snarled with pain and leaped upon the wildcat with sword point-down, hoping to cut her paw or arm.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


  Shadow was still trying to get the sand out of her eyes, and missed the fact that the badger was running towards her.  She heard Silverstorm leap and tried to move out of the way.  Unfortunately, the badger's sword still cut the back of her paw.
  Yowling in pain, Shadow pounced at Silverstorm, unsheathing her claws.  Her aim was to claw the badger's arms and stick to her.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Shadow's claws clawed the arm that wasn't holding Silverstorm's sword. Silverstorm gritted her teeth, refusing to cry out. Upon realizing Shadow was clinging to her she moved her arm with the wildcat's claws on it in upward in a move to try to use her knuckles to punch Shadow in the nose and make her let go.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


  Shadow yowled in pain and frustration, letting go of Silverstorm and clutching her nose.  She glared at the badger and lashed out with her hindpaws, trying to kick her opponent in the shins.  "Take dat, badther!  An' dat, an' dat, an' dat!"
  She held out her paw to see if there was blood on it and growled.  Her nose was bleeding.  She aimed a blow at Silverstorm's stomach, her other paw still holding her nose.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!