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OPEN SIGN UP! The Arena of Bound Fates ~ The Impossabilities of Escape (v1)

Started by Dannflower Reguba, November 05, 2012, 01:52:49 AM

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Dannflower Reguba

Hi guys!

*Hears groaning*

"Hey! Look! I know There are a lot of RP's going up all the time, and that mine usually don't get much turnout, but I just got a really good brainstorm! Some give me a chance!"


Okay, this RP is still kinda secret, but I will be posting updates on this as time passes, I'm kind of just holding a place at the moment because there are a lot of RP's going around, and I want things to settle a bit... For the time being....

BTW, this RP is a bit different from your stereotype Redwall RP.  ;)

"May the speculation, COMMENCE!"


Character Sheet
Character sheet:

History: (please give SOME description)
Experience: (I will ultimately decide this based on your sheet, but personal preferences are noted  ;))

If you're going to join this RP, you must be 100% committed to finishing it.

This RP takes place so far north, that the sun always shines upon this desert region

Life cycle:
Night only comes once a week, but it lasts for a whole day, on that day, there is a bit
of a festive air about things, and there always seems to be something special going on.
Once a month, on one of the day-long nights, there is an even more important day...
the full moon night, which is accompanied by a feast, and a raising in entrance fees.
Annually, because of the strange placement of the arena, they get a solar eclipse,
upon which entry is free because of the very big events.... at least you can stay for
AWHILE without having to pay the doubled entry fee. It is called the Waning because it
is when they weed out all of the weaker fighters.... By putting all the gladiators
through a series of rough tests, the dead, or too weak are fed to the cannibals that
the "staff" keep around.

The Vermin guard: 16 Ferrets wielding blow darts with a powerful sedative (enough to
kill a weaker beast) and a dagger they guard the arena rings during events (keeping beasts either in or out), any number of stoats and weasels handle crowd
control and bet observance (bets only count if a betting observer witnesses). Wildcats
control the barracks, and keep track of the vermin "staff". There is one forge, it is
run by a wearat, and consists of 1 of every other vermin type there is. The rats are
usually seen as the cell guards, though if a gladiator proves themselves (by earning 25
bone fragments) then they get a free-range gallery policed by Weasels and stoats.

Caste system

-Alpha      (Alpha)
-Delta       (Brute)
-Gamma    (Gladiator)
-Omega    (Warrior)
-Zeta        (Squire)      
-Beta        (Amateur)
-Level 0    (New arrival)

Bone fragments are the way that the fighters can get a day off, increase their status,
eventually being able to get things from the forge, and the ultimate prize
(1,500 fragments) FREEDOM.

There is an Aqueduct from a nearby mountain range that supplies a surprising amount
of water to the arena.

There are only ten Alphas'.

There is a spying group of three beasts: A "staff" member, a regular attender of the
Arena, and a new beast to the Arena (running the thief life, gets caught on purpose).

I need people for all three of those beasts, especially the insurrectionist (the last one listed, his job is to arouse the Gladiators.

The color Green has been abandoned and forbidden, all oasis in the desert have been searched out, defoliated, and replaced with weeds to keep green from growing. Green was banished because of its reference to plants, and might remind the gladiators of home.



Name: Dardo
Gender: Male
Age: 19 1/2
Species: Mouse
Weapons: Carries an impromtu staff
Personality: Sharp, Comppassionate, understanding.... and trusting (in a followers
sort of way)
Appearance: Dappled brown fur, yellowy eyes, desert tan light tunic
Expereariance: Was just brought in (explaining his having a normal tunic)
History: A very light fellow, even now he never looks down, always up. He was taken from a forest to the far south and east not in canon books.

and now for my main character  ;)

Name: Unknown (she never tells anyone) but is called "The Phantom" by the arena goers.
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Species: Squirrel
Weapons: Twin bone short swords
Personality: Cold, quiet. She learns fast, but holds to what she learns like a leech
to its prey, it is hard to "unteach" what she has already learned
Appearance: Jet black fur, Luminescent dark purple eyes, with a arrow head resembling
mark on her forehead, she draws the back fur into a ponytail (like Laterose from the
series) and the hair in the front is nearly eye length, her old tunic became far too
torn to use anymore, so she wears a tunic made from skins (fur on the inside, hide
on the out) with a hood (and sholder sheaths too) and uses hard leather arm guards.
Expeariance: is in one of the highest castes of the galdiotors (High in Gamma)
A few strands of her hair are dark purple as well, and it rifles her dark tail.... No one knows if it is natural or
History: Few in the Arena know where she came from, or what she was before, she was taken young and raised by the staff. Her prowess ended up landing her as a Gladiator.


Name:  Shadow Wildfire
Gender:  Female
Age:  45
Species:  Wildcat
Appearance:  Black fur with a white flame mark running up her nose and onto her forehead, stormy grey eyes, ragged purple tunic, black belt, black stump where her tail should be
Weapons:  Dagger (she acquired it from a defeated foe), natural defense, bow and arrows (from the same dead foe)
Personality:  Quiet, not very trusting, loyal to her friends, generally kind, fierce in battle, not one that you want to be an enemy of
History:  She used to live at Redwall with her mate and children, but wanted to go up north for a bit to explore.  She left her mate at Redwall, saying she needed some time to herself.  She was captured while traveling through the very far north Mossflower woods.
Experience:  She's been there for a while Delta (Brute)

Name:  Glamdring (Dree* for short)
Age:  19
Gender:  Male
Species:  Otter
Appearance:  Grey fur (nearly silver), dark grey stripe running from his nose to his tail over his back, silver eyes (lighter than his fur, but not quite white), black tunic (still relatively normal), black cloak with hood
Weapon:  Two-handed sword
Personality:  Very quiet, gets bored often, intelligent, good fighter, has no problem with killing
History:  Dree has lived on his own his entire life, not having anybeast but himself.  He used to live in a little hut by the River Moss, but was captured and taken to the arena.
Experience:  Level 0 (newbie)

 *Dree means to suffer; endure.
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Tiria Wildlough

Name: Shulyra
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Fox
Appearance: Dark red fur with black tailtip and paws. She wears a ragged green tunic and a belt with a decorative buckle.
Weapon: A long dagger which she stole.
Personality: Normally fiery and stubborn, but some of this has been broken by being in captivity.
History: Shulyra grew up in some horde in the south, and she ran away when she was fourteen. She was eventually captured by the creatures from the arena/whatever.
Experience: She has been there a while, but she refused to cooperate for a time, so still a newbie. (or Beta [Ametuer]) (I eddited that  ;))


Name:Enjorlas Wildfire
Appearance:Gray wildcat with piercing blue eyes and a leather tunic
Weapon:none but is a ferocius fighter with his claws and teeth
Personality:Friendly to those that are friendly to him. Rebelious, and he has something like the bloodwrath.
History:He is Shadow Wildfire's child. His father Jag told him that she had left. He went after her.
Experience: Newbie

CHARACTERS "In the Works"

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I really hate you for this sort of thing. :) Why can' t you just yell us?

Dannflower Reguba

Quote from: W0NWILL on November 05, 2012, 02:04:20 AM
I really hate you for this sort of thing. :) Why can' t you just yell us?


There, I YELLED at you.  ;D... And no, it has nothing to do with ninjas..... That sword is made out of.... um......  ;D Bone.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


  Cannibals!?!  :D  Is it a story about cannibals?!  If so, YES!  I dunno why, I just want a story about cannibals lol.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dannflower Reguba

Quote from: Rainshadow on November 05, 2012, 02:26:37 AM
  Cannibals!?!  :D  Is it a story about cannibals?!  If so, YES!  I dunno why, I just want a story about cannibals lol.

And THAT is one of the reasons I'm not telling you guys yet.  :D I didn't even give that a thought, but it would fit PERFECTLY!  :) thanks for the idea.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Dannflower Reguba

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


No matter how many times we guess, even if we get it right, you aren't going to tell us, am I right?

Tiria Wildlough

I shall sit here and wait while other people bug you until you spill the info. Then I'll know. ;D
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Dannflower Reguba

Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on November 05, 2012, 03:16:27 AM
I shall sit here and wait while other people bug you until you spill the info. Then I'll know. ;D

Hey look! Someone who knows how this usually works!  :D

Quote from: W0NWILL on November 05, 2012, 03:03:28 AM
No matter how many times we guess, even if we get it right, you aren't going to tell us, am I right?

If you can figure out what I'm planning, I will personally.... ummm..... What COULD I do in reward? lol
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dannflower Reguba


Well..... That was weird.  :D

Anyway, if we can get the local RP community to die down a little, I'd LOVE to have this go through. I've spent a lot of time thinking through this thing, and really want to get it up.

Just a quick note here, when you join, I want you to be commited to FINISHING the RP, there is a ridiculous number of topics in the RP section all because of this problem, and it is really dissapointing to see a good RP go down. Return to Moosflower, Infinite Skies, Quest to Castle Floret, The Heart of a Warrior, Off to Mossflower (This one was really sad for me), Castaway, The Summer Solstice, A Traitor among us..... Far too many have gone to the dumps, and I don't want something I've spent over a month working on going into the trash.

Off to Mossflower and Return to Mossflower being the most devastating for me.  :'(
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This
