victorian redwall occ/signup

Started by phoenixfoden, November 17, 2012, 02:53:27 AM

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Redwall is now in the middle of a victorian  style city,many years after it was built.a mysterious fox is stealing jewels and gold from banks and shops.only a hero can stop him and find out whats really

you can play any redwall animal but i have added wolves for charicters

you can add your ideas and charicters.


I'm guessing you combined Redwall with Welkin Weasels :D
I'll give it a try but will the fox be the leader of a band or will he work alone? If you don't mind I would like Alator to be part of the Foxes band if he has one, if not he can be a sort of buissness partner or something.

Clothes:Simple beige tunic and black cloak, thick leather belt
Weapons:Large Dirk, anything he can lay his hands on
Strengths:Smuggling, stealth
Occupation:Smuggler, theif



You can be the foxes partner in crime.have you ever seen basil the great mouse detective by disney.the fox and the otter will be like rattigan and fidget the bat.

Lol yos i have combined welkin weasles with redwall!


I'll make Alator live in a small house by the river out of the town, and no I haven't seen Basil the great mouse detective though I did see the start of that white mouse singing.


My charicter:

Apearance:suit with red waistcoat and gold bottons,red bowtie,tophat,monocule,waxed wiskers and white gloves.
peronality:well mannerd,smart,loves to joke and is good with freindships.

Lord Gorath

My character:

Appearance:blue police jacket, cyan pants/shirt, badges, armor under shirt.
personality: Stern, unyielding
Weapon of choice: Katana



This looks interesting... I'll have an application in today!


Lord Gorath



  I'll play a young thief (more like a neutral character, but leaning towards good.  They'll be willing to work for the good guys if they can pay well)

  Name:  Kortirion (Kort)
  Species:  Squirrel
  Gender:  Male
  Age:  12
  Weapon(s):  Several knives, sling, twin daggers, small phial of poison
  Appearance:  Dark grey fur with black patches, amber eyes, dark purple cap, dark purple vest, white shirt, black kilt, black sash
  Personality:  Likable but not one to trust easily or to be trusted, he can steal the whiskers from right under your nose!  He's rather cheerful and loves a good joke, but can be serious when he needs to be.  He feels no regret in killing or stealing.
  Strengths:  Stealth and theiving abilities, excellent aim and a good arm, can make a swift kill, fast and agile.
  Weaknesses:  Can't swim, not good at fighting face to face, without the element of surprise, and is pretty much hopeless without it.
  Occupation:  Thief/spy
  Side:  Neutral (leaning towards good)
  Other:  Kort loves sneaking and stealing, and is rarely heard by others.  He can sneak up on almost anybeast, and is considered one of the best thieves around.

  (Looks sorta like this, only with different colors)

  (No, this is not my art, and I didn't make it.  I'm not nearly this good!  I just found it on deviantart.  It's made by chichapie)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!



If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Lord Gorath

I'm the big policebadger and I was in the Long Patrol many seasons ago... ;D