who would win?

Started by Captain Tammo, July 07, 2011, 09:57:10 PM

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Captain Tammo

No worries bud! Before you cast a vote, just double check to see if we've moved on to a new topic or not :)

Anyway, let us resume the topic!

The following characters will be locked in battle:
Matthias Mouse from Redwall
Martin the Warrior teamed up with Gonff the Mousethief from Mossflower
Lady Amber teamed up with Skipper from Mossflower
Mattimeo from Mattimeo
Mariel teamed up with Dandin from Mariel of Redwall
Samkin from Salamandastron
Felldoh from Martin the Warrior
Honorable Rosemary (Hon Rosie) from The Bellmaker
Sunflash the Mace from Outcast of Redwall
Martin II from The Pearls of Lutra
Tammo De Fformello Tussock teamed up with Russa Nodrey from The Long Patrol
Cregga Roseyes from The Long Patrol
Dannflor Rugeba from Marlfox
Luke from The Legend of Luke
Lord Brocktree teamed up with Dotti from Lord Brocktree
Deyna the Taggerung from Taggerung
Triss from Triss
Bragoon teamed up with Sarobando from Loamhedge
Rakkety Tam Macburl teamed up with Wild Doogy Plumm from Rakkety Tam
Tiria Wildlough teamed up with Leatho Shellhound from High Rhulain
Gorath the flame from Eulalia!
Zaran the Black teamed up with Bisky from Doomwyte
Buckler Kordyne teamed up with Axtel Sturnclaw from The Sable Quean
Rake Nightfur teamed up with Skor Axehound from The Rogue Crew

I am well aware that these contestants are not perfectly balanced, though I did try to stay away from favoring any one book in particular.

Characters who wield Martin the Warrior's sword in their book may wield it in the fight (just pretend there are a lot of Swords of Martin the Warrior). Other than that, the characters may use a weapon of their choice.

So, in a massive battle like this,
Who Would Win!?

Please list the top three characters/teams you think have the best chances of winning!

No rating of 1,2,or 3 is necessary for this fight, but you may include it if you wish :)
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior

Tam and Martin

So are all of them in battle against eachother or do we choose two or one person we think will win?

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000

Captain Tammo

All of these characters are in battle against eachother unless they unless they have a teammate. Pick the top three characters (or if they're on a team, pick the team) you think have the best chance of winning.
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior

Tam and Martin

In that Case Zaran the Black and Bisky would be my top followed by Gorath  :)

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


This would be an incredibly hard battle to predict, since anyone could end up meeting with anyone in any order. Still, trying to get my head around this:

1.) If I had to try to guess who would win, my very first pick would be Deyna. This is going to be a run-on sentence:

Every other warrior in this list was either trained in the same ways that many other warriors were trained (Mattimeo was trained by his father Matthias. Martin II was trained by Mattimeo. Even the original Martin may have learned a few things from Luke before he set off),

born with innate strength and instinct (this actually applies to most, but some much more than others--like Cregga, Sunflash, Brocktree, Martin, and I'd even go so far as to say Tammo the hare, who decided he wanted to join The Long Patrol, showed up in the middle of a crisis and, with a brief period of help from Russa, was basically awesome),

or, at the very least, grew up among forthright characters and must have naturally factored some of that into their fighting style.

Deyna is the one character whose training was geared towards a vermin lifestyle. I'm not saying he fights dirty, per se, but where other warriors' first instincts are a battle cry and a mad charge, Deyna is meant to move swiftly and silently and strike from a position of power.

Of course, I have to shoot myself in the foot now. Deyna did charge headlong from time to time. Actually, a lot of times (Vallug, Yo Karr, Ribrow). And not once in the book, but twice, he got knocked out cold by good characters he somehow didn't notice.

But I think Deyna is one of the most likely of these characters to look at this huge battle and realize that his best assets aren't going to be strength or fighting prowess. And I think that of all such characters who come to the same realization, his other, more helpful abilities are far and away the most thoroughly-developed.

I think there a number of other things besides the stealth that would end up mattering, but I can't predict them right now. It may sound flimsy, but I figure that whatever those other things are, Deyna's entirely unique upbringing would keep him safe from a lot of the dangers that four warriors with a similar mindset are going to have when they somehow try to beat each other on semi-equal footing.

2.) I'd feel very sorry for Matthias if he had to go up against Martin and Gonff. Or against Lord Brocktree and Dotti for that matter. Or Skipper and Amber. Or Bragoon and Sarabando. Or Buckler and Axtel. Actually, I'd feel sorry for Matthias in most of these matchups.

If he was one advantage, I think it's that he would feel sorry for himself, too. Matthias didn't quite beat Cluny in a one-on-one fight--he dropped a bell on him. Matthias didn't beat the Wearet in Mattimeo--he just survived losing. I think Matthias wouldn't charge in with any kind of assumption that his courage alone would save him. He seems to fight whenever he does because of the strength of his conviction about the issue at hand, and that presents both an advantage and a disadvantage. If he's going into a battle like this, where there's no obvious reason that winning is all that important, I don't think he's going to risk fighting hardly at all, which might actually hold him up for a while. But then, if a fight is pushed onto him, he isn't going to have the drive to win, either.

Still, somehow, Matthias strikes me as the most resourceful of every single warrior here. Most of the war with Cluny is a battle of wits (which, admittedly, he is helped with by Constance, Basil, Jess and everyone else). If and when Matthias has to fight anyone in Redwall, he has to do so without a proper weapon until he finally retrieves Martin's sword. And then, again, when he finally takes Cluny on, he convinces him to let go of a hostage, and then he drops a bell on him. And Mattimeo is a big chase after a mastermind fox who Matthias does eventually catch up to (again, thanks in large part to the efforts of his allies).

I don't really know. Matthias could easily be one of the first ones to lose here. But I have a gut feeling he could be one of the last. Maybe I just want him to be one of the last.

3.) Brocktree and Dotti.

Because Brocktree.

4.) But if not Brocktree, maybe Skipper and Amber? I like the river/tree capability. Of course, there's Bragoon and Sarabando, too, but they seemed to be written more like adventurers than warriors. They do, of course, take a horde of vermin out between the two of them.
And I think their death scene is one of the most poignant moments of the entire series. Though I suppose that has little bearing on the conversation at hand--one can even interpret the way they look to their afterlife as either the joy of adventurers or the courage of warriors. Actually, I'd say both, and more that that. I think it also comes across as the power of their friendship. And there's something more about it for me that I can't explain--it's just really, really transcendent. And now I'm getting completely off track. But it's a great scene.

Or Rakkety Tam and Wild Doogy Plumm, because of all of the tag teams in this line up, these two seem like the ones who fight the most like one another? They're both incredibly good, and since they've got the same sort of style... maybe they'd act the most like a single unit?

3.) But I think that probably Brocktree. Because Brocktree.


Cregga Rose Eyes 8)

EDIT: Or Brocktree. Any bloodwrath badger

Captain Tammo


New matchup!

The same set of characters are now commanders of their own 100 beast strong army. (A team of characters does not get more creatures).

They meet on a flat field of battle.

Who Would Win?

List your top three choices!
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior


I think it would depend on the army, but probably Rake Nightfur and Skor Axehound because they seemed like competent leaders


Rake and Skor
Buckler and Axtel
Lord Brocktree and Dotti

So hard....  but badgers, hares, otters, and of course Axtel the mole warrior are all really good.  The hares and badger are good commanders, and a lord with the bloodwrath can take on a lot of vermin.
baby turtle forever

Leatho Shellhound

I think I'll go with Rake Nightfur teamed up with Skor Axehound from The Rogue Crew, but it's a hard choise.
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Shadowed One

I am going to go with Leatho and Tiria, or Skor and Rake, or Martin and Gonff.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

The Shade

They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Captain Tammo

The clear winner is Skor and Rake!

New matchup!

You could've guessed this one ;)

SKOR AXEHOUND from The Rogue Crew
RAKE NIGHTFUR from The Rogue Crew

Who Would Win?!
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior

Ungatt Trunn

Skor Axehound, obviously!

Life is too short to rush through it.