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Hawkeye (Rain) VS the Sheriff of Nottingham (Phoenix)

Started by Rainshadow, November 23, 2012, 05:31:46 AM

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Who should win?

Hawkeye (Rain)
4 (57.1%)
Sheriff (Phoenix)
3 (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 7


"i could have abushed you hawkeye,you need to be careful"the sheriff then lit a gas lamp to light the room.he was standing with an arrow notched on this bow behind the bar.


  OOC:  Abushed?  What's abushed?

  BIC:  Hawkeye quickly sidestepped, stopping behind a wooden beam close to the middle of the room.  He pulled the bowstring back, calling out, "Hey, wolf, if you're just a dumb animal, how can you speak?  I thought animals were too dumb to speak!"
  He hoped that his rude remark would stop the wolf for a moment.  Jumping out from his hiding spot, he shot his arrow not at his opponent, but at the oil lamp.  The arrow shattered the lamp, making oil burst out in every direction.  Hawkeye smiled.
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(lolz i ment ambushed)
The sheriff  thought"this is not the first time i have been in a burning building" he then ran to the second story of the inn and shouted "come and find me hawkeye"and jumped on the roof of a nearby building.but he was so fat he fell right through the roof and on to a dining table.


  Hawkeye watched the wolf run up the stairs and turned his gaze onto the fire he had created.  He grimaced, regretting his choice, yet not regretting it.  Well, he thought, that fire'll probably burn down every building in the town.  Oh well.
  Sprinting up the stairs, Hawkeye took an arrow out, once again setting it to the string.  He saw a hole in the roof and chuckled softly, seeing the sheriff lying on a dining table.  "A bit too heavy for the roof, are we?"
  He swiftly pulled the string back and fired.
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The sheriff sees whats going to happen so he rolls off the table and fires an arrow at hawkeye"you wont last very long up there,human!"


  The arrow scraped Hawkeye's cheek and he yelped.  He glared at the wolf and leaped off of the ledge, landing feet first on the table.  He smirked at his foe, thrusting an arrow at him.
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The sheriff wasent going to win like this.He grabed a chair and swung it at haweye,trying to break one of his legs.


  Hawkeye saw the chair coming at him, and jumped quickly backwards, trying to dodge out of the way.  Unfortunately, while going backwards, most beings aren't able to see where they're heading.  This was the case with Hawkeye.  He landed with his foot twisting in an awkward direction.
  Hawkeye grunted with pain as he attempted to stand.  He could, but it hurt quite a lot!  Picking up a broken stick, he swung at the sheriff.
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The stick hit the sheriff over the face,making him see stars.he was dizzy,but still able to fight.he jumped on hawkeye so he could punch him.


  Hawkeye's eyes widened with fear as the large wolf jumped at him.  His head struck the ground hard as the sheriff landed on him, but he kicked at this fat creature's back.  His head was throbbing, but he kept throwing wild punches and kicks at his foe, squirming and struggling, trying to free himself.
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The sheriff grabs hawkeyes head and smashes it aginst the ground to stop the punches that threatend to knock  him out.he then tipped the table on hawkeye to slow him getting up.


  OOC:  Please don't PP (Power Play).  It's PPing to say that you smashed my head into the ground (or it's possibly auto-hitting.  It's one of the two).

  BIC:  Hawkeye lied there, moaning in pain.  He thought that he had gotten a slight concussion, and couldn't remember what he was supposed to be doing.  Then the memories came flooding back.  Wolf! he thought.
  Shoving the table off of himself, Hawkeye stood up slowly, swaying slightly.  His vision was blurred, and he was rather dizzy.  He shook himself, trying to rid himself of the dizziness.  He walked slowly outside, preparing another arrow for firing.
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As hawkeye walked out,the sheriff fired 3 arrows at him.he then ducked behind some barrels.


  Hawkeye tried to dodge them, moving before the first two hit him.  Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough to get out of the way of the third one.  It planted itself right in Hawkeye's leg; the same one that had been injured.
  He ripped out the arrow, grimacing but relieved that it hadn't gone too far in.  As he placed the arrow in his quiver, Hawkeye then heard an explosion.  He snapped his head around, watching the inn explode.  He gasped and quickly fired his readied arrow in the general direction of the sheriff.
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The sheriff nearly wet himself when the inn exploeded.then their was a thud as the arrow hit the barrel he was hiding behind."this guy just dosent die"he thought.he the fired another arrow in hawkeyes direction.