The Hero of Redwall: The Return of Zanzuthari Deathhound

Started by AbbotAlf0805, November 24, 2012, 07:03:10 PM

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Quote from: AbbotAlf0809 on February 20, 2014, 12:20:32 AM
Awesome all of you!!! Jett, your otters gonna be in like corsair crew or somethin?

Nah, all of my characters except HwWiS are going to be in a traveling group who perform magic for money/shelter/whatever

HwWiS is going to be a roving guy who causes trouble wherever he goes
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Oh ok that's pretty cool. I might throw some new stuff in here guys just FYI. Also if anyone is interested in being affiliated with the new groups, The Smuggler's Union and The Bounty Hunter's Guild, lemme know


If I were you I'd pm Rainshadow and Leatho/whoever else was in the previous rps because they might not know that this is back
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Leatho Shellhound

I might add a new character. and up-date my existing ones.
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I'm gonna be adding a magic-user to my cast. Is that fine?

Name: Lassus
Species: Patagonian Mara
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magicks
Appearance: He has a stocky build, but tall. He looks like he has a dog's face on a rabbit's body, and has sandy-colored fur. He wears brown robes with a dark orange cowl.
Personality: Lassus is introverted but steadfast, and is quite clever, able to keep up with other thinkers quite easily. He has a thirst for knowledge, and is quite content to spend his days studying.
Other: He specializes in magic of the indirect sort, and can manipulate other's emotions to a limited extent, make himself unheard, and even turn invisible for limited lengths of time. He has no magic at all relating to direct combat, but instead avoids it.


Gonff the Mousethief

may I join?
Name: Sir MetalTalon
Species Harpy eagle
Gender: male
Appearance: Has a talon made out of metal. Has full Silver Feathers
Personality: Is very serious, but at the right time can be happy
Weapons His metal talon

Name: Nate
Species: Hedgehog
Age: 15
Gender: male
Appearance: very small and is brown
Weapons: A dagger and stick
Personality: usally happy but when  some one messes with his friends, he gets MAD

Name: Tonto Buttonears
Species: Hare
Age: 23
Gender: male
Appearance: has ragged clothes and has two spots on his ears that look like buttons. He has many brown spots
Occupation: Former Long Patrol hare
Weapons: His Frying pan and bow
Personality very mischevios jolly. a great worrior
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Leatho Shellhound

Quote from: AbbotAlf0809 on February 20, 2014, 09:34:02 PM
Ok sure accepted but what is a Patagonian Mara?

A Patagonian Mara

Please read through my new Muchlik app.

Name: Muchlik (Muck-lick) the Warrior

Weapon: A funerary dagger of old, with enamel handle decoration which he carries in a dagger holster at thigh length on his right. A swept-hilt rapier which he carries on his left in his waist belt. He also has sling and stones for long range. And a black long kite shaped shield.

Armor: A Red tunic with the emblem of Noonvale in the center. Under neath his tunic he wears chain mail. He also wears a red horsehair-crested steel helmet (there are horses in Redwall ;) ).

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Mouse

Appearance: His fur is white, he is very muscular and tall. His eyes are sharp and brown.

Other: Brother of Hylia and chieftan of Noonvale.(likes Chelonia Mydas)
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Leatho Shellhound

Cool! hey do you have any ideas about what my second character could be?
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  (If you don't want me to play Chelonia this time round, Leatho, please tell me and I can just remove her app.  :))

Name, Chelonia Mydas
Age, 27
Gender, Female
Race, mouse
Weapon, N/A
Clothing, green and blue dress with a white belt.
Other,black fur, green/blue eyes.
Occupation, ex. thief and now spy

Name:  Shadow Wildfire
Age:  30
Gender:  Female
Species:  Wildcat
Weapons:  Black bow and arrows, black dagger
Side:  Good
Appearance:  Black fur with white flame mark on forehead, purple tunic, stormy grey eyes
Other:  Not very trusting, kind, quiet, loyal, has a mate and children

Name:  Jag Wildfire
Age:  32
Gender:  Male
Species:  Wildcat
Weapons:  Staff, silver hand and a half sword
Side:  Good
Appearance:  Soft white fur with black paws, sea blue eyes, black tunic
Other:  Kind, funny, charming, has a mate and children

  (I will be adding one more character at a later date, but I have to leave soon so I can't at the moment.)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

The Shade

Does Zanzuthari Deathhound have a "bad side" or group or anything? If so, Karnac and Dragao are in that group.

Name: Karnac
Species: Boar
Gender: Male
Age: 70ish
Appearance: Karnac is clan in a huge flowing jet-black habit, with a hood to cover his face. He stands short for a boar, and isn't the most fit, although he uses magic to make himself faster.
Personality: Utterly evil. Bitter toward any warrior with honour. Extremely cunning.
Weapons: Has powerful magic powers, the main of which is able to generate lightning from his hoofs.

Name: Welkin Smokefurr
Species: Wildcat
Gender: Male
Age: About 17
Appearance: Welkin is normally seen in loose black clothing. Standing slightly shorter than your average wildcat, he is decently muscled and rather good looking.
Personality: Having a good sense of honour, he tends to defend the helpless when to need arises. Sometimes he hates his magic powers, although on the other paw they do come in hand a lot.
Weapons: Magic powers, and a strange double bladed sword.
Other: Is the apprentice of Skoda, and the son of Dragao.

Name: Darkk Dragao
Species: Wildcat
Gender: Male
Age: About 50
Appearance: Dragao is tall for a wildcat, heavily built too. Almost all the time he wears a set of black armour, complete with black helmet. The helmet is mainly to hide the hideous burn scars across his head and neck, all this made even more dramatic with a large torn black cloak.
Personality: Most of the time he is all what stands for evil. He  is continually having an emotional battle. At one moment he is enjoying killing and destroying, the next depressed and angry. Sometimes he attempts to defend to innocent, although this is rare.
Weapons: A black, double bladed longsword.
Other: Can also use magic.

Name: Skoda
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Age: In human years, about 80
Appearance: Skoda is slight hunched in appearance with gray head fur tomatch. He normally wears a ragged brown habit. Standing short for a squirrel, he is missing half his tail.
Personality: Skoda hates evil, and tries to do anything to stop it. He even trained himself in the arts of magic, which he once despised, to help the fight against evil.
Weapons: A shortsword, which is about the size of a normal sword for him.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


All accepted and ya Zanthar (Zanzuthari) is the leader of the Deathhound Imperium. Aka his private army.