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Spikky Situation

Started by Redwaller, November 29, 2012, 12:04:38 AM

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Abbot Dinyfold and the Abbey Warrior were leaving the abbey with a full crew if otters on there way to Salamandastron to accompany the badger lord in his last moments.

Not far from there, Brunto Softquills and his gang watched the scene from a safe distance. A few hours more and the Abbey would be theres...


  Linhir stood on the walltops, waving goodbye to the Abbot and the otters.  Valmar stood nearby, his paws his arms crossed.  He wasn't happy that he was being left behind.  He had been wanting to leave the Abbey on an adventure, and what better opportunity than to go to Salamandastron with them?  But no, the Abbot had said that he was too young.  Valmar knew that Abbot Dinyfold just meant that he was deaf, so he would be a burden to everyone else.
  Linhir turned to see the grumpy Valmar.  She smiled at him and started using their secret language.  "Don't be grumpy, Val," she signed.  "Just think of all the adventures we'll have when we're older!"
  Valmar shook his head.  "Don't you see, Lin?" he signed back, a frown still upon his face.  "We'll never be able to go anywhere because of our... disabilities."
  Linhir still held her bright smile.  "Whatever," she signed.  She then turned back to the leaving party and continued waving.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I liitle further away a young wolf pedlar named ragisthor  with a bag of sale items was walking through mossflower reading a very crude map" this redwall place should be only a short walk away.
He had been told of redwall by many was said to have the best food in mossflower.this made him hungery and he could not wait to get there!


Whelan decided not to wave to the Abbot and the otter crew as they went off. She was unhappy she couldn't go along and was determined to show it. She went over to the pond to sulk. It wasn't fair that she wasn't allowed to go. She was 14 seasons old for crying out loud! Ah, the injustice of it all!
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Liff was too young to care about where the abbot and the others went. He had been told they weren't going anywhere fun, and he believed it, as he was only six seasons old. And he had other things on his mind at the time: it was bath time, and Badger Mum Toll was 'after his blood'. He burst from the abbey and ran toward the pond. He jumped over Brother Gelly the recorder's lap, as the aging brother was taking a snooze against a wheelbarrow. Gelly woke with a start, "Hey!" He protested as Liff ran to Whelan, "Hide me! It's baff time!" He pleaded.

Rustip Icequill, to give the good cellarhog his full title, held a glass with a tablespoon of cherry-coloured liquid up to the light of the lantern, checking the colour of the strawberry fizz during it's final stages of making. He nodded approvingly and raised the flask to his lips and took a big gulp; he was not known to be a sipper. He swilled the fizz around his gums, chuckling as the bubbles fizzed into his nose and swallowed. A fine keg of fizz that was, ready for the table at supper that night. He was a bit ticked at not going with the abbot, but he did have cellars to look after, and he had decided it was best for him to stay. Didn't mean he had to be happy about it, though.


As ragisthor is enjoying the senery,he sees redwall abbey.he new it was redwall by its colour.
Within a few minutes we was at the front gates.
"hello,is any body like to trade with you chaps!


  Linhir heard someone call out from a different side of the Abbey.  She raced over, gesturing for Valmar to follow.  He did, but slowly, watching the younger squirrel race across the walltops.
  As Linhir skidded to a stop above the gate, she stared down at the wolf.  She beckoned Valmar closer, signing to him what he should say.
  Valmar was quite uncomfortable with speaking, as it made him sound rather dumb.  Out of the pair of squirrels, he was the only one who could speak, so he was always forced to.  He couldn't hear himself, though, so he sounded quite dumb when he tried to speak.  This was one of those times.
  "'O... 'o awe yoo?" he asked rather slowly.  He turned to Linhir, waiting for her to tell him what the wolf had said.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"My name is ragisthor,i just want to do some trading and get some sleep in a comfortable bed"
Ragisthor hoped his big teeth had scared him,it had happend to costomers before.


  Linhir signed to Valmar, telling him what the large wolf had said.  Valmar shook his head, signing, "No!  We can't let this wolf in!"
  Linhir's mouth dropped.  "Why not?" she asked, her paws nearly a blur of movement.  "Why can't we let him in?  He seems harmless enough."
  Valmar glanced again at the wolf, then back at Linhir.  "Lin," he began, "we can't let him in because you don't know him.  He could have weapons hidden in his clothes!  He could just be some vermin waiting to kill us!"
  Linhir smirked at him and ran down, opening up the gate before he could think of what she was doing.  Valmar quickly ran down, trying to shut the gate, but Linhir pushed him away.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Oh, no you don't little Liff!" said Whelan grabbing the little rabbitbabe.

She knew he was a fisty one and was just trying to help Mother Toll out. Little ones always thought bath time was a game. She remembered when she was a Dibbun. Always getting into trouble. Smiling she waited until the Badger Mum came.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Ragisthor was wondering if he was ever going to get in."dont worry i wont huff and puff and blow your abbey down"
he hoped his sense of humour had worked.


OOC: Liff is a rabbit babe.

BIC: Liff struggled as Mother Toll came out of the abbey, with a rag and a stern look on her face, "No baff!" he shouted, kicking his small, but powerful back feet.


OOC: Sorry


"You liddle rip hold still!" said Whelan with a small grin on her face.

Calling to the Badgermum she cried, "Is this the beast your looking for?"
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Just wating for Phoenixfoden to post and then the hedgehogs will make there move.


i might as well leave if you are going to waist my good waiting around here if you cant make your mind up.ragisthor then started to walk away.