Spikky Situation

Started by Redwaller, November 29, 2012, 12:04:38 AM

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 Whelan smiled once little Liff had been taken for his bath. Standing up straight, her bad mood vanished, she went to see who else was knocking on the gate. She already had spotted the wolf coming in and had some mixed thoughts about that. Wasn't wolf a type of vermin? She decided not to say anything to the pair of squirrels who had let him in. They apparently knew what they were doing.

Mounting the steps to the walltop Whelan looked over the battlements. Seeing the beasts were hedgehog she smiled joyfully. Everybeast knew that hedgehogs were genrally peaceable creatures. Besides what could the harm be of letting them in? Valamr and Linhir had let in a wolf, so what could hedgehogs do that would be worse then a wolf?

"Hello there! I'll be down in a jiffy to let you in," Whelan hadn't even bothered waiting for a response. They were starting to look impatient.

Lifting up the heavy latch on the door she unbarred the gates. Smiling she held her paws out wide.

"Welcome to Redwall Abbey friends," she said brightly. Unwittingly she had let danger enter the threshold of her beloved home.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


"Thankee marm!" Brunto exclaimed, entering inside with his band. All was going well...


"No problem," Whelan started, "Redwalls gates are always open to any beast with a good heart."

Walking towards the Abbey she beckoned Brunto to follow her. "You beasts must be hungry. Come with me to the kitchens."
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Evening was drawing near, already the sun was sinking behind the trees, the redwallers would soon begin to enter one by one and the door would close for the night.


  Valmar was leaning in a corner of Cavern Hole, munching on some scones, while Linhir was standing near him, sipping some hot tea.  She used her free hand to sign to him.  "Isn't this interesting?" she asked, her face bright and cheerful, despite how tired she was.  "We've got so many visitors today!"
  Valmar let out a little laugh, signing, "I don't like them.  Don't you think it's a little funny, a wolf and a bunch of hedgehogs coming in the same day?"
  Linhir shook her head.  "No, Val, it's not strange at all.  We live at Redwall, for goodness' sake!  There are lots of visitors!"
  Valmar stuffed the rest of the scone in his mouth, freeing his hands.  "We never get any wolves here."
  Linhir shrugged and sipped more tea.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Friar Tubble had been appointed to replace the Abbot while he was gone. He had seated the visitors att the table and had asked for food.

OOC: I'd like other hedgehogs to post too.


  Gong nodded his thanks to the Friar and asked, "Can I get some ale, an' some bread'n'cheese?"
  As he was waiting, his gaze turned to two squirrels standing in the corner, staring at the hedgehogs.  Gong shuddered slightly, seeing the smaller one's scar running along their neck.  If it hadn't been so large, he probably wouldn't have seen it from this far away, but it was a big gash in her neck.
  It seemed like the other squirrel had seen him looking at his... sister?  Gong quickly turned his attention back to the table.

  Valmar looked at a hedgehog that was staring at them.  He glared at the hedgehog, happy to see it turn away.  He looked at Linhir, signing, "See?  Did you see that hedgehog that was staring at us?  Didn't he look suspicious?"
  Linhir dismissed the thought with a wave of her paw.  "Oh please, Val!" she signed.  "You're as frightened as a Dibbun!"
  Linhir walked over to the table, sitting down next to the hedgehog that had been staring at them.  She took out a piece of charcoal that she always carried around, and grabbed her paper.  She wrote on the piece of paper, intending to speak with this hog.
  "Hello, my name's Linhir," the page said.
  Gong cleared his throat, looking at the pretty squirrelmaid.  "Er, 'ello there," he said, speaking rather clearly and loudly.  Linhir rolled her eyes, taking the parchment and writing on it again.  She showed the message to the hedgehog.
  "I'm not deaf," it said.  "I'm just mute.  I can hear you perfectly."
  Gong chuckled slightly, saying, "Awright, missy.  Sorry 'bout that.  My name's Gong."  He put out a paw, intending to shake her hand.
  Linhir smiled, taking that paw with her own charcoal-stained paw.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Brunto Softquills looked darkly at Gong and this squirrel. He didn't like to see his horde softening towards a victim, it could alter the plans he made.


Rustip came up from his cellars, carrying a keg between his friend, assisstant cellar keeper, and the most infamously accident-prone mole that had been seen in Redwall abbey, Gruu. They stopped to rest at the top of the stairs, when Gruu saw the visitors. He ambled over and waved a hefty digging claw at them, "'Ello, zurrs. Oi see you'm made yurrzelves at 'ome. Oi'm Gruu, 'sistant cellar keeper, burr aye."
"Gruu!" Rustip grunted, the keg of fizz had tipped a little, and the good cellarhog had his paws wrapped almost all the way around it, struggling to keep it upright, "I don't want to see what stairs will do to my strawberry fizz." He managed to grunt as Gruu hurried over.

Gelly came in just after the hedgehogs, he had been writing by the pond all morn. His current project was to put everything known about Martin the warrior into one large book. It had been his current project since eight seasons before.


  Linhir turned her head as Rustip the Cellarhog and his assistant, Gruu walked in.  She gasped and clapped her paws, seeing them carrying a keg.  She'd never be that strong!
  Valmar walked over to the table, sitting himself down between Gong and Linhir.  He still didn't trust these hedgehogs, and he didn't want little Lin sitting next to one of them!
  Reaching for a loaf of nutbread, Valmar started eating, only to have his paw slapped by Linhir.  She shook her head, indicating that he should serve some to their guests.  Valmar sighed and handed his loaf of bread to Gong, who took it greedily.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Ragisthor walked into the cavern hole,surprized to see all these new hedgehogs.he went to ask friar tubble what was going on.'who are all these hogs,.'they were nowere to be seen when i went to bed,


"They just arrived!" Said Friar Tubble. "And you sir. You must be pretty hungry!"


I sure am! I like the sound of this hotroot soup stuff,could i have some?


The friar showed him a seat and served him a bowl of hotroot soup. Grunto watched the wolf carefully, he migh be hard to handle. He didn't look luke ut, but you never know...

Further in the woods, an army of hedgehogs waited patiently for the signal. The scouts around the abbey hadn't come back yet. The night would be long...


As ragisthor was eating he couldent help but notice how many beasts were staring at him.he was used to customers staring but it seemed here the whole abbey was watching him.he was a wolf after all.