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Empires and Warlords

Started by Myrkin, December 06, 2012, 08:07:46 PM

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OOC: You dont remember? Oh well just ignore that post.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

Buckler The Leg Buckler

Name: Buckler Thordathian
Location: Mountains of The North

Buckler yelled out," Hawaaay the braaaaaaaaaaaw! We're goin' huntin' for vermin!" All of the male hares of age got ready, and started putting on their regalia according to rank. There was over 500 hares ready to do battle with the enemy. Buckler yelled,"Attentionnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" All the hares stood stone still.
"I'll live to close those evil eyes of yores fer good,Ublaz! This is war! Cut 'er loose, Rocpaw, 'tis waaaaaar!" - Pearls Of Lutra


Name: Davidari the Hero
Location: The beaches by Luke's Caves

Paces back and forth in front of his men briefing them on the mission. "Alright men! We will be heading to a village nearby to help protect it from vermin. Hirk here is going to be our guide. I want half of you to remain here while the other half comes with me."
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

rakkety tam

Name : Bendeck Cadle
Location: the beaches by luke's cave

'' what about me sir what should i do .'' Bendeck said.

OOC lol i had it at saon said not bendeck i fixed it ;D :D
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace



Location: Southern sand dunes

"I asked a few beasts about what happened to old rulers and they all told me the same story. As soon as he took over Castle Floret, Scipio put every member of royal family to the sword. With one exception. Son of previous King and Queen was in the west at the time of attack, fighting against toads and lizards. If what I learned is true, then he and his warriors have inflicted many losses on Ferria's troops. Their example emboldens other creatures to join the resistance. Still, Queen Ferria keeps control of major part of country."

The fox looks at Skorpy. "I was sent to gather information, General, not to seek recruits," he says calmly, but there is some uncertainty in his eyes. He looks at Duari, as if seeking some sort of confirmation.

What do you do?

Your army:

500 foxes, lizards, and other smaller animals



Location: Rofnard's Castle, Island of Deathlia

Harman nods approvingly, and then says: "Once you reach Sempetra, you should learn who is the most respected amongst those pirates. Or feared as the case may be. If you can convince that person to join your side, then others will be more likely to follow you."

What do you do?

Your army:

480 weasels and stoats
20 monitors of your personal guard
10 warships

Location: Deathlia's port, Island of Deathlia

Grock jumps to his feet and then gives you an angry look. "W-who do you think you're k-kicking, you...! You... You...," he tries to find appropriate insult, but nothing comes to his head. No wonder. Judging by his breath and his way of speaking, he spent the last night (as well as the night before) in tavern. The rat shakes his head, as if to clear it a bit then glares at you again.

"Y-you want to fight?! You think I'm scared of you, b-because there is two of you?!" he raises his fists.

What do you do?


The Braw Empire of Justice

Location: Camp of the 47th Battalion of Hares, The Mountains of the North

Buckler Thordathian. It took your soldiers only a few minutes to assemble before you in perfect order. They wait for your orders in silent excitement. It has been a long time since they took part in any real fight, so many feels enthusiastic at the prospect of battling against vermin.

What do you do?

Your army:

500 hares



Location: north side of the Broadstream, Northlands

Balock Scorpian. You soldiers immediately start training the recruits. As the time passes, the first of your scouts returns to you. The raccoon brings you news of an otter holt west of your position.

What do you do?

You army:

200 soldiers
50 recruits
Sakon Shima with 300 soldiers (away on the mission)

Location: woods north of the Broadstream, Northlands

In less than hour, two squirrels are back. "General, there is a village in front of us," one of them says, pointing in direction of smoke "The Black Coats are in there, pillaging and enslaving all inhabitants. They were finishing chaining village beasts when we went back to give you report. They should be on the move by now."  

What do you do?

You army:

300 soldiers


OOC: Since Rakkety Tam has spoken as his character, then I'll wait with writing anything for Knight Tribe till AbbotAlf0805 answers. :)


Quote from: Buckler The Leg Buckler on December 09, 2012, 05:03:56 PM
Name: Buckler Thordathian
Location: Mountains of The North

Buckler yelled out," Hawaaay the braaaaaaaaaaaw! We're goin' huntin' for vermin!" All of the male hares of age got ready, and started putting on their regalia according to rank. There was over 500 hares ready to do battle with the enemy. Buckler yelled,"Attentionnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" All the hares stood stone still.
OOC: I need you to play your general in my army.


Name: Dranfor Rofnard
Location: Rofnard's castle, Deathlia

Rofnard turned to Treeflyer and SRedeye Stabbreaker. "Go now, and assemble the troops! We sail tomorrow at dawn!" Deathcoil Poisonteeth slithered towards Rofnard, climbed up onto his shoulders and hissed at the generals.

Name: Bragatogg
Location: Deathlia's port

Bragatogg looked around for something to hit Grock with. He located a heavy piece of plank lying nearby, just in his reach. He picked it up and swung, aiming at Grock's head, trying to knock him out.

OOC: I've also decided to chane my armies name: The Death Corsairs!

rakkety tam

Name : Balock Scorpian
Location:north side of the Broadstream, Northlands

'' hmmm a holt is there. well i beleive they would do us no harm so there is obviously no need to attack them. i believe we should try and make arrangements for them to be part of my empire. you raccoon after you have rested up from the scout mission i want you to go back to that holt and give them this message. that i wish to meet with them and discuss with them about joining my empire or simply be an ally or something of the sort alright you got that '' yes sir i got it'.' the raccoon said. '' good now also when you come back please tell me there numbers i wish to know fully what i am getting into.

Name : Sakon Shima
Location: woods north of the Broadstream, Northlands

'' alright what were there numbers .''

OOC i hate to do such a short thing on sakon but it is vital i think in what his tactic would be in attacking them if he does

rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace



Location: Rofnard's Castle, Island of Deathlia

Dranfor Rofnard. Your father looks at generals, waiting for them to leave. It's clear he wants to talk with you in private.

What do you do?

Your army:

480 weasels and stoats
20 monitors of your personal guard
10 warships

Location: Deathlia's port, Island of Deathlia

All right, this will be the first time I'm going to roll a die in this RP. Let's see how this will work out. First, I'll roll if you manage to hit Grock. Since he is drunk, he won't be very good at dodging or blocking your attacks, so you'll get 5 bonus points to your result. You'll need more than 10 points (overall) in order to successfully hit him.

I roll... 7 (after adding bonus points it's 12)

Now let's see what kind of damage you do. You are using a heavy piece of plank, so you get 4 bonus points.

I roll... 9 (13)

Bragatogg. You hit Grock quite hard. Your opponent falls back into packages. He is still conscious, but it will take a moment before he will return to fight.

What do you do?

OOC: All right, Redwaller. The Death Corsairs it is. :)



Location: north side of the Broadstream, Northlands

"As you command, Sir,' raccoon says, then adds with energy and enthusiasm born out of youth, "I'm not tired, so I can set out immediately." He salutes you and leaves. After his departure you observe the training of your new recruits. They are getting better and soon they will become true soldiers.

Another scout comes in, a hare you sent to the south. "Sir," she says with a short sulute, "I crossed Broadstream and after a day of travel I discovered a tribe of weasels. I didn't come to near, as to avoid detection, but I estimate their numbers to be around 150. Half of them seem to be warriors."

What do you do?

You army:

200 soldiers
50 recruits
Sakon Shima with 300 soldiers (away on the mission)

Location: woods north of the Broadstream, Northlands

"I think there were sixty of them, General. All were well armed," squirrel scout says.

What do you do?

You army:

300 soldiers



Location: Badger Lord's chambers, Salamandastron

"Is there something else you want to talk about, General?" Urthan asks. He is clearly wondering why you are still in his chambers.

What do you do?

You army:

300 hares


Name: Iccu
Location: Salamandastron

"Yes sah," Iccu began, "At most I could take a hundred good hares, but an army of that size is hard to move, I was wondering if I could split the hares into two groups, one under me, and the other under Brigadier Hawthorn."

Name: Duari
Location: Southern sand dunes

Duari nodded at the other fox. He turned and went into the tent, saying, "Skorpy, follow me, there is plotting to do." The tent was the largest that the horde owned, but that goes without saying. Inside there was a rug with The horde had been in the sand dunes for quite awhile, and Duari had taken the time to make himself comfortable. However, he couldn't stop the ceiling from hanging low. On some raised boards in the centre of the tent lay his crossbow and halberd, along with bolts for the crossbow and a map. Directly across from the entrance a sleeping roll lay.

rakkety tam

Name : Balock Scorpian
Location: north side of the Broadstream, Northlands

'' hmm well for now since they are a day from the broadstream i dont think they are any threat to my empire so for now i shall wait with the holt situation to the west but  put some patrols  and outposts to the south so we can see them coming if they do decide to attack''


Name : sakon Shima
Location: woods north of the Broadstream, Northlands

'' hmm we can take that alright lets move in there direction. i'll give you two a rest and um you two come here'.' a hare and a squirrel came forward. ''you two go ahead and follow them we will be behind you at a distance. every now and then one of you come back to me and give me reports of what is happening. alright lets move out''
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace


Name: Dranfor Rofnard
Location: Deathlia, Rofnard's castle

Treeflyer grabbed his fellow general and they exited the room. Rofnard turned to his father. "What did you want to tell me?"

~ + ~ + ~

Name: Bragatogg
Location: Deathlia's port

Bragatogg took some rope and tied Grock to a post. "That should keep him out of mischief!" Bragatogg said, turning back to his work.

~ + ~ + ~

Name: Skorpy
Location: Duari's Headquarters

Skorpy followed Duari in and set himself next to the makeshift table.


Name: Duari
Location: Southern Sand Dunes

"We will enlist Southsward as an ally." Duari said outright, watching Skorpy for a reaction, "We'll put the royal family back on the throne, and they'll be in our debt. With a bit of clever talking, we'll give Southsward a reason to be mad at Redwall, and march on with Southsward's fighters beside us, and take Redwall. You need to teach the horde manners and fighting. By mid spring we'll be sitting in Southsward's castle, feasting for our victory."


Name: Skorpy
Location: Duari's Headquarters

Skorpy looked up at Duari. "So you want us to take over Castle Floret, pretend to give them the throne back, march over Redwall, take over Redwall and then Castle Floret?"


Name: Duari
Location: Southern sand dunes, tent

"No," Duari said, "I keep using Southsward's army, allies, though tedious, are good in the long run." He put his paws together, "Dismissed."


Name: Skorpy
Location: Southern Sand Dunes, Duari's headquarters

Skorpy exited the tent and went to his own quarters.