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Planet Wisilgr Planning

Started by W0NWILL, December 11, 2012, 07:14:23 PM

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  I like those clothes (much better than a loincloth!), and the hair (it looks like seaweed, and that's cool!), and the fact that you actually drew scales (lol, I don't usually).
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Those are great! Oh, and Tiria, could you design the fish, be sure to do every detail, including the scales. ;)

Tiria Wildlough

What fish? You mean the water humanoid?
And thanks! My graphics tablet was being nice to me last night. Except I forgot to give her a tail. :P
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


D'oh well.

On other news, I created a summary about the planet and it's species. It's on the other computer, but I should be able to get it up tomorrow. And yes, since I'm a big nerd, you have to hear what sort of galaxy it's in, how long the days are, the common lore, etc.


  Well, that's good!  You aren't nerdy, just thorough and detailed.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Well...actually, I am a nerd/geek. I play Dungeons and Dragons!

Wisilgr – A planet about 2/3 the size of earth, and like earth, it is mostly covered with water, but unlike earth, instead of large continents, the oceans are scattered with islands, ranging in size. Almost all of these islands have different climates, and the biggest one (about 3500 miles across) is mostly desert, but has some arid plains at it's centre. The smallest habitable one (1000 feet across) is thick woods and marsh. Above the surface of the planet are floating islands, held up by a great deal of magnetized rock. Indeed, never bring a pin to this area, as much of the rock in the surface is magnetic. Both of the magnetic poles (in surface and floating islands) are north, making it near impossible for the islands to fall. There is a rumor though, that some of the floating island came crashing down into the sea, making the islands scattered across the sea. There is some evidence to this theory, there are almost no floating islands above land, they are mostly over water. Wisilgr orbits a bright blue, rather large star along with two other planets in an epithelial galaxy, Milkdromedawhich is the result of when the Milky Way and Andromeda collide. Four moons orbit Wisilgr and the nights are brighter than on Earth, but the occupants don't notice, as they are used to it. The moons are Titum, Ol, Fulim, and Sactir. The two other planets  are called Ritus and Diltis. The gravity on Wisilgr is less so than earth's, and the species tend to be about 6-7 feet tall on average, as there is not as much gravity pushing on their spines. A year on Wisilgr is 400 days, each day is 18 hours, and each season is about 100 days.

Lukunixil – The most scholarly and mysterious of the races, Lukunixil live on the floating islands above Wisilgr and fly as their main means of transportation. They value pride, honor, and honesty above all else. They elect their rulers over each large island or groups of islands, and the rulers call themselves governors. They rarely make good warriors, but when one puts their mind to it, they can hardly be beat in battle. They rarely go to the surface, as they are under the impression that others are below them, in more ways than one.

Aquurins – Known for their backstabbing and sly nature, they are distrusting and mean. They live in the oceans of Wisilgr. They make great warriors, with their shark-like mouths, tough tails, and clawed flippers, but aren't as smart as many of the other races. They view all other races to be inferior, but are wary of making too many enemies. They rule with a monarchy, and the entire species is under the royal family's rule, but each area has governors. If you get on their bad side, watch out!

Daruaks – These strange creatures live in the plains and deserts in nomadic tribes, and try not to get on anyone's bad side. They always ride cattle-like creatures, as their feet are weak and cannot walk. They have wings, but the wings are not strong enough to carry both them and their animals, and often, themselves. They have no set ruler over large areas, but each little tribe has a chieftain and a shaman to make decisions. They tend to be peaceful, but will attack if threatened, but they try to make peace if possible.
(picture here)

Land species 2 – Lizard-like and hostile, these live in the marshes and jungles of the islands and attack anything that wanders into their range. They'll even attack their own kind, if they come from another city or town. They are the best race at fighting, hands down, and are against most others. Their skin is a natural armor. They would do better with allies, even temporary ones, however it is against their nature to make friends.
(picture here)


Sounds great. Shouldn't we name the islands?


  That's awesome!  And it's good that you're nerdy, because the information is really helpful!  :)

  I agree with Dreamer.  We should make some names for the different islands.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Right, the hundreds of little ones as well, eh? How 'bout the big ones with cities. I'm not naming all of them!


  Sure.  I think it'd be hard to name all of them, lol.  Though, please don't go looking for names from me.  I stink at naming things.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tiria Wildlough

Since this is such a big job, maybe different people should have different jobs, like the job of naming things, or drawing things.
Also, what is the land species 2? Is it the one I drew?
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Yes. Don't have a name for it yet.



(please do not send me the pm game messages)