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Planet Wisilgr Planning

Started by W0NWILL, December 11, 2012, 07:14:23 PM

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Should we start an RP?

6 (60%)
1 (10%)
I dunno
3 (30%)

Total Members Voted: 10


Well, last night I was bored, and couldn't sleep. I had already listened to every podcast on my ipod. In short, a typical night. Anyway, as I was there, I had an idea that some of you may buy into. It's a creative, brainstorming together, and debating idea.

For the heck of it, we, the redwall forum members, would make a planet, bound by the laws of science(so no square planet), make creatures to inhabit it, and roleplay on the planet of our own creation.

What are your thoughts on this?

Need-to information

QuoteWisilgr – A planet about 2/3 the size of earth, and like earth, it is mostly covered with water, but unlike earth, instead of large continents, the oceans are scattered with islands, ranging in size. Almost all of these islands have different climates, and the biggest one (about 3500 miles across) is mostly desert, but has some arid plains at it's centre. The smallest habitable one (1000 feet across) is thick woods and marsh. Above the surface of the planet are floating islands, held up by a great deal of magnetized rock. Indeed, never bring a pin to this area, as much of the rock in the surface is magnetic. Both of the magnetic poles (in surface and floating islands) are north, making it near impossible for the islands to fall. Wisilgr orbits a bright blue, rather large star along with three other planets in an epithelial galaxy, Milkdromedawhich is the result of when the Milky Way and Andromeda collide. Four moons orbit Wisilgr and the nights are brighter than on Earth, but the occupants don't notice, as they are used to it. The moons are Titum, Ol, Fulim, and Sactir. The three other planets  are called Ritus, Diltis and Therum. Therum is a purple gas giant about the size of Neptune, Ritus is a small rocky orbiting closest to their star, Diltis is slightly bigger than Wisilgr and orbiting further away, and Wisilgr is orbiting between the other two rocky planets. Gravity on Wisilgr is less so than earth's, and the species tend to be about 6-7 feet tall on average, as there is not as much gravity pushing on their spines. A year on Wisilgr is 400 days, each day is 18 hours, and each season is about 100 days.

Sentient species -

Lukunixil – The most scholarly and mysterious of the races, Lukunixil live on the floating islands above Wisilgr and fly as their main means of transportation. They value pride, honor, and honesty above all else. They elect their rulers over each large island or groups of islands, and the rulers call themselves governors. They rarely make good warriors, but when one puts their mind to it, they can hardly be beat in battle. They rarely go to the surface, as they are under the impression that others are below them, in more ways than one. Average lifespan-120 years

Aquurins – Known for their backstabbing and sly nature, they are distrusting and mean. They live in the oceans of Wisilgr. They make great warriors, with their shark-like mouths, tough tails, and clawed flippers, but aren't as smart as many of the other races. They view all other races to be inferior, but are wary of making too many enemies. They rule with a monarchy, and the entire species is under the royal family's rule, but each area has governors. If you get on their bad side, watch out! Average lifespan-100 years

Daruaks – These strange creatures live in the plains and deserts in nomadic tribes or villages, and try not to get on anyone's bad side. They always ride cattle-like creatures, as their feet are weak and cannot walk. They have wings, but the wings are not strong enough to carry both them and their animals, and often, themselves. They have no set ruler over large areas, but each little tribe has a chieftain and a shaman to make decisions. Each village has a mayor and sheriff to split the power. They tend to be peaceful, but will attack if threatened, but they try to make peace if possible. Average lifespan-160 years

Reptoids – Lizard-like and hostile, these live in the marshes and jungles of the islands and attack anything that wanders into their range. They'll even attack their own kind, if they come from another city or town. They are the best race at fighting, hands down, and are against most others. Their skin is a natural armor. They are blamed for much of the strife in Wisilgr, but the truth is, many just want to be alone. They would do better with allies, even temporary ones, however it is against their nature to make friends. Average lifespan-110 years

Other species -

Paugs --A tamable omnivore that is a common pet. It lives in the forests of the normal islands. Paugs lay eggs that can be sold or made into omelets, and its large horn is often used as a helmet.

Casabirs -- A herbivore that lives on the flying islands. It is not tamable and will run if someone approaches it. Its feathers are used for cloaks and it's meat is quite good and will fetch a fair price.

Legends –

The Twisted Terror – It's said that a lone Lukunix with a twisted talon from past wars wanders the earth, bringing help to those he favors, and death to their enemies. Very few know his name, and they are sworn to secrecy.

The Dallete – A monster is said to wander the thick woods and tall mountains of a small group of islands known as the Hillys. It is said to have a mouth like a plant trap, and spikes for a tail, and feasts on any that disturb it.

Fallen islands – Some of the floating islands may of came crashing down into the sea, making the islands scattered across the sea. There is some evidence to this theory, there are almost no floating islands above land, they are mostly over water.


  Wait, what?  So, we make a planet and creatures on it, then make RPs about it or something?  Slightly confused but definitely interested over here lol.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Yes, basically. Maybe create the stuff here, and make another topic to roleplay.


So we would have the original species of Redwall? And create our own continents and islands?


Not even Redwall, just things we pull off the top of our head. Don't even have to be from earth. But yes, different continents and the like.



  Well, I have been toying around with one or two ideas for awhile.  It's the idea that you have an entire world of water with tiny islands on it, and the main species on there is a fish-like humanoid.  Every other species is also like a fish, so horses have fins and gills, cats have webbed paws and gills, dogs have the same, etc.

  The other idea is sort of like the first one, only it's floating islands.  The main species has bird wings and tails or something, but still humanoid.  The other animals are like that.  They pretty much have some means of flying.

  Eh, not sure if either of these ideas are good, but they're just ones that I'd been thinking of for awhile.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain. You need me, or you're nothing."

"People have died."
"Thats what people DO!"

"Did u miss me?"
      ~Moriarty & Sherlock



Thanks for trying this.

Rain, those are good ideas. I'll start a poll on who wants what idea, and I have one to add. Mainly desert, but with cooler forests at the poles. And the floating islands are not possible by science, but I'm fine, as long as the world isn't square.

EDIT: Put your ideas and mine along with a couple others, anyone's free to make suggestions for it.

Tiria Wildlough

Can there be mountains too? And coral reefs? And can we make up our own animals? This sounds awesome!
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


It could consist of large islands and smaller islands, all of different climate. Having floating islands and underwater islands too.


Okay, so a melding of all the ideas?

Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on December 12, 2012, 03:35:48 AM
Can there be mountains too? And coral reefs? And can we make up our own animals? This sounds awesome!

Yes. Yes. Yes. And yes.


Sort of. The underwater islands would sort of giant capsules attached to the sea bed by huge chains.


Right, okay, we'll see how that's recieved.
What time would this be in compared to us? Would there just be animals, or would a few be intelligent enough to build/use tools? Would they have mastered space travel? Or would they be in between, medieval times or our times?