Desert Survival

Started by W0NWILL, December 17, 2012, 12:01:09 AM

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Detheurim came back to his cave after watching the sun rise. When he found the ferret still lying on the cot, thinking he was still asleep, he went to make breakfast... when he found all the pita bread and hummus gone. What the heck? He thought. He searched the ground for tracks... and found that the ferret had eaten all of it. All his valuable pita bread and hummus. That he had to go to the next town to get. Which was miles away. Which cost him money he did not have. That... That...
While he was thinking this, his anger built. He went and yelled this all to that ferret infidel.


Raj awoke, and ran away from the cave without his scimitar. He ran towards the band of travelers he had seen the day before. When he came close, he wished he had taken a moment to find his scimitar, because he had just witnessed a giant adder bite a fox in the neck.

OOC: Please continue your story where you left off.


Deahtcoil Poisonteeth turned around and saw the ferret. He slithered quickly towards it.


  Peregrine gave his alarm chirp to the ferret, which was a rather quiet sound.  It sounded quite like the chattering of birds, seeing as Peregrine Sandstorm was a bird.
  Thinking that the noise wasn't helping very much, Pip dove at the adder.  "Away with you, viper!" he cried, trying to scare it off.
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The adder recoiled slightly, but then seeing it was but a prey, he striked towards it.


  Peregrine pulled up, trying to get out of the dive.  He barely got away from the adder's fangs.  He decided now that he would stay higher up.  "Get out of here, snake!"

  Dusk could smell adder.  He thought about turning around and getting out of there, then stopped.  He wanted revenge on all reptiles, not just lizards.  He continued sneaking through the dunes, inching his way closer to the group.
  Pulling out his blowpipe, Dusk dug his way into a dune, letting only his blowpipe and eyes show.  Targeting the snake, he took a deep breath and placed a dart inside the pipe.  This dart had a poison on it to knock out its target for a short time.
  Dusk placed his lips to the blowpipe and fired, hoping to hit the snake.  Right as the dart left the pipe, the young cat climbed out of the dune and ran to another one.  Since his fur was the same color as the sand, Dusk doubted that anybeast could have seen him.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


The dart buried right next to the adders side. Deathcoil Poisonteeth looked up and saw a furtive movement. He slithered back into the sand and disappeared.


After the snake went away, Raj walked over to the travelers and started to introduce himself, but they couldn't understand him


  OOC:  Does that mean that the snake is coming back, or has it left, at least for the moment?

 BIC:  Peregrine looked at the small dent in the sand where the snake had disappeared.  He dearly hoped it wouldn't come back; he didn't want to have to go through that experience again.  His heart was pounding so hard that he was sure everybeast could hear it.

 Dusk saw that the tiny snake had left, so he got out of his hiding place and crept closer.  He saw the owl and shuddered.  His mother had told him about how owls tended to take off with young kits.  Dusk didn't want to be lunch for some dumb bird!

 Peregrine saw movement in the distance and turned his head to see a strange sight.  Was the sand moving?  No, it couldn't be.  Sand didn't have dark stripes or eyes.  Silly me, he thought, it's just a sand cat.
 He stared at the sand cat for a moment before realizing something.  Sand cat?  Cat!  Cats kill beasts!
 Trying to get higher in the sky, Peregrine shouted out, "Everybeast, there's a sand cat out there!  Look!"  He gestured with his talons to the moving figure.

 Dusk growled with irritation.  How had the bird seen him?  And why did the bird think that he wanted to harm anybeast?
 He put his blowpipe away and held his paws up.  "I don't wanna hurt nobeast!  An' I don't want nobeast to hurt me!  My name's Dusk, an' I'm the 'un who shot the dumb snake."
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Instantly regreting his desicion, Detheurim prepared to go after the ferret. It was dangerous in the desert, and the ferret would need his scimitar. He also pack extra food, water, and set out. When he aproched a small party, he thought he could see a comotion going on. He quickened his pace.


Lurqui looked around, for two days they didn't see any life except for the ocasional shrub or a lizard, now there was creatures all around.


Panting hard, Detheurim paused to take a drink from his flask. He had been runing for a while now, following the ferret's tracks. He came to the top of a dune and saw the group talking toghter, some 100 feet away. He approched the ferret. "Sorry I called you an infidel" he said, "but you ARE foolish. Eating your fill and runing off without a weapon... someone could've killed you for that. I had a hidden supply of meat, though. I always do, in case a snake comes in or something. But you've done me no real harm, so here's your scimitar back"


Raj turned to the fox and accepted his scimitar. "Thanks," he said, "but do you know any words of the language they're speaking? I don't know any of it. Would you mind translating for me?"


  Dusk came closer to the group.  There was a ferret and a fox too?  Why then were they making such a fuss over a sand cat?

  Peregrine looked the small cat up and down.  It couldn't be much older than a kit!  Sighing, he landed and walked over to the cat.  "What are you doing here, cat?"
  Dusk shrank back in fright.  "G-get away from me, or I'll kill you!  I have a dagger!"  To prove his words, he pulled out a small dagger made of bone.
  Peregrine backed up slowly.  "You must be careful with that, or you might hurt somebeast."  He chuckled, with the little cat glaring at him.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


OOC: I've thought of something, Deathcoil will help you guys later to get out of the desert. (mainly because he wants revenge on the lizards and other reptiles)