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Redwall Zombie Survival

Started by Griffen, December 17, 2012, 05:49:34 AM

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Because of how this game works, late joins are welcome, just  make a profile and wait for my say to join :)

At the moment I do indeed have another in the makes, but It'll be a while before its up and i would like to do this little thing to help me get back to RPing/Directing. So, now onto the plot.

                             Entry #14           Noif the 4th

Little over a month ago the sickness hit our lands. All over creatures both good and bad were dyeing off because of it. However that wasn't the only problem... the dead weren't staying dead. We have just made it so Salamandaston, a small refuge camp let us in. Me and my sister are always on the look out, we can't trust anyone! We must never trust anyone! if we let out guard down surely we will be taken advantage of, maybe even killed. I have to go now, I need my sleep for the morning light. END

     alright so, you and the other people will start in Redwall Abbey, your objective is to survive. You do not have to stay at Redwall, but there are no zombies in it... yet. so your safe for a bit :)  

Need to information. (rules and what not.)

1# Zombies will come out at anytime of the day, not just night.
2# Zombies need to eat flesh, always uninfected flesh.
3# The normal good verses bad is off, in fact there are a few rats and a couple of foxes in Redwall when this starts.
3.1# This does not mean that you or they still wont hold grudges, simple put they would rather survive then fight you.
4# do stupid, pointless and rah-full things and your chances of dyeing or coming infected get greater.
4.1# Yes this does mean that i do have the power (as the directer) to infect, injure or kill your character.
5#No food or water will kill you. *
6# Have fun

Alrighty, now that we have gotten through that... you may have up to three characters. I like to present the option of having more characters in my RPs because we will not out pace another RPer. If your in a group and one player is AFK (away from keyboard) you must wait before continuing. You will not start with any weapons, and only I (or people i give permission too) will be able to say that there are certain items in buildings, chest, on the ground, etc for you to use or pick up.

Now don't worry if you die a couple times. you can come back as soon as i approve your NEW character :)

PS: you wont start right with the group you were with, but will re-spawn in a near by safe place which you can go to them or they can go to you.

PSS: Yes you will loose your stuff if you die. If you die another player may pick the stuff up and do what ever they wish with it. If you kill someone* you may pick up or use their stuff anyway you wish.

*hopefully when you kill someone it will be a npc, but if you feel the need to kill a player for any reason (they are possible gonna harm the group, infected, your insane, etc just PM me and we can discuss it :)


Zombie types:

walkers: they walk at a normal pace.
crawlers: crawl slow due to broken bones.
runners: can run fast with out a break, they walk till aroused.


I'm in for sure!

So you play the zombies?


All I needed to hear was the word zombie. Now to read my handy apocalypse survival papers again...(I really do have some!)

Dannflower Reguba

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Great and yes i will, but you may add in a few of the zombies for the effects =) ok lets see some profiles!!! (^_^)


I'll make one of the foxes:

Name: Dranfor Rofnard
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Weapons: None
Appearance: Grey fur, green eyes, taller than average, mean look.

I might add more info later.

About the zombie part, maybe when your character dies and becomes a zombie, you could still control him from a limited position.


sweet, i remember that name... but from where?? and i thought about that also but since they are mindless they can't be controlled.

PS: your accepted, a few more and we can start.


Cool idea!

I'll be a Redwall otter

Name: Hesa
Age: 14 seasons
Species: Ottter
Gender: Female
Weapon: can I have Martin's sword? If not I'll have a sling
Occupation: Redwaller
History: Her father, Skipper used to be Redwalls warrior and she took the sword of Martin from him before he became a zombie.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


nice, and no. sorry no weapons :( but since your profile has the sword in it i will say that a thief stole it then left. maybe you can find it if you go scavenging. :)

PS: accepted


Okay thanks I'll just say she can't use it then.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


This looks interesting... how does this all work?


well first i will welcome you to the website.


now i'll tell you to read the top of the page. :D


ok i will make a character later :P how many RPs can I play at once?


sweet, and as many as you can keep up with.

Name: Jine
Species: Hare
Personality:laughs a lot, scared but wont show it.
Appearance: tall and skinny
Occupation: cook (no doubt about it)

Dannflower Reguba

Name: Quop
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: Deep brown fur, dark eyes with golden centers, wears a faded green tunic
Personality: Understanding
Occupation: Woods beast

That should be good for now.  ;)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This