Forest Frenzies!

Started by Kitsune, December 22, 2012, 02:22:17 AM

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Ok, so this rpg takes place in Mossflower woods. It is preferred that you start there, but as long as you end up there that's fine. You can be a Redwall dweller, a creature from the forest, or someone who's lost. It's kind of just like 'normal' stuff like in the Redwall books, but that can still be fun too, right? It's even more fun when you decide what happens!
If you want to join, let me know! Just let me know your character(s):

*optional, but preferred
# not necessary at all, just if you want to add a little note.

I will start this once the are five people, but I guess it is sort of limited(12 people would be CRAZY! Not characters, though).


A RP where anything can happen? Hmm...

Name: Marvin
Species: Fulvous Whistling Duck
Age: I dunno, but youngish
Gender: Male
Side: Good
Occupation: An average joe
Weapons: Natural defenses

I would put species in your form.

Tiria Wildlough

Name: Slatter
Age: Weasel equivalent of 20-something. :P
Gender: Female
Side: Neutral
Occupation: Nothing really. She's a bit of a bum. :P
Weapons: Blowpipe and darts, and a dagger.
Other: She's a weasel, ya know. And she doesn't like working, she would rather steal from people. She steals from both sides, so she's neutral.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


I'll join! I just haven't thought of a character yet!

@Tiria: could you get back on and actually do something in desert survival?


You're both accepted! Thanks, WONWILL. *face palm* Why did I miss something so obvious?


Name:  Tharn Hlessi
Age:  15
Gender:  Male
Species:  Rabbit (not hare, rabbit)
Appearance:  Brown fur with a cream colored chest, brown eyes, lean, cream colored tunic, black belt (doubles as sling) with a dagger attached to it.  Tharn's rather handsome for a rabbit.
Personality:  Not brave, more of a coward (hence the name (Tharn:  To be petrified with fear, i.e. "deer in headlights")), rather jumpy, frightened at the slightest noise, intelligent, but afraid to say anything, for fear that he's wrong
Side:  Good
Occupation:  Just a lost rabbit with no home (hence the surname (Hlessi:  A homeless rabbit without a hole to dwell in))
Weapons:  Natural defense, boxer, dagger, sling
Other:  Tharn is a lone rabbit, lost in Mossflower.  He used to live with his family (rather large family, I might add), but they drove him out after countless false alarms.  They realized that it would do more harm than good to keep him with them, so he was sent out to wander for the rest of his life, given the surname Hlessi, after his situation.  Tharn so wants to prove himself to them so he can go back home, but he's too afraid and doesn't know how.  Tharn desperately wants to rid himself of his surname and take up his original name:  Tharn Nildro-hain.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Hlessi Tharn sounds like a name from Watership Down. I read that book but it was only okay.

Here are my characters so far:

Name: Cole
Age: 23
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Appearance: Heavily tattooed, normal fox colored fur, leather vest, green tunic
Personality: Sneaky, mean, liar, tough
Side: Bad
Occupation: Assassin, thug
Weapons: Axe, short sword
Other: Wanders around for a job

Name: Buckler III
Age: 68
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Appearance: Gray fur, old tattered robe
Personality: A little crazy, doesn't like vermin, eats too much
Side: Good
Occupation: Hermit
Weapons: Staff
Other: Deserted the Long Patrol at a young age, but still talks like a Long Patrol Hare


  Haha, Hlessi Tharn sounds like a name from Watership Down because it is a name from Watership Down.  I'm reading it currently, so it's kinda on my mind.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

cregga rose eyes

Name: Emerald Silversword
Age*: 16 (fox equivalent)
Gender: Female
Species: Fox
Side*: neutral- bad (she has no side but does more bad than good)
Occupation*: wondering mercenary
Weapons*: a simple sword with a black hilt and green pommel stone. two plain, unadorned throwing daggers in her belt.
Other#: She is straight forward. She is weary of other foxes.

Appearance: She wears a tan tunic with a belt at her waist and a scarf. She has the typical orange fur with black markings. She has emerald green eyes.

Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


What do we do? Like anything? Or is there a plot?


Name: Adara
Age: 14 seasons
Gender: Female
Side: Good
Occupation: Redwaller
Weapon: Sling
Fun. is a fantastic band.


You're all accepted! No, not really, Redwaller. Just... normal stuff! (I guess!)


  If anyone wants my character to start off with them and be friends or something with them, just holler.  I'd rather Hlessi be buddies with someone than having nightmares in the forest.  By himself.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Sure, forgot to make MY character... they could be your rabbit's friend.

Name: Sothen Treejumper
Species: Squirrel
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Side: Good
Weapons: Two throwing knifes and bow and arrows
Other: Had been childhood friends with Tharn, and when he found out that he had been banished, he set out to find him. He feels like he's catching up, but hasn't seen him yet... (Rainshadow, if you don't like this plot setting, just tell me! ;D)


Oh, do you mind if I make a character from the deep south, and be a different species than what you normally see in Redwall?