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Forest Frenzies! RP

Started by Kitsune, January 02, 2013, 03:21:36 PM

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OOC: Mask can here well but he pointed to the wrong area and they'll assume it was just the wind.

BIC:"Huh, must've been the wind," Mask looked at Cole,"Could you get a fire started?"


"Aye." the fox replied. He gathered the firewood Mask had chopped. It was a slow process, due to the fact that he was injured, but the task was completed nonetheless. But since his right shoulder was injured, he was unable to to start the fire, so he asked Mask and Sothen, "Would you mind starting it? I can't, really. If you don't want to I could at least try."


"It's fine I can." Mask replied pulling out a piece of flint and striking it into the pile of tinder.

cregga rose eyes

Emerald opened her eyes to the noise of everyone talking. She felt much better, but was hungry. She looked towards the cackling sound of a warm fire. Shifting out from beneath Tranquility's cloak, Emerald spotted Sothen. Baring her teeth a little in anger she snapped. "What is he doing here."

OOC: Emerald is mad and hungry. She is not going to attack, since she doesn't want to risk getting knocked out again.
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


Cole suddenly felt weaker, and shoulder now hurt even worse. He could barely stand. "Guys, I ain't hungry anymore. Emerald can have my fish. That okay, Em?" he asked her. He walked over near Tranquility and lay back down. He felt awful.


"You've got a lot to catch up with" Sothen said to Emerald, shooting another fish, picking it up by the arrow, and tossing it close to the fire.


Mask eyed Cole's shoulder suspiciously, "We should check your shoulder how you feel is changing to often. I'm thinking it's infected."

cregga rose eyes

"It seem I have time." Emerald stated as she sat near the fire with her paws outstretched. "I would also like to know how long have I slept? Who is the one with the strange face. And why are you acting so calmly when there are two foxes near you?"
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


"I am Mask that's my name and the design on my face." he stated simply, "And we aren't scared because you are rather senseless and you could do no harm and same with Cole, and do you happen to see the rather large cat behind me?" he asked in a smart alecky tone.


Suddenly Daisy froze in her tracks. What was that noise? She ducked behind some shrubs and peered through the leaves...FIRE! Someone had started a fire! Who were they and what were they doing in the woods? Listening intently, she heard voices; friends or foes? It was dark now and hard to see anything but the fire. Daisy had lost track of time, her friends in the abbey would soon be worried.


Sothen turned around at the sudden noise in the bushes. "What was that?" He asked. He stalked forward to find out.


  Above the fire and in the trees there was a rather mysterious creature.  She watched the beasts below, her cloak and dark fur making her practically invisible in the darkness.
  Vigelem the chipmunk was watching the beasts as she usually did.  She smiled at her own name.  Vigelem meant Watcher in a long dead language.  The perfect name for a chipmunk like herself.
  Vigelem's mouth watered as she saw the fish, but she refused to go down.  She was a hermit, not liking the company of others.  She didn't want to talk to others, at least not tonight.  Maybe in the morning, she thought, keeping an eye on the creatures.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Sothen crept through the leaves, looking for the source of the noise.


Sasam Helmos wandered through the forest, Sasam hated forests, he much preferred the tall jungles that he used to live in. The weary Caracal sat down and put his staff against a tree. He dug a pit and filled it with wood. He picked up a rock and struck his sword against it, letting the sparks fall onto the wood causing a small fire. He took a bird from his satchel, stuck it on a stick and began to roast it over the fire.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

cregga rose eyes

Emerald saw the sense in Mask's words. She watched as Sothen walked towards the trees. She still had her sword at her side, but one of her daggers had been lost in the river.
She wasn't sure on what could happen. Too much had happened in the short period of time since she first heard the noise of fighting. Now she was with the oddest bunch of creatures and she didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Even with Cole and Sothen near her.
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays