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Forest Frenzies! RP

Started by Kitsune, January 02, 2013, 03:21:36 PM

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"We're waisting time." Sothen drew his knife, flipped in it his paw, and sheathed it. "We'll all be slaves if we don't get away from the pirates. Well? Who's with me?" And with that, Sothen picked up and half drag ed Slatter toward the hamster. "Which way to Redwall?" He asked.


"He's right." as he sheathed his knives after he threw them up and caught them."Let's got to the place of red walls."


Daisy couldn't believe her ears! Were these brave creatures actually looking towards her as an important woodland guide of sorts?! Daisy was feeling rather proud and full of herself by this time! She stood as tall as she could and tried to act important. "Follow me friends, to Redwall Abbey, where we'll be welcomed with great fellowship and the best food you've ever eaten! Let's be quick, now, those of you who are able to help the wounded beasts on the journey please do so. Let's be off!"

Daisy started off, but realized right away that it was late now, and quite dark. Everything looked so different. She hoped she would indeed be able to find her way back to Redwall after all! She still didn't understand who all the creatures in the woods were. Some she was quite frightened of. Others, like the squirrel, seemed to be trustworthy. Daisy wondered about the mysterious hooded ranger in the tree. Just what kind of beast was that?


Quote from: Rainshadow on February 12, 2013, 01:10:22 AM
  Vigelem sighed at the fact that no beast was leaving.  "Fine, how about everybeast puts away their weapons and is sensible, eh?  Would that be better?"
  To strengthen her suggestion, Vigelem lowered her bow and put away the arrow.  She slung her bow over her back, climbing down a branch to get closer.
  Seeing the fires, Vigelem got slightly irritated.  She hated fire, especially when it was in her territory.  She looked back to Sasam, saying, "Why don't you stop gloating, Caracal.  Just because you come from a different species than the rest of us doesn't mean that you're higher and have more authority than the rest of us.  I don't gloat that I'm a rare beast or the only Ranger in Mossflower, now do I?"

"I never even had a weapon out anyway" said Sasam "And when did I gloat about anything?" he turned to Daisy "I agree" he said, "It would not be wise to linger here, the vermin are on their way"

The vermin were indeed on their way, they crashed through the bushes as they charged towards Redwall and the unwitting travelers
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


  Vigelem followed the creatures by jumping through the trees, keeping up with them easily.  She had been to Redwall only once, and had hated it there.  Vigelem was a hermit of sorts, and didn't enjoy being surrounded by other beasts.  She dreaded the fact that she had to go back to the Abbey.  The only good thing was that she didn't have to cook for herself.
  Tharn quietly followed behind every other beast, ducking behind trees as often as he could.  He didn't want to get left here on his own!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


OOC: Nobody, seeing as we are both rping as the same characters in your rp would you wind if I already know Tranq when I meet her in windy moors?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


OOC: I don't want Cole to be injured anymore, so he's going to get better. This is obviously unrealistic, but time is running out because the pirates are coming!  :o

BIC: Cole thought he saw some sort of a rodent nearing him, but he wasn't sure. He was thirsty, but he couldn't get to the river. He remembered the flask of seaweed grog that he had, so he decided to take a drink. During the day, the cap had gotten loose without him noticing. When he tried to get it out, it ended up spilling all over his wounded shoulder. The sharp pain caused him to pass out for a second, but when he woke up, his shoulder felt good enough so that he could at least get up and find out what was going on. The river water would probably be better than the grog anyway. The rodent had left, and was conversing with a cat, a mysterious cloaked creature, and the squirrel who had shot him. He decided he would go and find out what they were talking about.

OOC: Sorry, I know that happened way too quick, not very scientific I know, but I had to get him back into the RP somehow


Whiptail smiled evilly, on his way to Redwall he had already encountered two large, rich dwellings, one of mice and one of rabbits. All of the occupants had been slain and all of their belongings and provisions were being piled into a heap. Whiptail saw one rat try and hide a loaf of bread in his satchel. Fast as lightning, Whiptail whipped out his tail and it wrapped around the unfortunate vermin's neck "If you ever steal from me again Kurmo you will not live to tell of it, put the bread back now, there's a good rat" Kurmo threw the bread back onto the pile. Whiptail strode through the pile and picked out a sword with a beautifully carved golden handle inset with rubies. Whiptail drew his old cutlass (which was quite beautiful in itself) and threw it to a stoat "'Tis your lucky day Trang" he said as he placed the new sword in his belt "I know you've had your eye on my blade for ages" Then he pointed to the pile of possessions "Take what you want, 'tis all yours my friends!" The vermin howled with delight and through themselves upon the treasure, biting and kicking their neighbors to stop them from taking bits they wanted. When they moved away there was still a sizable pile, Whiptail strode through, picking out a gold buckled belt and a crown made of gold. He cast aside his own belt and buckled on the new one and put the crown on over his helmet, it was just wide enough that it would fit at the bottom, he would have his smiths weld this crown to his helmet someday.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


After wandering through the woods awhile, everything finally looked familiar. Daisy yelled out with confidence now, "Follow's the way! Keep up, now, all those bound for Redwall! Let's pick up our pace, it's getting really late! Who's with me? It's time we all venture to introduce ourselves proper like as we travel. But, let's be quick about it, I'm anxious to get us all to safety within the abbey."


"Once again I am Sasam Helmos, a pleasure to make your acquaintance"
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

cregga rose eyes

"I am Emerald Silversword." Emerald spoke up. She had tried to wanted to remain silent, but she felt it would be for the best if she made herself known with some of the beasts who showed up after she woke. She figured she looked bedraggled. She hadn't attempted to tidy herself since she got out of the river.
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


(Tranq's coming to the abbey.)

Tranquility was at the back of the group, often meandering out of sight before returning.


Daisy filled her tiny hamster lungs with air and tried to sound brave and bold, "And, I'm Daisy, hamster-maid and friend of the Redwallers! I'm fierce and brave & a friend to anybeast true and honorable!" Inside Daisy thought, "what am I doing? Some of these beasts are HUGE! I'm not even sure what type of beasts some of them are! What will my friends at the abbey think? I sure hope these beasts following me ARE friendly! And I hope I don't look like dinner to them! One thing is for sure, we'd better get there quick, with me at the front of the group, or my friends at the abbey will think they are under siege!"


"I'm Mask a raccoon the best knife thrower from where I come from."


"From where YOU come" Sothen muttered under his breath.

Slatter awoke to find herself at angle, her feet dragging along the ground. Somebeast was carrying her! Who ever it was, she hoped she was going to a place where she could be cared for. She passed out again.