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Forest Frenzies! RP

Started by Kitsune, January 02, 2013, 03:21:36 PM

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Sothen made an insulting gesture towards Shallar and continued to bound towards Redwall.


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Sothen reached Redwall and found the abbot. "We need help out in the forest!" Sothen told the abbot.

Amphalis motioned to a group of shrews that had just arrived for a visit. Soon there were shouts of Log-a-log! ringing through the forest as a score of angry shrews charged down the path to were the lizards were.


Sister Veroni, now back to her senses, cleared her throat and said to Cole, "Come here, you fox! Let's go to the infirmary and get that injury on your shoulder attended to."



Cole followed Sister Veroni to the infirmary.


Saukko tried to calm down as the older otter was comforting her, when she remembered the lock pick she always kept with her. "Murlo," she whispered to the other otter, "I can get all of us free with this lock pick I've got!"


Sister Veroni, Daisy and Cole walked down the hall, up the stairs and entered the infirmary.

Sister Veroni turned and mustered all her courage, staring into Cole's eyes, "Listen here fox, "Cole" isn't it? I aim to help you to heal, but I'll take no back talk, no growling, and no showing your fangs! We here at Redwall Abbey are kind, sensible beasts, always ready to help someone in hold still and be good, now."

Daisy spoke up, "I'm here to help you, Sister. Just tell me what you need! This here fox, my new friend, Cole will be good as gold, won't ya, Cole?"



Murlo perked up "Lockpick?" he asked "Is it any good? How come the vermin didn't confiscate it?" Murlo muttered to the mouse next to him "Get the word around, my friend has a lockpick"
the mouse looked at him "Most here would betray the others for an extra crust o' bread but I know the ones we can trust, I'll tell 'em"


After he had eaten, Sasam went to explore the abbey. The first thing that caught his eye was the tapestry of Martin the warrior "Your a tough lookin' mousie make no mistake" he muttered "I certainly wouldn't want to cross you, no sir! And what's this?" He took the sword from it's pegs above the tapestry "Was this your blade? The beast that forged this knew what he was doing" he gave the sword a few experimental swings "It's a good blade" he said, returning the sword to it's pegs "but I prefer my Alsrender" he touched the hilt of his sword "I wonder who you are"
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Amphalis noticed Slatter for the first time. "Oh my! You need to go see Sister Veroni, too!" He went over to Slatter and tried to pick her up. "Can somebeast help me?" He said when he found he couldn't.


Mask jumped from tree to tree silently trying to get around to the back of the lizards.

Norham Waterpaw

Ooc: I posted on the Ooc page, this means I can join right?
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


OOC: I didn't see you post in this RP's OOC topic, you must have gotten them mixed up. When you ask to join an RP, you post your character in the OOC topic, and wait for the gamemaster to accept your character.

In this RP, there are so many players with several characters each, making it a very busy RP. I unfortunately closed the registrations about a month ago. I would recommend an active RP, such as the Battle for the Diamond in the Gorge.

Hoping to RP with you in the future,


Quote from: Jetthebinturong on March 10, 2013, 12:54:28 PM

Murlo perked up "Lockpick?" he asked "Is it any good? How come the vermin didn't confiscate it?" Murlo muttered to the mouse next to him "Get the word around, my friend has a lockpick"
the mouse looked at him "Most here would betray the others for an extra crust o' bread but I know the ones we can trust, I'll them"


After he had eaten, Sasam went to explore the abbey. The first thing that caught his eye was the tapestry of Martin the warrior "Your a tough lookin' mousie make no mistake" he muttered "I certainly wouldn't want to cross you, no sir! And what's this?" He took the sword from it's pegs above the tapestry "Was this your blade? The beast that forged this knew what he was doing" he gave the sword a few experimental swings "It's a good blade" he said, returning the sword to it's pegs "but I prefer my Alsrender" he touched the hilt of his sword "I wonder who you are"

OOC: I was hoping that a redwaller would overhear me, come in and tell me about Martin here
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Amphalis set Slatter back down and shuffled over to Sasam and said, "Yes, yes. That's our warrior, Martin. He helped to found Redwall seasons ago. That there is his sword. Since we don't have a Redwall Warrior at the moment, it remains up there."


Just then, Daisy, Sister Veroni and Cole were walking by on their way to the infirmary. They heard Abbot Amphalis speaking of the legendary Martin the Warrior. Cole seemed disinterested until Daisy piped in, "Oh Abbot!! Do tell us more about Martin!! I LOVE to hear the stories of our great hero who has gone before us!"

Sister Veroni saw the look on their faces and said, "Very well, Daisy. You and Cole stay here and listen to our dear Abbot Amphalis while I go get supplies from the infirmary." Sister Veroni thought to herself, "it will do that foxbeast good to listen to what the Abbot says about Martin's valor and integrity! Hmph!"


OOC: It's fine that I'm listening intently, but you can't power play (controlling someone else's character)