
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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RP: The Quest for the Sword

Started by Lady_Gwalia, July 10, 2011, 07:57:41 PM

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OOC~Nature Lover, we need our abbot/abbess cus of the newcomers. Care to jump in as him/her?
High or the hills, far or the seas,
Fly with the small birds and follow the breeze,
Go with your heart, where would you roam?
Back to the rose colored stones you call home.
~The Pearls of Lutra


OOC: Sure

BIC: Abbess Rose (for lack of a better name) looked up as Tey & Trigoma entered the kitchen. Hello Tey! Who is this with you?
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday


Webbtail and Joey, who collected 4 buckets full of produce between them, were next to notice the newcomers. They walked straight over to them and introduced themselves. "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Joey, the abbey warrior. This is Webbtail, the skipper of otters," Joey bowed politely.
"At your service, marm and sir. Welcome to Re- OH NO!" As Webbtail was bowing, he let go of the buckets, causing the food to go everywhere. "Ummm... could you help with that? Friar would get mad if he found out we dropped the fruits and vegetables," Said Joey, who's first hand experience with the friar meant he knew all about his angry behaviour.
"Well, mateys, make it quick, friar's comin' this way right now!" Said Webbtail.
Received mostly negative reviews.

James Gryphon

Deep in the heart of Mossflower Forest, Terrus the vole skipped down the ancient road. Ever since that nice pine marten had told him all about the red fortress, the nasty creatures that lived inside, and the object they were keeping held hostage, he had been looking forward to going there.

"He's a sword, he recalled that marten -- what was her name again? Serah? Well, it didn't matter what her name was, anyway. Anyway, Terrus easily recollected what she had told him. "You'll recognize him the moment you see him. He has a red pommel stone and a beautiful magic shining blade. He wants to do his job and be in battles, but the evil beasts inside Redwall gave him an insulting name and are holding him in captivity, where he can't do anything. If you rescue him and bring him here to meet me we'll both be very grateful to you.

"I just know you'll be the best of friends, baby," Terrus told his short-sword, Bonny. "It isn't very often we get to meet a full-sized sword." Terrus paused a moment, then sighed. "No, he won't be with us for very long, but don't worry, dear, we'll get to meet more friends after we've taken him to safety. Just ask Dian, he'll tell you all about it." Dian was a colored blue rock, which the vole kept in his right pocket.

Just earlier about two days ago, the vole had spotted the sign to the fortress -- called "Redwall Abbey", who told him that it was only about fifteen miles to go, so he knew that he wasn't far away. The road was gentle on his paws, the sun shone warmly down on him, and everyone around him seemed to say to him, "Keep going; you're almost there."

Just one more day, or perhaps a few hours, and he would be able to meet and free a new friend, and hopefully teach the ones who abused it a lesson at the same time.

Terrus just hated it when creatures mistreated others.
« Subject to editing »


As Terrus passed by a group of trees and continued on his merry way he didn't notice a shadow quickly dart from a nearby bush to the trees. As he continued on past a fallen tree trunk, the shadow quickly and ever so quietly darted again from tthe trees to the side of the trunk opposite the road. The shadow's name was  Easóg Zynilte, a stoat sent by Selah to secretly follow the thief with strict instructions not to interfere with the operation unless it was absolutely necessary.

As he darted from the tree trunk to behind a bush, he allowed a quiet sigh to escape along his breath as he intently watched the vole's progress. Of all the thieves of the land, Selah had to choose the one that was the most daft of the whole lot. Better a daft'un who obeys without question than a smart'un who stabs you in the back when you're not looking, he mused to himself as he darted to a nearby bush. He would have prefered to have gone himself, instead of merely observing at a distance.
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

Tiria Wildlough

Selah the pine marten queen was pacing the terrace again, reading her legend book. She was congratulating herself on sucessfully completing the first step of her pursuit of Redwall's sword. The black pine marten loved the stories she had shoved down that vole's ears.
Even though Terrus was not the brightest star in the sky, Selah had sent along one of her trusted agents, Easóg Zynilte. She fully trusted that stoat...well...almost. Selah the Black never fully trusted anybeast.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Redwall Musician

 Trinn and Tuglow followed the newcomer, Sundew, to the main Abbey building. Sundew skipped along and talked to herself.
"I say Sundew young chap! Wait chappess I believe. Wonder how many creatures live in this blooming big place, wot, wot! There goes I again. Saying wot and wot!" she turned to Tuglow, "See my mother told me a mouse that talks like a hare is in trouble. So she tried to teach me not to talk like father, but in the end just taught me to eat like a hare, eh, wot!"
By now the group had reached where the abbess was.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


Sundew, Trinn, and Tuglow entered the kitchens. "Hello!, Abbess Rose said to Sundew, welcome to redwall. Perhaps we should move out of the kitchens so the friar has room to cook and we can get acquainted." So they moved out of the kitchens. "May I ask your name?" Abbess Rose asked

OOC: When are the traveling players coming in?
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday

Redwall Musician

"The name's Sundew, abbess. Full title is, Young Clair Sundew Bernice Hollydale, wot! I always loved the name Rose. I wish my name was Rosella, like all the pretty maids. But me father said my eyes shine like dew! Don't know if he was flattering me though, wot!"
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


OOC~ Traveling players are coming up, as soon as I have a spare moment to continue my bit and start they're story line. It'll probably be up by tomorrow.
High or the hills, far or the seas,
Fly with the small birds and follow the breeze,
Go with your heart, where would you roam?
Back to the rose colored stones you call home.
~The Pearls of Lutra


Webb and Joey had cleaned up the mess, but not before the friar saw it and sentinced them to a day of pot washing. "Tis not fair matey, it wasn't that bad a crime," Webb whispered.
"Yeah, let's get out of here!" Joey whispered back.
With that, they snuck out of the kitchens.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Abbess Rose laughed. "Sundew, I think it is a beutiful name. You must be hungry. I will tell the friar to send someone out with food for you."
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday


"Good day to you lot, eh wot? If you're looking for the abbess, I last saw her in the kitchens. Bally friar chased me out with his ladle again, as if it were my fault the scoff here's so spiffin, eh wot?" Babel said. Grinning, Tey shook her head.
"If you would only stop sneaking food, then the friar would let you stay in the kitchen! Anyway, we have a newcomer to our Abby. Babel, this is Trigoma. The dibbins and I found him outside the South wallgate. "

The stillness in the deeps of Mossflower was disturbed by the rattle of cart wheels and the sound of singing. Coming down the narrow path was a group of wandering players, two big otters pulled a cart. Some of them were walking beside the cart, while others rode, strumming instruments to accompany their their song, all joining in.

Now have ye been away far,
To tarry an' to roam?
Well sit ye by the fireside,
Welcome to yore home!
The kettle's on the boil,
Flames a-burnin' bright,
No more you'll sleep alone,
'Neath those stars at night,
Take off yore trav'llin' cloak,
Come put yore paws up 'ere,
Put a smile in my ole eye,
Take away this weary tear,
You've come home mate!
An' in time for supper too,
So it feels just great,
To say welcome home to you!

A young mousemaid strolling beside the cart clapped exuberantly at the finish.
"that's the stuff, friends! Talk of a home, roof over ya head! That's what we need! I mean, wandering is a wonderful life, but sometimes sleeping INSIDE is quite wonderful." With a bright smile she hop skipped a few steps. "Redwall Abby! Wonder of wonders, here we come!" With that, she skipped ahead, singing loudly.

The winter oh the winter oh,
With cold and dark and driving snow,
Oh not for me the winter oh,
My friend I told you so,
In spring the winds do sports and play,
And rain can teem down any day,
And Autumn oft is misty gray,
My friend hear what I say..........

High or the hills, far or the seas,
Fly with the small birds and follow the breeze,
Go with your heart, where would you roam?
Back to the rose colored stones you call home.
~The Pearls of Lutra

Redwall Musician

Singing at the back of the crowd was Maypetal. She pushed at the cart from the back. Her voice was high tuned. Often she almost tripped over her skirts.
"Hope we get to the blinking abbey soon! My paws a worn out, wot! Woe to this poor maid!" said Maypetal dramatically. And seeing she got no notice of anyone the haremaid stopped pushing from behind. "As if you lot care! I can blooming well stop here and go unnoticed." As they continued down the road, she walked at the back of the party. Everyone knew Maypetal to act like so on long trips, especially when she had not ate for a while.
"Keep going and we'll soon be at Redwall, May!" said a squirrel acrobat, "And I heard they have wonderful vittles."
Running to the head of the group she urged them on. "Come on! A maid like my good self needs her food. Quicks the word, sharps the action, wot!" Maypetal always brightened up when food was mentioned.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


OOC: This thread seems to have an unusually large number of hares in it, eh wot?
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.