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RP: The Quest for the Sword

Started by Lady_Gwalia, July 10, 2011, 07:57:41 PM

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James Gryphon

"Just a little more to go," Terrus thought as he walked across the grounds. Nothing moving seemed to be in sight, but even the air itself felt dark and oppressive. Mocking shadows were everywhere one could turn, daring the vole to come closer.

He didn't, and remained resolutely on his course to that wall-gate he had spotted earlier, hoping that they would be sympathetic to his plight and to his errand of mercy.

The vole froze, though, upon hearing a cry from high above in the sky:

"Hoi! You! Stop right there!"

Terrus knew that the guards here would be unlikely to take prisoners, especially in the midst of an escape. With all pretense of stealth thrown to the winds he began to run towards the exit, but felt a paw from his pursuer as it brushed into contact with his robes. With his enemies bearing down on him and no recourse left the vole drew Bonny fully out from under his concealing robes and wheeled about to face his opponent.

In the night he could make out the figure of a squirrel. This wasn't a favorable matchup in the first place, but the vole's heart sank when he noticed a dirk as long as his own sword in the creature's paw.

With a quick step Terrus took the offensive, getting in range and slashing madly in the direction of his enemy, but they blocked the blade with their own dirk, and, knocking the vole several paces backwards with their freed paw, began their counterattack.

Terrus stumbled backwards, struggling to defend himself against a much larger and stronger opponent, on unfamiliar ground. He was lighter on his feet; more agile, which kept the outmatched vole in the fight. Blade on blade the two opponents clashed, each getting in good marks, but the vole being forced to give ground to the squirrel.

His back nearly to the wall, Terrus knew that his chances were slim, and that there was only one more way he might still prevail in this unbalanced duel. Keeping his short-sword firmly between him and his opponent, the vole took the larger and likely more dangerous of his two blades, the legendary sword of Martin, that he had in his left paw out from under his robes.

"It's okay, Bonny, he'll keep us safe," he murmured to his wearied short sword, desperately hoping his claim would be true.

The squirrel immediately recognized Martin's sword for what it was and began to cry it out for all the world to know. However, she was briefly distracted, and this was all the chance the volethief needed.

With the speed and skill seasons of practice had given him, Terrus quickly deposited Bonny back in her scabbard and took control of the great sword in both his paws. Gritting his teeth he quickly stepped in and swung the sword at his opponent in a double-pawed grip, as hard as he could manage it.

The sword whistled as its cutting blade sliced through the air. The squirrel realized the threat and began to dodge out of the way, but the longer blade, and Terrus' quick movement, was enough to make the difference and there was a cry of pain as it caught some part of her body. The vole didn't wait to see blood or any explanation for the injury. He switched the sword to one paw, and ran along the wall as fast as he could to the gate.

After a short period of time, he arrived. Mercifully, the gate acquiesced to his request and easily swung open.

Panting from the effort of the flight, the volethief looked behind him. The squirrel had ceased following him, but there seemed to be a thousand shadows in the night moving towards him. All of his nerve fled him and the vole took off in what he thought was the general direction of the road, anywhere away from the castle behind him.
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Tiria Wildlough

Shellmara rose from the table, and went in the direction of the gate. Some strange force seemed to be compelling her to go.
Peering out the gate, the ottermaid saw a black shadowy figure stealing away from the Abbey. She silently followed it.
Upon coming closer, Shellmara recognized the figure as the vole who had been eating with the Abbeybeasts.
Suddenly she saw something on him.
Martin's sword!
Leaping out, the tough ottermaid tackled the vole, sending him sprawling. She cried out as the keen blade slashed through her paw, and then through her side.
She flopped down, then started to drag herself doggedly towards the Abbey gates.
OOC: Poor Shellmara. She's not dead, just seriously hurt. Can somebeast be there at the gate so she doesn't have to drag herself all the way?
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James Gryphon

OOC: There might be a bit of a misunderstanding here -- the entire fight scene here is between my character, Terrus, and Nightfire's Lady Amber, who posted last and was already intercepting him; there's no need to bring your girl into it. (In fact it might be better if you didn't.)
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Joey had decided to go to bed, and he slept on, unaware of what was happening.
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Lady Amber tried to follow the vole, but she sword of Martin had cut deep into her left arm and across her right footpaw. She could not walk, and she finally gave up and dragged herself back towards the abbey with her uninjured paw. Once she was in, she called out to the nearest creature, who happened to be Streamblaze. "Help! Some vole has stolen Martin's sword! Raise the alarm!" Startled, the ottermaid took off, and Amber soon heard the abbey bells ringing out the alarm. She painfully dragged herself up to the infirmary, and, seeing that it was unoccupied, she quickly cleaned the wound and bandaged herself with her free paw. It was slow and painful work.
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Redwall Musician

Maypetal was all worry. As soon as she saw the vole and Lady Amber fighting, she ran inside Cavern Hole, raising alarm.

"Mother Abbess, quickly someone is outside the abbey fighting with Lady Amber!" she yelled. It was then that Maypetal heard the bells ringing in alarm.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


Abbess Rose came in from outside where she had rushed out with all the other creatures to see what was happening.
"Where is Lady Amber now?" she wondered aloud to herself. "I hope she's okay." She walked around trying to find Lady Amber and wondering what they would do now.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday


Amber spotted the abbess wandering around aimlessly, so she called down the stairs. "Abbess Rose! Up here!"
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trigoma was fast asleep when he heard clanging metal and then an eat splitting scream of pain. recongnizing the sound of a fight he drew one his throwing knifes and held it at the ready for a quick strike. sneaking toward the sound of a wimping injured beast. he saw lady amber laying there wounded but ignored her and saw the gate swinging closed. he crept up to it and put his ear to it and heard a creature snikering and sneaking out. then he heard the abbess coming about. sneaking up to amber he said "well u got urself in quite a mess up here. tell me what happend as i take u to the infirmary" trigoma then picked up amber, went up to the abbess and said "follow marm. we may need you assissistance." although seeming good, trigoma was alread aware of what had might taken place, and he needed to act fast if he was to gain on the vole in time.

OOC: tht is if u dont mind amber ;)
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


OOC: I don't mind your character helping mine, but you might want to look at my two previous posts! Lady Amber already got to the infirmary! BIC:

Amber grunted slightly as she spread salve over the wound to her footpaw. She couldn't get to the closet full, so she ripped one of the bedsheets to make a temporary bandage. "Sorry, Sister," she muttered. "I'll replace the bedsheet later." She lay back on the little truckle bed, exausted and hoping that they caught the thief.
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.

Tiria Wildlough

OOC: So I suppose Shellmara is going to die outside the gate?  :(
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I'm not a hipster.

James Gryphon

OOC: Well, I couldn't have fought both Amber and Shell simultaneously; the story wasn't written to account for that. Since Nightfire posted about it first, she got first dibs on fighting me, and my fight scene was written with a squirrel adversary, not an otter; as far as I'm concerned, your girl never left the Abbey, 'cuz her doing so would've created a paradox with the previous posts.

So that resolves the problem of her being injured; she never got hurt because she never went out to get chopped up in the first place. ;-)
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Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Joey was woken by the clanging of the bell. "What's happened, mate?" He asked Webbtail.
"Don't want to alarm ye, or anything, but Martin's sword's been stolen."
Joey was in shock. He wielded Martin's sword, what would he use as a weapon now?
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OOC: I'm not sure whether the Abbess followed Trigoma to the infirmary or if Lady Amber called to her. But, either way...

BIC: Abbess Rose sat in the infirmary, while Lady Amber laid down on the bed. "I'm sorry to pester you, you really need some rest, but did you see who it was?

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday