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The Windy Moors OOC

Started by Nobody, February 06, 2013, 09:31:12 PM

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Possible characters:

Exploring Redwallians


Exploring forest creatues

Native Moorlanders

Have fun!

My character: Tranquility

Tranquility is a very large, sleek black cat. Her breed is a Savannah, which accounts for her size, long legs, speed, and amber eyes. She always wears a dark red cloak. She lives on the moorland. She is nicknamed 'Tranq' by those close to her. She is a calm, kind, and motherly soul. She can be very firm, with much wisdom, though her knowledge is limited to the moorlands she haunts.


Sorry nobody I'm part of too many RPs at the moment


If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Well, it has no specific plot, Rainshadow. At least, not at the moment. The plot is for the roleplayers to create. I just made the setting. I find it more fun and more... inclusive might be the word I'm looking for.... if the roleplayers make the plot.

It's okay, Mattio, it's perfectly understandable. I've had to do the same thing on other forumsites.


Name:  Holm Wildfire
Age:  31
Gender:  Male
Species:  Wildcat
Weapon:  Various knives, plain rapier (image below)
Side:  Good
Appearance:  Black long fur (slightly curly), blue eyes, grey tunic, black trench coat, dark navy leggings, dark blue scarf
Personality:  Smart, fast thinker, very serious, a bit of a showoff
Occupation:  Exploring Redwaller
Other:  Son of Shadow and Jag Wildfire, his only friend is John
History:  Holm used to live in Redwall with his rather large family until he lit the gatehouse on fire, scaring the Dibbuns while claiming that he was doing an "experiment".  He was told to leave, which he did, but he quickly encountered numerous vermin.  He met John, a mouse, and he asked for his help.  John saved him from the vermin, and the two became friends.  Holm told John about a mysterious land that he had heard about in Redwall, and the two set out to find adventure.

Name:  John
Age:  29
Gender:  Male
Species:  Mouse
Weapon:  Bow and arrows, sabre (light cavalry sabre, to be precise (image below)), small sack of medical supplies
Side:  Good
Appearance:  Grey-blonde fur, grey eyes, cream sweater, black jacket, dark navy leggings
Personality:  Quiet, loves action, not much of a thinker, more of a doer, doesn't have much of a sense of humor
Occupation:  Exploring Mossflower native, doctor
Other:  Friend of Holm, travels with him
History:  John lived in Mossflower all of his life, living on his own.  He has a sister, but he rarely sees her.  John met Holm and immediately encountered vermin that were following Holm.  He decided to help Holm out, and the two became friends.  Holm told John about a mysterious land, and they chose to travel there in search of adventure.

  John's light cavalry sabre:

  Holm's rapier:
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


All right! Have at the roleplay!


If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dannflower Reguba

lol, I wonder where Holm came from.  ???

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


  Yeah, I decided to resurrect an old RP character, and my mind was on Sherlock.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I think I'll take a leaf out of your book, Rain.

Name: Dari
Species: Bat
Gender: Male
Age: About 57-62 seasons
Weapon: Natural defenses & bronze sword
Side: Good
Appearance: Black, like most bats, with his right ear cut off. He wears a green sash in which he carries his sword.
Personality:  He doesn't suffer fools gladly, he's vengeful, if you majorly insult him, he'll hunt you down to the edge of the earth if he must, but he sometimes has second thoughts. He can be cheerful but quite sarcastic and accidentally rude at times. He's full of self praise, and won't hear a word against him.
Other: He's a Redwaller part-time, and knew Holm's family fairly well. (See Hero of Redwall: The Dark Shogun and Hero of Redwall: Southsward) He remembers and knew Holm, but during much of Holm's stay at Redwall, Dari was traveling with his family, Kalia and Vespar. And during the first part of Holm's existence, Dari was trying to kill them because they were with a certain mouse. Don't ask, but it involves the story of how his ear got cut off. He's a bat lord, sort of. His father ruled a colony of bats before he died, and the role would of passed to him. He refused the role as bat lord at first, but finally accepted it. He isn't with his colony often, and leaves the ruling to his wife and brother for the most part.


  Wow, haven't seen any RPs with Dari for a while!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Ferget what I said earlier
name:Enjorlas Wildfire
Appearance:Gray wildcat with piercing blue eyes and a leather tunic
Weapon:Fencing rapier
Personality:Friendly to those that are friendly to him. Rebelious, smug
History:He Used to live in Redwall but he preferred roaming on his own. Son of Jag and Shadow Wildfire. Brother to Holm.
Enjorlas's Rapier


  You're probably going to have to change the age of Enjorlas, because he's supposed to be older than Holm in the Wildfire line.  Holm was I think the 5th child or so, and I believe that Enjorlas would be the oldest.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!



If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!