Retake Redwall RP

Started by KitrallStreamrippler, February 24, 2013, 05:55:19 PM

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  OOC:  Wow, I leave for one evening and you all decide to RP an entire 2 pages?  Lol.  :P

  BIC:  Firefly watched as Vash left the camp to get a closer look.  "Ah wouldnae goo oot theere if Ah were ye.  Tho', ye ain't me, so Ah guess tha' ye're steel gonna goo, aren't ye?"
  He watched as the weasel left, slightly worried.  The otter wasn't sure why he was so worried about a weasel, though.  After all, weasels were vermin!  Still, he had met vermin before that were quite the opposite of evil.  Question was, was Vash an evil vermin, or one of the few good ones?
  Firefly debated in his mind whether he should go after them or not.  He stood in the camp, paced back and forth, and finally decided he should go when Vash stepped back in.  "Oy!  Wot took ye so long, eh?  Wot'd ye see?"
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Liath, who was right behind Vash, answered. "Because we picked oop two more creatures tha' decided tae go along. Redwall's under vermin control, an' we're goin' tae take et back. If ye don' want tae come, say so noo, because we're leavin' in the mornen." Then she sat down and filled two bowls of soup for Pan and Tailli.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


  Fire rolled his eyes.  "O' course Ah'm a'coomin'!  Wot kind o' baestie do ye think Ah am?  A coward?"  The otter picked up a few leaves, trying to make a bowl.  "Ah ain't a coward," he muttered as he filled his slightly pitiful bowl with soup.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Ah'm sorry, Fire. Ah never said tha'. Et's just tha' we were goin' tae visit, an' noo we're goin' tae fight. Et is quite a change o' plans." She made another leaf-bowl, intending to replace his, which looked like it was about to start leaking. However, hers wasn't much better. She looked at her lopsided creation for a moment then broke into an uncharacteristic laughing fit. (But then, she had never really had much to laugh about.) "Hahahaha! Weel, let's hope- hahahaheehee! -hope we have a better chance- ahahahaha! -o' retakin' Redwall than this bowl does o' holdin' soup!"
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


  Fire looked at her for a moment, not understanding why she was laughing so much.  He then saw the bowl she had made and a small smile replaced the frown he previously had.  Then the smile grew until he was grinning his odd grin.  "Hehehe, aye, we better 'ave a goot - hehehe! - plan if'n we're gonna - hahahahaha! - try an'-" he snorted with laughter, "retake Redwall!"
  By this time, tears of merriment were flowing down the strange otter's cheeks.  This was the strangest thing he'd ever heard of!  A small group taking over the Abbey?  Unheard of!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Vash couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Well, we better get a plan ready then, cause I don't want to die at the gate." Vash said, leaning up against a tree.
I LOVE 80's music.


Tailli flicked her gaze at Vash, "I can convince them, and help form the inside. Vash knows I can, from his experience." She smirked, "Fooled the entire abbey for a bit, a while ago. Doubt they've forgiven me, but I have myself to think of."
Marco narrowed his eyes at Tailli. He didn't like her, she spoke of fooling the abbey in a casual way.
Polo shared similar misgivings to his brother, but spoke, "There's always places we can get help. There's loads of places like that up north. Any down here?"


"Then again, a vermin would be better at convincing other vermin." Vash said, offering to infiltrate the horde.
I LOVE 80's music.


Liath eyed the lightened sky ruefully. "Ah was goin' tae suggest we get some sleep, but the sun dinnae agree wi' me," she muttered before speaking up. "Weel, Ah don' know aboot tha', Mossfloower seems tae be a peaceful eno' place. But the squirrel an' Vash can get in, an' Pan knows the land aroond here. Ah think they're oor best chance. Pan? How far is et tae the abbey?"
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


  "An' if ye need somebaest tae start a siege, Ah'd bae 'appy tae do et," Fire offered, winking as he grinned mischievously.  "Ah 'ave a few tricks up mah sleeves, don't ye worrae!"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Liath smiled. "Great! We'd best get movin' if we're goin' tae get there as soon as possible. After breakfast, o' course," she finished, seeing Pan's look of indignation. She then got to work making breakfast. Soon, there was enough scones, oatmeal, tea, and jam to feed any two of the group for a week.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Vash grabbed a scone and ate it. "So I guess Taillight and I have some planning to do." he said, glancing at the squirrel.
I LOVE 80's music.


OOC: I hate it when my iPod corrects Tailli to Taillight!

BIC: "I suppose." Tailli replied, "Just feed me, I'll do your thinking." She set down her bowl and leaned back on her arms. She crossed her ankles and yawned.


OOC: I know how you feel, it's the same with mine. I hate autocorrect, even though it helps me sometimes.

BIC: Vash rolled his eyes. "The foods right there, you can get it yourself." he said, taking another bite of a scone.
I LOVE 80's music.

Corporal Firalay

Pan finally looked up from his ninth bowl of soup, gazing around at the group. "Oh, er, did you say my name, Miss Liath? This soup is absoballylutely delish, doncha know! By the left! It's so good I might have more-" He glanced around at the group, who were all glaring or rolling their eyes in one way or another. Quickly he pulled his leaf-bowl back. "Righto, so the Abbey is about a day's march from here, I'd say, there's a path to the West, leads right to it, not very jolly well hidden, though! We won't find any woodlanders on this side of the River Moss. Not a bally old mole or hedgehog insight!"
"My Horde is mighty, my Horde is fearless, shudder under the gaze of Viskata Tatt - fear my name!" -Viskata Tatt
Read the whole story at: