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Retake Redwall RP

Started by KitrallStreamrippler, February 24, 2013, 05:55:19 PM

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Tailli had woken up and was immediately struggling, "No, no, stay here. Free me." she said quickly.


Takusa looks over at Tailli, a confused look over his face, "I'm not sure what you've done, but i'm not here to free prisoners of good woodlanders...."


Zef gave a short, quiet laugh. "She's not our pris'ner, fox. D'ye mind keepin' yore voice down? We're in a vermin camp." Turning to Tailli, he said, "I guess we c'n let ye loose. No use leavin' ye here to cause a ruckus."

Wait- Ahhh!!! I'm so confused! My apologies... I don't know what just happened, but I am in the wrong RP. What- Tailli is tied up? What did I miss? Sorry, I will go back and figure out what happened, then fix my post here. *facepalm* (How can I be so stupid?) ...I still don't know. Won, can you check?
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


OCC: i know its confusing i read through the whole rp before posting and it was confusing to say the least x3


OOC: Tailli delivered Jen to the vermin camp and was knocked unconscious by a double-crossing one. I'm assuming she was tied up near Jen.


OCC: but im at the woodlander camp right? so takusa wouldnt see tailli


OOC: But I thought that was Norham. This is Retake Redwall. Are you sure you're not mixed up, Won? Because if you're not, then I am!
I LOVE 80's music.


OOC: *facepalms so hard her palm goes though her head* Sorry, very sorry. Ignore all that. D'oh. I haven't been getting enough sleep to roleplay well.


OCC: right so vash was confronting takusa


Pan seemed to be doing all right, so Liath strolled over to join the main group. She saw the fox and immediately went into a defensive stance, gripping her staff tightly. Her voice was deceptively light and casual. "So, who's this bold wee lad?"
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Takusa looked at Liath frowning and looks away, "I apologize for...well my kind, but i assure you...i'm not an enemy.." He squints, "and i am by far... not a wee lad..." He looks back at Liath.


The hare had to smile at that, though she hid it behind a paw. "All righ', no need tae get yoor hackles oop, ye ken. Ah'm jest teasin' ye."
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Takusa, having shown that he means no harm by throwing down his weapons, put his paw out in good faith, "Takusa sort of a wandering blacksmith. I don't really have a home...and where i come from, i've decided that it's best to leave such things behind and move on." He smiles weakly.


Liath took his paw and shook it warmly. "Ah'm in a similar situation mahsel'. Ah've coom frae the Northlands, but there is no reason tae return." She winked, breaking the somber tone of her comment, and continued sarcastically. "Tae mich snow, an' tae many vermin."
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


It's by now they'd all notice that Takusa doesn't speak like most vermin do, in a harsh and malevolent tone of voice, but in a softer and much cleaner accent. His smile warms up a bit as the hare seems to not want to gut him where he stands, "Ah, do you talk to all vermin this way? or just ones that don't come running into camp brandishing a sword."