Retake Redwall RP

Started by KitrallStreamrippler, February 24, 2013, 05:55:19 PM

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Norham Waterpaw

OOc: Wait, who are yall looking for, me? or someone else, cause I'm back for right now. Pretty much, Norham, with his "insanity thing", has been in some sort of coma, so that's my cover story for me not being here  ;D

Norham woke to see Antura, yelling something about a badger, fighting alone and getting shot... Wait! No! Norham leaped up and grasped the nearest tree, tears streaming down his face, he could feel his rage beginning to take over.

He thought of everybody in the camp, how much of a danger he had become to them. He took off into the woods, hoping to find a place to vent his emotions of sadness and anger.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Corporal Firalay

OOC: I'm so, so sorry for disappearing guys  :-[. Thank you to Kit for prodding Pan back into existence a few times and I'll try to stay with it this time. (And yes, I have read all the new posts). Here we go...

BIC: After sleeping for about ten or so hours straight, Pan woke sleepily to controlled chaos in the camp. There was Antura throwing her paws up saying something about the stars and a badger, Vash wringing his paws with eyes wide, Liath brandashing her staff at no-one in particular, and a small regiment of hares hopping around the bunch of them in agitation. But what Pan found most distressing was that when he checked the soup bowl it was empty. "Not a scrap left for the bloomin' dyin'," he mutters, running a paw around the inside of the pot to check for remnants of sauce. "I'll be wasting away in the corner here while they all go have a right old hullabulloo without me, wot."

Lillipilli, who was finding the whole hullabulloo rather exciting, scampered up to Vash from her bed of leaves and tried to grab onto his paw to swing on it. "Where've's da hooge ol' badder, Vwash?"
"My Horde is mighty, my Horde is fearless, shudder under the gaze of Viskata Tatt - fear my name!" -Viskata Tatt
Read the whole story at:


Vash felt something around his paw, and he looked down to see Lillipilli. He smiled at her, almost forgetting about the chaos around them. Then she asked a question he couldn't answer truthfully to her. So, he didn't. "He went out for a stroll." Vash told her.
I LOVE 80's music.

Corporal Firalay

Lilipili rolled the new word around in her mouth for a moment, immediately latching on to anything the badger was doing. "A shwoll? Why ain't we shwolling wiv him? Can we shwoll later?"
"My Horde is mighty, my Horde is fearless, shudder under the gaze of Viskata Tatt - fear my name!" -Viskata Tatt
Read the whole story at:


"He wanted to stroll alone, and we will later." Vash told the small dibbun.
I LOVE 80's music.


Antura, startled by Lilipili's sudden appearance, slipped and almost fell. She recovered herself in time to hear the young mouse's question and Vash's lie. The ottermaid had to turn away so that Lilipili wouldn't see the tears forming in her eyes. "I'm goin' on a walk t'clear my head. Does anybeast want to come with?"

Liath narrowed her eyes at the otter's unconvincing tone, then nodded. "Ah'll coom along. A walk soonds great." She twirled her staff once, then began walking off into the camp. "Ah jest have tae check on Pan, an' see how he's doing." She soon found him, scraping his paw around the soup pot. "Weel, Ah can see ye're feelin' better," she said drily, then sighed. "Tha's guid. Et means one less beast tae care of righ' noo. Between Norham an' Star an' that badger, there's trouble eno'."
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Norham Waterpaw

Norham was not sure where he was. All the trees around him, though dark out, looked familiar in their own way. Then again, they all looked the same. He got up, and dusted himself off. He looked through the thick foliage, and saw a glow. A fire! And the smell, cooking something good! He immediately assumed it was his old group. He barged through the bushes, only to be found staring into the eyes of several vermin.

Water rats, weasels, ferrets, the lot, all stared blankly for a moment. Then, a big, burly weasel shouted. "Well don't just sit gawking, get 'im!"
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Corporal Firalay

"Oh, oh!" Lilipili exclaimed, skipping around Antura and Vash's legs. "Is shwolling juss like walkim? We c'all go walkim to find da shwolling badder!"

Pan sadly let the pot roll away from him and patted his chest, the bandages and healing mixtures wrapping around his shoulder wound, across his chest and under his other arm. He pulled himself up, the dried blood on his paws cracking and flaking away to reveal several thin cuts. He jogged on the spot to warm himself up, making sure not to wince. "Right y'are, Miss Liath. Where's the ol' ottery chap Norm and this bloomin' badger at, anyways?"
"My Horde is mighty, my Horde is fearless, shudder under the gaze of Viskata Tatt - fear my name!" -Viskata Tatt
Read the whole story at:


"Yeah, strolling us like walking. But there's one rule about strolling, you can't stroll to find other beasts. And you don't want to break the rules, do you?" he asked the dibbun, lying yet again. It's a good thing Vash was a good liar and usually didn't show emotions. Wow, no wonder he didn't have a mate. Not to mention he was a vermin species and for the most part a thief.
I LOVE 80's music.

Corporal Firalay

Lilipili nodded fervently and stood very still and straight. The game wouldn't be very fun if you broke the rules, but she had thought they might be able to go for a stroll and find Vurrp and Vali and the badger too. She wrinkled her nose up and odder again, this time to reassure herself that one day, when they weren't strolling, Vurrp and Vali would visit to play with her.
"My Horde is mighty, my Horde is fearless, shudder under the gaze of Viskata Tatt - fear my name!" -Viskata Tatt
Read the whole story at:


Antura gave a small sigh. She wasn't sure how she felt about Vash's lying abilities. They were useful for things like this, she supposed, and he hadn't betrayed them yet... The ottermaid smiled at Lilipili and smoothed the young mouse's fur. "All right. We'll start our walk as soon as Liath gets back."

Liath shook her head. "The badger is lyin' wounded somewhere near Redwall, an' Norham's been unconscious like yersel'. Apparently Star is, too. Oot in the woodlands between here an' the abbey..."
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


"Antura, can you take her? I'm going out for a, *ahem*, stroll." he said. Then he looked down at Lilipili. "By myself." he added before walking out.
I LOVE 80's music.


Antura pulled a face at Vash's back before turning to Lilipili. She couldn't help but smile as she looked into the young mouse's eyes. "You look pretty excited- what do y'say we go find Liath so we can leave?"
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


star gets up from the floor where he past out and starts sleep walking straight through the group towards the  towards the abbey with an odd snore here in there. he walks with his mace on his shoulder with walking in a march like step.
you find this offensive, i find it funny, that is why i am happier than you


As Vash was walking, he saw Star. "Oh, hey there." he said, but didn't get a response. "Hello?" he asked, a little bit more loudly.
I LOVE 80's music.