Crossed Swords Character Listing

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 27, 2013, 11:15:31 PM

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This board shows the characters for the Crossed Swords role play tournament.

Members of the Swords of Freedom

Vannøyne (water eyes in Norwegian)/ Played by Leatho Shellhound



Age:18 seasons

Physical description:He was born with eyes that changed colour when he has different feelings, Blue is normal and joyful, cream is love, green is hatred, angry and the spirit of battle, lastly grey eyes is sadness. Those who know him knew the colour code well and heeded it wisely. He has white/grey fur with black paws. He is strong but light and fast.

Clothing Description: A blue tunic with light scale armor on it. A black belt. A grey vermin pelt around his neck that came over his shoulder to about the upper part of his chest. Metal arm guards and a war helmet with a nose guard

Weapons: A long viking-like sword with a silver and black handle, the blade was made from the tooth of the narwhal. And on his left arm guard he has a Tekko-Kagi.

Personality Description:He is very moody, from one moment to the next he could change, from sad to happy, from anger to love. He was wise in the way of battle and tracking. If you are once a friend of him he will always be a friend to you, even to the death, even if you betray him, he will always forgive you.

Likes: He loves the water, Shells, the colour blue. He honors Friendship, and loyalty. And of course he likes mouse maids.

Dislikes: Storms, Heat, fire, lightning, vermin. But he will use fire and heat against his enemies b/c he knows they dislike it too.

History of Character: His father, who went with Luke to kill the stoat, was Luke the warriors brother. He worked his whole life to make life on those shores safe and better. As a young mouse he had fought to defend the caves. He had also fallen in love with a mousemaid. She had gone missing after she was boat wrecked in a storm. But Vannøyne never gave up hope that she survived.

Marcus/ Played by Ceteruler

Species: Mouse


Age: 25

Physical description: Marcus is fairly well built. He's spent a good amount of time training his body, so the muscles in his arms and legs bulge under his skin.  His height is average for a mouse, but his weight is a bit above average because of his muscles. His eyes are a deep blue, and make him look like he's thinking all the time. They're hidden under a tough face which is almost always creased into a protectively angry frown.

Clothing Description: Marcus wears simple clothes. A red shirt and dark green pants complete his main outfit. When he's training for battle or actually fighting, he wears a dark black belt equipped with a sword scabbard of the same material.  

Weapons: Marcus uses a sword as his weapon, just like Luke and Martin, and has a special skill for it. He has yet to be defeated in a fight by anyone other than Martin, and he's been training almost constantly since the raid on his family.

Personality Description: Marcus is not what you would call a people person. He tends to be by himself most of the time. At meals, he just sits at the end of the table and doesn't speak unless spoken to, though he is amiable when he does talk. During most of the day he can usually be found outside, either wandering on the coasts, staring out to the sea, or training. He doesn't have many friends, perhaps that's why....? It may be his secret wish to have someone walking alongside him on the beaches. He was a great friend with Luke as a little one and a partner of Martin, and was very sad to see them go. He's still waiting for them to return...

Marcus was born in the caves along the northern shore. They're all he knows. Just a tiny mouse when the raid of vermin which took the life of Luke's wife, Marcus loved to hang out around Martin (who was a few seasons younger than he was) and Luke's family. Luke was like a second father to him, and he was so sad to see him go. Still great friends with Martin though, he loved to train with him until they were both young grown mouse. About five seasons ago, Marcus found a beautiful mouse called Joan, and they married and had a baby boy named Andrew. But in the same raid that took Martin and his grandmother, a small group of vermin snuck into Marcus's cave while he was out training, killed his wife and child, leaving only the bloodstains and her torn and shredded clothes as evidence. The loss of his greatest friend and family sent Marcus into a state of depression, and for almost a season it was impossible to approach him without seeing tears in his eyes or being sent away angrily. Only in this past season has he come and lived normally again, and even then he spends most of his time with the Swords of Freedom, finding and killing any vermin he can. It's only a small repayment for the loss of his friends and family to him. He may act normal sometimes, but he always seems to be thinking about Joan and his son, as well as Luke and Martin. It's been rumored that he's looking for someone new to pursue as his wife, but it's only rumors... isn't it?

Likes: Sword fighting, Walking along the beach, just... thinking.

Dislikes: talking too much to people he's not good friends with, being overly social, being humiliated,

Liv Aegis/ Played by Icefire

(Species/Gender) I am a Female Mouse.

(Age) I am 30 Seasons young.

(Physical description) I have medium dark fur and green eyes. I happen to be a bit on the small side, but don't count that as an automatic disadvantage in battle. I've had a few seasons to learn to compensate after all. My father told me I was pretty, but I'm not sure anyone else would agree.

(Clothing Description) Out of respect for my mother, I always wear dresses. My favorite is a green dress that matches my eyes. This is another disadvantage I've had to compensate for and I do well enough (most of the time). I also have a black cloak that offers some protection from these cold northern winds.

(Weapons) I always carry my hand-and-a-half sword and a small dagger just in case. They are simple blades. Nothing fancy, but what need have they to be fancy if they do their job well? My aegis is another story altogether. The shield (called a targe by some) is made of strong oak and has a small spike which can be attached to the center for battle. This aegis (as my ancestors called it in their ancient tongue) has been passed down through several generations and each has added to the complex pattern of carvings on the front, interrupted  in place by various scars which tell of its usefulness in battle. It is his aegis that gave my family its name.
(Personality Description) I tend to be serious, quiet, and protective of my dear ones. However, I do still know how to enjoy myself in times of peace.

(Likes) I love music and dance, for example. I don't do much dancing, however, because I'm usually providing the music with the fiddle my mother gave me. I also enjoy walking the shores early in the morning and late at night. Call me crazy, but I also love the wind and rain.

(Dislikes) However, I don't like the wind and rain when they decide to be destructive. I hate sleet. Most of all, I hate that there is a need for us to bear arms in order to protect our simple lifestyle.

(History of Character) I remember well the night the crew of the Goreleech slaughtered most of my tribe. I was very young and the only thing that kept me alive was my stubborn streak.  I had run off to help gather wood, ignoring my mother's pleas to stay and help her with her work as befitted a young lady. When I returned, most of the tribe was dead, including my mother. I held her, not really sure that this wasn't just a nightmare. When my father returned with Luke, he shed the tears I could not. It took us a long time to pick ourselves and move on. Since that time, my stubbornness has changed to sheer determination to keep a slaughter like that from happening again. My father taught me to use my weapons well to this end. Ah, father! He died last winter, but I take comfort knowing that he is again with mother.

Frost/ Played by Dannflor

My Name is Frost
I am a Female Mouse
I am a White Mouse with Icy blue eyes
My Weapon is a Bow but for close combat it is a short sword and other times a dart blower
My Clothing is a light pink dress
I am 25 years of age
I like music and dancing and love snow and ice
But I dislike the instrument the Trumpet and Hate killing but to protect the land I fight
My past is very distant I recall a Mother laying me down near a stream while she was weeping and she was shot by an arrow

Name: Xbalantie (Shiv-uh-lon-tie) Shoreside/ Played by Danflorreguba

Species: Squirrel

Gender: Female

Age: 1 year=1 season: 24 1/2

Physical description: Mixed slate gray, and oak brown fur. Her eyes are as iridescent as the moon itself, and an entrapping light green. AS far as strength goes, she can put some up, but she never relies on it, as it is certainly not a strong point, but her speed and agility are a very different matter. Her sensory perception has put her on many uncomfortable and lonely watches.

Clothing Description: She wears the skins of former vermin (FORMER vermin) tunic-fashion, fur on the inside so that the outer layer acts as a slight against both concussive, and ballistic weapons. She's also made a pair of tight bound bark and leather gauntlets.

Personality Description: Cold as that same moon which was used to describe her eyes. While most would say she is heartless from outward appearance, a select few have noticed a different version of her when she is around the younger beasts. In which case a smile has occasionally erupted, proving that there is some sense of feeling in this rock, but when it comes to vermin, or any other type of invader, the only thing they will feel is steel.

Likes: Cost-side winds, well-mannered young beasts, dark nights, swimming.

Dislikes: Vermin, bad manners, desserts, extra large gatherings.

History of Character: She was abandoned, or her parents were slain, that much is not known. What IS known, is that she was alone at the age of 6, and was stone cold from that very moment, not even saying her first words 'till the age of 13. She was also very aggressive from the start, those who have taken care of her when she was young will testify, and most will be willing to show you the scars they have received. At the age of 19 she left with the majority of her "family," to head North where they came across the caves, and the mice occupying them. They decided to stay and become part of the Crossed Swords.

Weapons: She will use either a bola, or blowgun at range, depending on which she is carrying, and either a knife or dagger besides, generally paring the knife with the blowgun, and dagger with the bolas.

Spera/ Played by Rainshadow

Species:  Squirrel

Gender:  Female

Age:  17

Physical description:  Spera has silky blonde fur, a white muzzle and a white neck.  She also has a small patch of white fur on the tip of her tail and a star-shaped white spot on her forehead.  She's rather lean and fit, but not very strong.  Spera has chocolate-brown eyes.

Clothing Description:  Spera wears a Venetian blue dress with a dark brown cloak and a dark brown wide belt.  She has a plain brown leather necklace with a tiny red heart as its only adornment.

Weapon(s):  Spera carries a dagger and a sling.  She is better at using her dagger than her sling, but she's learning to use both well.
Personality Description:  Spera is a very cheerful squirrel, trying to find the bright side of everything and everybeast, even when there is none.  She is warned constantly that that trait will be her downfall.
 Spera trusts others rather easily and enjoys being kind to all.

Likes:  Spera loves jokes, food, music, giving gifts, helping others and climbing trees.

Dislikes:  Spera loves most things, but she has a deep fear of swimming and fire, as well as vermin.  Vermin scare her.

History of Character:  Spera was born in the north, in the forest of Mossflower.  Her mother, Filia, had died in childbirth, so it was only her father, Bellus, who could take care of the young squirrelbabe.  Bellus ran away from the woods with Spera, fearing the evil that lived there.  They made their way to the coast, eventually finding mice who lived in caves.  By that time, Bellus was very ill.  There was nothing that could be done to save him, even though the healers of the caves tried whatever they could.  He died shortly after they made it to the caves.
 The mice of the caves took pity on young Spera, so they decided to care for her.  She has grown up not knowing who her parents were and not knowing any life other than the life she leads now.

Sora Shirosaki (Her name is Japanese. Sora means 'Sky', Shiro means 'White', and saki can mean 'peninsula' or 'point'.)/ Played by WarriorOfMossflower

Species: Squirrel

Gender: Female

Age: 16 seasons (16 years)

Physical description: Sora is young and strong, with thin bones and slender limbs. She is albino, so her fur is pure white and her eyes are a pinkish-red. The strange eyes tend to intimidate anyone around her, but most animals get used to it after a while. Also, the tip of Sora's left ear is bent backwards in an unusual way, evidence of her fighting experiences.

Clothing Description: Sora wears a black tunic that falls a little below her knees. The sleeves (which fall to about the elbow) are tattered, but she won't wear anything else. Her footpaws are always bare.

Weapon(s): She keeps a sword on her persona at all times. It resembles a Japanese katana, and has many nicks and cuts on it from her battles to escape slavery. From her katana's hilt streams an elaborate crimson ribbon. Sora named the sword Kaiho, which can mean 'Liberation' in Japanese. On occasion, she has been known to shoot arrows, but she prefers to face her enemies at close range. She is capable of using almost anything as a weapon, including her own paws and teeth, but she would rather wield Kaiho.

Personality Description: Sora is generally a kind and caring squirrel, but it is unwise to get on her bad side. In times of trial, she will never break down and will always be ready to assist in the generating of a strategy. She is cool, collected, and fair, but she does have one major flaw: she is much too selfless. Sora would rather sacrifice her own life than see an ally fall to the enemy, even if it is somebeast she barely knows. That is a fact that could ultimately lead to her demise.

Likes: Sora likes anything or anybeast that is good and fair. She also has a weakness for crystallized fruit.

Dislikes: Sora dislikes vermin and devious acts. She is a beast who believes that the means are more important than the results. Also, Sora doesn't like being seen as a monster or a creature possessed of the Bloodwrath just because her eyes look slightly red.

History of Character: Sora was once a slave in a southern isle, and grew up with no knowledge of who her parents were. She and other slaves escaped and sailed north, where they stumbled across the caves originally inhabited by Luke the Warrior. Sora chose this land as her home and settled there, becoming a warrior for good to defend the caves.

Nevfae/ Played by W0NWILL

Species: Hedgehog

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Weapon(s): Staff, bow, and a quiver holding forty arrows.

Physical description: Nevfae is a mostly black hedgehog, with white tips to her prickles, giving her the appearance that snow has fallen on her spines.

Clothing Description: Nevfae wears a green tunic with a brown belt. Over this she wears a cloak of seagull feathers that is in a state of neglect. She wears brown leather sandals that have dirt and mud caked in the soles.
Personality Description: She doesn't suffer fools gladly, she's vengeful, if you majorly insult her, she'll hunt you down to the edge of the earth if she must, but she sometimes has second thoughts. She can be quite sarcastic and accidentally rude at times, but is full of self praise. She has a comedic demeanor for the most part, is always cracking jokes, and won't take hardly anything seriously.

Likes: Swimming, lazy days

Dislikes: Cold, being wet

History of Character: Nevfae was born in the original family of hedgehogs that lived near the caves before Luke the Warrior moved there. She was a dibbun when Luke came, and grew up not far from his tribe. Not long after Luke left, her family moved into the caves. When the group of warriors was being formed, she volunteered immediately, regardless of the fact that she had never fought before.

Timballisto (played by BrookSkimmer)

Info coming soon...

Crew of the BloodSpine

Carr Marsh / Played by HeadInAnotherGalaxy

Species: Weasel

Gender: Male

Age: 29 years or 29 seasons

Physical description: A bit large for a Weasel, the usual Weasel colouring of Reddish fur with a white underbelly, the top of his head is shaved for some unknown reason

Clothing Description: A dark green sleeveless vest that's unbuttoned with grey trousers, wears a dagger at each hip on either side of his belt
Personality Description: Quite likable, Mostly good natured.  

Likes: Having fun with a good ol' raid, and fish as well as fishing

Dislikes: Seagulls and crows (for another unknown reason)  

History of Character: Grew up amidst a clan of beasts that were constantly fighting with one another. One day he and another beast left to go adventuring. After a year or two they were camped out by the seashore. They saw a ship approaching and got into an argument about it, which ended up with Marsh killing his companion. Later on he ended up aboard the ship, which is how he ended up aboard The Blood Spine.

Golfar the Veil/ Played by BloodGullet

Species: Stoat

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Physical description: sleek. solid black fur, glaring red eyes, the left eye and large part left side of the face missing to the bone from a cutlass slash, very muscular, acrobatic, fast, and with amazing skill with her weapons

Weapon(s):  Two swords, carried in scabbards in sash, one short and one long, and a small dagger carried in her pouch as well as a length of wire secured by small metal posts.

Clothing Description: a simple black silk veil over the scar, form fitting black silk outfit with red sash,  a black cape with cowl, and hip pouch, both of thick black cloth.  Her weapons are a pair of swords, one smaller than the other with only one side edged, and a slight curve, both carried in scabbards on her left side in her sash. Only adornment being a simple ruby pendant on a thin silver chain.

Personality Description: strong, quiet, determined, and heartless and mean as the darkest night. Always watching, searching for a weakness in others that she can use.

Likes: gold, rubies, and to always win

Dislikes: weakness, sentimentality

History of Character: in a dim memory, and sometimes in a clear flash during a nightmare, Golfar can remember her earliest memory, one of horror and misery.  She remembers a red sail with the image of a flying eagle, and her mother and father standing in front of her. Then there is yelling, a swoosh, a horrible sound, and then her parents falling, and somehow her mothers ruby pendant falling into her hand. Then looking up in time to see a flash with something banging into the side of her face and then blackness.  That's when she usually wakes up.  She was fortunate that the village in which she lived, that was destroyed by the raiding pirates, was near a road that led inland to a strange old monastery.  A visiting monk discovered her and brought her back.  They saved her life but could do nothing for the terrible scar except fashion a veil for her to wear.  She grew up a strange quiet but determined young stoat and worked hard for the monks in repayment for their help.  They in return educated her in many things, including the ancient arts of the sword.  At first with sticks, as is their custom, and when she was able to, the dulled metal.  Finally, one day the head monk said that she was ready to venture forth.  "What shall you do and where shall you go?", the old stoat asked. She only replied one word "Revenge".  Eventually, she did find the ship with the red sail, slipped aboard at night like a ghost and moving without a sound, exacted payment from each creature there.  No beast ever saw it coming.
Only, the next day at a local inn while having supper and listening to the other folks talk of the mysterious fate of the crew of the doomed ship, it was mentioned that one beast survived, but only because he had not been aboard.  So now she travels, looking for the last member of the crew of the Red Eagle.

It has now been ten years since she has set out on her quest to find the last of the murderous band that took her family and her village and left her scarred.  Seeing that the vermin would more than likely be on board another pirate vessel, she signed on to one vessel after another seeking any information.  Trying to keep a low profile by acting as a navigator due to the skills learned from the monks, she mostly avoided having to be involved in the activities of the pirates, acting aloof and unconcerned for their designs, holding her own if need be, and moving along to the next ship if they suspected her loyalties and the ship turned out to not have the one she hunted.  She recently signed on board the BloodSpine after the captain lost half of his crew in an unsuccessful raid.  She grows weary of the chase though, but hopes perhaps this time ....

Skral Kodzar/ Played by Mattio

Species:Monitor Lizard



Physical description:Earth Brown Lizard with a scar going from tail to his right ear.

Clothing Description:tight leather shirt

Personality Description:cruel, loves torturing beasts, no nonsense, bad mannered, short tempered.

Likes:flesh, torture, killing, sun and warmth,sailing

Dislikes:cold,mice,squirrels, all goodbeasts, swimming.

History of Character:He is distantly related to Lask Frildur, was of Sampetra but stole a ship and sailed away. His family was killed be goodbeasts.
Weapons: scrimitar, dagger

Farril/ Played by PluggFiretail

Species: Weasel

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Physical description: A little bit stronger than normal and his fur is a little darker.

Weapon description: Saber with an amethyst pommel stone

Clothing Description: Tattered silk shirt and brown pants with rips at the bottoms of the legs

Personality description: He is an outgoing pirate, in swabbing the deck and in battle

Likes: Being out at sea

Dislikes: Being punished by the captain

History of Character: Was brought up in a wealthy family in a house near the coast. He decided that it was too boring and sought adventure by sneaking aboard an attacking pirate ship. He was discovered and then had a choice of becoming shark bait or one of the crew.

Navarre/ Played by Romsca

Species: Ferret

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Physical description: She has dark fur with black ferret "mask" with a few scars on her face. Surprisingly, though, unlike other corsairs, she has no tattoos.

Clothing Description: She wears a white tunic with a red sash, a dark gray vest, two gold earrings, and a red bandana. She also has a shark tooth necklace she bought on an island somewhere.

Weapon(s): She only has one weapon, a scimitar. She took it from a raid of an otter camp far south along the coastline.

Personality Description: She is suspicious, mean, and vengeful. She also couldn't care less about the rest of the crew. She realizes, though, that there's strength in numbers, so she doesn't plot against them. She is not afraid of death unless it's by drowning.

Likes: Like any pirate, she likes being out at sea. In addition, she highly prizes the scimitar she stole from some otters five seasons ago.

Dislikes: She hates and distrusts foxes. She has learned to hide how she feels about them, though. She also strongly dislikes otters because they killed her parents when she was little. Luckily, she got a chance for revenge not too long ago, but they killed half of the crew so she can't wait for a chance at revenge. Also, even though she's a pirate, she can't stand the thought of falling in the ocean because she's never learned to swim.

History of Character: She doesn't know where she's from. But for as long as she can remember, she has been a pirate. When she was younger, she almost drowned, so she has a fear a drowning. She has been part of the crew of the Blood Spine for four seasons. Before that, she had never been on one ship for longer than two seasons. Her last captain, a rat, had been killed by a fox, and she has had a fear and a hatred of foxes ever since.

Gavin-Asher/ played by Redwaller

Species: Rat
Gender: Male
Age: 25 Seasons
Physical description: Strong arms and legs, thick brows, black mustache, Brown fur, grey eyes.
Weapon Description: A Baselard, with a nickel blade, and oak handle.
A War Hammer, with lead head(with the spear-like spike), and Black Alder Handle.  A Crossbow made of Rowan wood, and arrows who's heads are made out of iron, with sparrow feathers for fletching and Ashe wood for the shaft.  
Clothing Description: Brown Leather Jerkin, Blue Sea Pantaloons, Black Leather Eyepatch, Wooden boots, and a Green Bandanna.
Personality description: Intelligent, Usually mean with other crew members, cruel by nature, but has some soft spots for some of the female members.
Likes: Butchering, anything that has to do with suffering and death.
Dislikes: Softlings, cowards, pompous fools.
History of Character: A few weeks after he was born, his parents went away to fight in a vermin horde, leaving him alone to fend for himself, and was found half dead of starvation by a stoat couple. He found them to be the cruelest creatures ever, which helped him to become as he is now. When he became old enough to find food and shelter the stoat couple told him his story and told him to leave at dawn's first light. As night came, plans formed in his head as he lied on his bed, unable to go to sleep, when he was sure that the house was asleep, he filled an haversack with supplies and gathered his few belongings. When he was ready, he slipped his Baselard in his hand and crept into his adoptive parents and slipped it through their ribs. When the job was done, he went off to seek revenge on his natural parents. After wondering for several days in the wilderness, he stumbled across a forage party sent from the BloodSpine. He told them his story of how he was brought up by the stoats and of his quest. Had he barely finished, that the leader of the party told him of all the wonders of seafaring life. Gavin-Asher took up the opportunity and enrolled himself in the BloodSpine Crew. From that day forth, his days of murder and carnage started for real.

Vela Menkar / Played by 321Tumbler



Age: 1 year=1 season 27

Physical description: Vela has long, gray brown fur that turns white around the muzzle and paws. The top of her left ear is cut off and she has a deep, three-point scar on forehead. Her eyes are deep, evil green with red on it's edges. There are many scars on her back that she doesn't show.

Clothing Description: She wears a simple sky blue vest with a green cape draped across her shoulder. She has a sharkskin belt with a small bag connected to it where she keeps seeress type of things.

Weapons: Sling and stones/a short dagger good for assassination

Personality Description: Cruel no doubt, but smart so that she isn't caught. She doesn't care who is killed she just longs to see people die. If there is ever a mysterious death on board, you can be sure Vela had something to do about it. She keeps to herself unless she's tricking her fellow crewmates. Everyone on the crew consider her crazy and stay away from her. Her hand is skilled with a sling or with daggers. Behind her selfish heart is a soft spot for young ones.

Likes: Torturing people, killing, trickery, fake magic, and children(even though she pretends not to).

Dislikes:Happiness, families, love, rats, beer, and darkness(a fear she tells NO ONE).

History of Character:Her parents lived alone, but died when she was only 1 season. She was found by a wild badger tribe and they took her (and other orphans) in. They raised her well and she would've become a goodbeast unless a rat army hadn't killed the whole tribe (that's why she hates rats). When she tried to bite the leader he plunged his claw into her forehead, giving her a permanent scar. The rats thought she was dead so they threw her into the ocean. She floated to the Blood Spine and was pulled on board. At first she couldn't talk and tried to kill everyone, but she slowly remembered how to talk and saved her anger for other times. The hit triggered some deep evil in her brain that made her ruthless and blood-thirsty. Her love of children was the only thing that stayed good because of all the badgers did for children.  

Sculrig/ Played by Tam and Martin

Species: Red Fox

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Weapons: Scimitar, Dirk, and Bow with arrows.

Physical Description: Sculrig is Tall, Strong and Sinewy with Orange-Red fur and a slight tint of Black fur at the paws. A long scar runs from his left brow to his left cheek, straight through his eye. His left eye is a normal eye with a yellow iris but his right is a milky white orb. He speaks with a deep and gruff voice.

Clothing description: Sculrig wears a tunic of sandy brown with blotches of Grog stains on it. A flat cap of Sandy Brown also is worn on his head. He wears a broad, black buckle belt tied around his waist with his dirk thrust through the right side of the belt and the scimitar through the left. Two big black Sea boots are worn on his feet. His quiver of arrows are shouldered and his bow is held in his paw.

Personality Description: Sculrig is a mean, heartless, fox with no pity for Men, women, or children. Though he is scared inwardly of those stronger than him, he is fearless when in a battle with an opponent weaker. When he has been drinking Nettle Grog too much he is a jovial, outgoing fox. His worst fear is badgers.

Likes: Taunting friend and Foe ; Drinking Nettle Grog;

Dislikes: Any food not meat ;  Anyone who stands in his way;

History Decription: Whe Sculrig was young, His father, Zandu, and his mother, Hernoam, were high ranking corsairs on the ship Bloodbelly. Ravaging coasts and farms they went until one day, when Sculrig was not but a babe, they met their match. A big ship came on a stormy night plunging through waves it came and the crew of the other ship boarded. They were Long Patrol hares with a Might Badger at their head. They roared s they plunged onto the corsairs ship, shouting war cries as they went. Two-Hundred strong the Hares were and they were critically outnumbering the corsairs who, though outnumbered, fought gallantly. At the final moments of the battle, a old female stoat, who was Sculrig's nurse, set him in a barrel to ride out the battle. Peering through a crack in the barrel, Sculrig saw his mother and father go down by the badger's mighty battle-axe. The battle was ended. All the corsairs were dead except Sculrig. After the foe had left he stayed in the barrel two days then crawled out to find he was moored on the bank of an island. He got off the ship sore and hungry. He stayed at the island for 18 seasons fending for himself against beasts, when one day a ship arrived. The Blood-spine was it's name, commanded by a murdering crew of Vermin and the captain Visefang. Sculrig joined their crew and set out for revenge on anyone. He fought with the crew in many battles until they were here on the high north coast resting two leagues from the caves of Luke's tribe waiting for murder.....

Captain Visefang the Red/ Played by DanielofRedwall

Species: Fox.

Gender: Male.

Age: 1 year=1 season: 35.

Physical description: Tall, slender and muscular. Has a bloody scar across his back as a result of a vicious battle with a crew of northland otters (see History).

Weapon(s) Description: A basket-hilted cutlass which, despite the many notches on the blade, is still sharp. Also uses a whip, but only on his crew, not in battle.

Clothing Description: Wears raggy, dull red clothes with nothing to signify his rank except for a golden crown on his head, which he found after looting
another ship and wears out of pure arrogance.

Personality description: Arrogant, self-centred and selfish. He will do nearly anything to get his way. Despite this, he is not rash; he's quick and intelligent and will think things through first. He is quite cruel and barbaric, both to his own crew and to others. However, he has a small group of officers whom he can trust, and he is less cruel to them when compared to the rest of the crew.

Likes: Himself. He is the only beast whom he trusts entirely, and to put it bluntly he is in love with himself. He loves the rush and adrenaline of battle, and seeks it as often as he can. He is always in the thick of the action. Loves booty and riches, and due to his selfishness he keeps it all to himself.

Dislikes: Failure- both of his own doing and the doing of others. Failure often leads to extreme punishment. Mutiny- He faces it often. He knows how to deal with it easily enough, but he feels greatly inconvenienced by it. Cowardliness- He'll fight to the death himself and expects the other crew to do so as well. Cowardliness in battle leads to extreme punishment.

History of Character: When he was born, he was abandoned instantly as a child. A small, roaming tribe of vermin found him and raised him. They gave him the name Visefang because of the way his small, sharp jaws clamped on to their fingers when they got too close. Later, when he was 12, they too abandoned him. By this time he was old enough to fend for himself, and he survived through thievery.

At the age of 21 he joined a crew of pirates, who operated the ship The Blood Spine. The captain was a drunkard and was cruel to his crew. Visefang, who had always hoped for higher honours, saw his chance and became the leader of a mutiny. This climaxed to a one-on-one duel between himself and the current leader, which he easily won.

Visefang quickly made a name for himself as Captain Visefang the Red, the Scourge of the High Seas. Beasts shuddered at the sight of his distinctive flag, which included two red fangs and a cutlass on a black background. He was cruel to his crews, and often mutinies were sparked, but no-one could ever defeat him in a one-on-one duel. He gained recruits because of his huge success rate. He kept all the riches and gold he plundered to himself.

One fateful day, he attempted to plunder a tribe of northland otters. He thought it would be a routine ambush, but the tribe were strong. They killed the majority of his crew by the time Visefang finally defeated them. Fearing his name would be tarred, he quickly sought revenge, and found out they had come from the caves of Luke's tribe. He made his way there, and now sits not two leagues from the caves, carefully planning his first move of vengeance.