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Out of control dibbuns

Started by James Gryphon, July 14, 2011, 04:14:51 AM

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Mara the Wolf

The Dibbuns from the first three books were okay to awesome.

Sam: He's a pretty smart and epic for a 1 1/2 season old! (He says in Mattimeo he was 1 1/2 seasons old when Cluny tried to conquer Redwall) Seriously, what baby would realistically think to drop a hornet's nest on your enemies?!
Ferdy and Coggs: Idiots, but then, they're babies. But then, you've gotta give them points for not giving in to Tsarmina!
Rollo: This baby can solve riddles! The only thing I didn't like was when once he was safe during the hostage trade, he started threatening the crows with his cider song (or his cider song in general, really)

Buuut, once we get to Mariel of Redwall, these babies start to get annoying.
Bagg, Run, and Grubb: They refuse to listen and actually cause problems before Mariel and Dandin leave. Then there's Grubb's annoying molespeech. Then, they have a moment where they manage to cut the ropes the rats are climbing up, which is awesome. But afterwards, they start exaggerating their feats, and the adults know it, yet just let them keep exaggerating! I seriously wanted to spank them!
Dumble: Oh my freakin' Vulpuz, this Dibbun was so annoying and 99% useless!
Dinjer: Spoiled brat, and thankfully, Amballa gave him the spanking he deserved.
Bungo (Martin the Warrior): The way he talks to his elders when Grumm tells him not stir the soup too fast and when one tries to stop him from dipping his pancake into his soup made me want to see him get a dang spanking!

I know hating on Bagg, Runn, and Grubb for exaggerating seems outta proportion, but I just hate it when kids do that. I don't why, I just do.
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general


I haven't read the series in a good bit, but from what I remember, most of the time they were tolerable. Though I do remember several times it got very irritating


Quote from: Rainshadow on June 11, 2012, 03:36:11 AM
  I love the dibbuns!  My favorite thing about them was when they started DAB (Dibbuns Against Bedtime).  I also love how you can barely understand the mole dibbuns.

Yeah, moles are already cute, but when they are babies  :hearteyes: