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Rainshadow's Art

Started by Rainshadow, March 24, 2013, 03:09:42 AM

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Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


  Hoo hoo!  Big Christmas blowout!  I decided to finally put off my procrastination and upload some of the art I drew throughout the month of December (and a bit of November and January, too).  I'm not uploading all of it, 'cause there's a lot of art, but these are the more notable ones.  (And I apologize in advance, Jet-kun, I only did one of your requests because I chickened out and was too afraid to do the others.  I have issues with committing to two hour long drawings, but I hate having to stop drawing before I've finished, so... yeah.  :P)

Prom drawings
  Ugh, I've only done two of these so far, and one of them isn't very accurate.  See, I drew Jet-kun's before Hana-chan announced she was going with him, so... yeah.  But hey, I drew me and Leatgo, so at least I drew one couple.  Of course, one of the two was me, so I guess that just shows how narcissistic I am.  ::)

  Funny, I'm the one who designed my own dress, yet Leatgo's lederhosen was much easier to draw.  :P

  And I added hair and a face to you, Jet, 'cause I couldn't comprehend baldness and no face.  Couldn't figure out how to draw that.  :P
OC art challenge
  So this was something I found online that was a thirty day art challenge for an original character.  Of course, I did only the first few days, and most of them were drawn on the same day, but hey, it was something to pass the time.  Plus the fact that I like drawing Adam.  (And yes, I skipped day three 'cause it was a coloured drawing.  I did do day three, but my scanner doesn't understand the meaning of colour, so... yeah.)

  I gave Feathers a harness because that dragon is a little brat.

  This one kinda sucked 'cause I couldn't figure out a good pose and was high on meds.  :P

  *No third one because reasons*


  Don't ask why he's dressed up as Santa.  It's a long story involving day three, when I coloured his outfit.

  Startled Adam is fun Adam.
Art requests for a buddy of mine
  So, my friend asked me to draw AUs of myself (specifically a superhero, a Hogwarts student, and a supernatural creature).  They were fun.  ;D

  Telekinesis for the win.

  My patronus was actually harder to draw than myself, for some reason.  Also, I think I got the uniform wrong, but I don't really care.  I like sweater vests.

  An awkward vampire in a Dracula cape.  Aw yeah.  8)
  Aaaaand finally, an art prompt I did awhile back and some Dragon Age fan art because I'm obsessed.

  This is supposed to be Ocarina of Time Link, but I doubt it looks much like him.  :P

  Cole once mentioned that Cassandra read books to him, so this happened a few days ago...

  And then I had free time that evening with my cousins, so I drew Cole again.  Positioning his daggers was really hard, and I was too lazy to clean up the drawing, so there's a ghost dagger in the picture.  ::)

  And a lazy fifteen minute or so sketch of my Inquisitor, only I couldn't remember what her tattoo looks like, so she's minus a tattoo.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Woah, they're all really cool especially the one of me, the first and sixth Adam's, you as a superhero and Cole, Cole's my favourite. And the head of my prom suit is a helmet. That is actually a scarily accurate picture of me except, you know, I have normal eyes, and my skin is white not green. Oh and you missed two buttons on the jacket, there were twelve for a reason.

When you said you were too scared to do the rest does that mean you're not going to do them or that you just didn't do them at that time? I'm not mad or upset, just confused and curious
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Leatho Shellhound

Wow! Those are so neat! You did a really great job!
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Quote from: Jetthebinturong on January 18, 2015, 12:41:38 AM
Woah, they're all really cool especially the one of me, the first and sixth Adam's, you as a superhero and Cole, Cole's my favourite. And the head of my prom suit is a helmet. That is actually a scarily accurate picture of me except, you know, I have normal eyes, and my skin is white not green. Oh and you missed two buttons on the jacket, there were twelve for a reason.

When you said you were too scared to do the rest does that mean you're not going to do them or that you just didn't do them at that time? I'm not mad or upset, just confused and curious

  Thanks!  (And oops about the buttons.  I coulda sworn I got all of them in there, but I guess I was wrong.  :P)

  Oh, and I just realized that I was gonna post an explanation as to day six of my Adam drawings, so I may as well do so now.  So, I couldn't really figure out any sort of unique outfit or pose for Adam to be in (now I realize that "evening wear" probably means fancy getup, not pajamas, but whatever), but I found this awesome pose of a guy freaking out and decided that Adam was gonna be changing and Tani (his girlfriend) was gonna walk in on him.  So, yeah, that's why he's screaming whilst being shirtless and in pajama pants.  Well, no, I coulda given him a shirt, but I like drawing shirtless guys.  Not muscly shirtless guys, but wimpy teenage guys are fun to draw.  ;D

  As for your question, I'm definitely gonna do them, I've just been rather stressed recently and haven't wanted to take the time to sit down and commit to several hours of drawing.  I'm gonna try to get them done sooner than later so that I can work on Glicthor as well, but with my short attention span, "sooner" could be several weeks from now.  But I'll try to force myself to do at least one of them in the month of January, if not both.  (Well, probably not both, but a girl can hope, can't she?  :P)

Quote from: Leatho Shellhound on January 18, 2015, 01:03:32 AM
Wow! Those are so neat! You did a really great job!

  Thanks!  :D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Wow that is some nice stuff. I especially like the one of jet, the two shirtless Adams (No I don't normally like shirtless guys but I really liked the faces and poses on those.  ;D) and the one of Cole (Really like that one the pose is just awesome!). Oh and what  was the character challenge that you used (I really should do that for some of my characters :D :P).
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: Faiyloe on January 18, 2015, 04:09:57 AM
Wow that is some nice stuff. I especially like the one of jet, the two shirtless Adams (No I don't normally like shirtless guys but I really liked the faces and poses on those.  ;D) and the one of Cole (Really like that one the pose is just awesome!). Oh and what  was the character challenge that you used (I really should do that for some of my characters :D :P).

  Thanks!  Glad ya liked 'em.  :)

  Oh, and this is the OC challenge:

If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Thanks that looks like fun I might do that.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  Oh, hey, look who got off her lazy butt and decided to do some drawing and uploading!  Of course, I only did two of my three requests, but hey, I did two of my three requests in the last two weeks!  :P

 Okay, before I post it, I know this isn't quite like the others, I just hit a major artist's block (is that even a thing?  It is now.) and couldn't figure out what to draw.  Saw some poses in an art instruction book and went, "Hmm, maybe I could draw them doing tests at a table...?"  So that's what I did.  If you don't like it, though, I'd be willing to do it again.  I just saw something different and decided to give it a go, hoping for the best.

 I'm much more proud of this one than I am of Jet's request, partially because I had better tools when doing this than I did with his.  And plus the fact that that pose was really fun.  Also, arrows in his paw because I watched an archery video that talked about skilled archers having arrows in their hand while firing so they could shoot faster.

 And I hope you don't mind me giving him that outfit and a bow made of antlers.  I wasn't given any specifics, so I sorta made it up as I went along.  :P  (And I just now realized that I forgot his spear... eheh... whoops!)
 Twinnies that I'm not too proud of 'cause they look a bit weird.  But whatever.  I wasted about an hour on them, so I'm postin' it.

 I was goofing off on Sunday, drawing random doodles, when I remembered the whole human AU thing.  Decided to try that on Shadow yesterday, and I had a bit of fun.  Not too fond of how her outfit came out, and the body proportions might be a bit off, but again I say, whatever.  ::)  (And just pretend her white flame mark is a tattoo because I have no real explanation for it.  :P)

 Modern elfy archer girl because reasons.  Also, my friend says that she looks like she's part tree frog because of her pose.  I guess I can sorta see it?  She also said that she looked like Katniss, which I can see better than the frog thing.  An elf Katniss.  A dark-skinned elf Katniss.  Yeah...

 Badger I did the line art for while waiting for band, then shaded at my aunt's house.  Of course, after singing (ha, singing?  More like chanting) the badger song to my cousins, they insisted that I draw a little mushroom in the picture.  So... mushroom, too.  And his warhammer doesn't look too warhammerish, but it's a warhammer.

 Okay, so this last one is my favourite by far.  Not sure why, but I really liked how it turned out.  "But who is it, Rain?" you ask.  Lemme tell ya:  Ren's a sad yet awesome fire mage from an RP that sadly died before it started, but it sounded really awesome.  Dungeon Explorers, it was called.  And Han, if you're looking at this page, I'M STILL UP FOR DOING THIS!  DRAWING REN GOT ME SUPER HYPED FOR IT AGAIN!

 So... yeah.  Art.  Stuff.  Thingies.  Have a field day or whatever.  :P
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Wow, good stuff! Interesting antler-bow idea.

(And artist's block is totally a thing. You just put a name to what I've had the past year.)


  Thanks!  I got the bow idea partially from Dragon Age (there's a bow that looks similar to the one I drew) and the Inheritance Cycle series.  One of the characters owns an Urgal horn bow that's really powerful.

 I knew it!  Oh, if you're a fan of art prompts to fight off artist's block, I found an awesome blog (Creative Art Prompts) that posts a bunch of art prompts that I enjoy.  I don't do them frequently, but they're really interesting and creative prompts nonetheless, and are really fun to draw.  :D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I'll check that site out, thanks.