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The Master of the Pitiless Mists - OOC discussion and sign-up

Started by Para the Mite, March 31, 2013, 07:03:14 PM

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Para the Mite

'Who dares to sail the frigid mist?
Not I! Not I! Not I!
The far Northeast, where Black Water lists,
Care to try, to try, to try?
Too many have gone, lost in their way,
Never again to see light of day,
At the seas cold dead bottom their corpses now lay,
Tell me why, tell me why, tell me why???

What manner of beast calls the Black Water child?
None know! None know! None know!
A monster of fear birthing demons of guile,
Don't go! Don't go. Don't go!
Everywhere his paws reach the mists seek to spread,
Filling all creatures with terror, with dread,
The Black Water's monsters still long to be fed,
So don't go, don't go, friend, don't go!'

~ Old Freebooter Ballad

Far across the Northeastern Sea the badly bloodstained keel of the frightening Freebooter galleon Keelcrusher sails dangerously close to a mysterious isle located in the frigid mists at the center of the great water. Her crew is both eager and hesitant, packed to the brim with Freebooters and Sea Raiders alike, captained by a fierce wildcat all the crew fear. Miserable oarslaves work endlessly below decks, the once free beasts now reduced to squalor and suffering. From all over the Northeastern Sea's coastline the slaves had been gathered, and for this very task...the siege of the strange and eerie Isle of Dark Water, realm of the Pitiless Mists!

Many Freebooter and Sea Raider tales and gossip speak of the isle as a mysterious and dangerous place filled with strange magic and flesh-eating monsters. Few creatures have been to the isle and returned alive, but those that do are often stark-raving mad and speak nonsense about flying demons in the mists and giant, sickly worms that eat deadflesh... Nobeast really believes the tales outright, but one thing is certain. Any who go into the mist rarely return, and the captain of the Keelcrusher has more than a suspicion it isn't all as magical and strange as most beasts think...

Most wildcats wouldn't be caught dead on the deck of a ship, but to Captain Keeta the Cutthroat, the majestic gray tabby wildcat from the Northern Clans, no place was safe from her claws. The female swashbuckler was vicious, cold and intelligent and so it didn't take long for her reputation to spread. Stealing a small sloop, she gained her start and began growing her crew, commandeering ships as she encountered them until she finally found her marvelous Keelcrusher, the grand and quite massive war-galleon.

Nobeast knows for certain what drives the wildcat to plunder the mythological isle, but something in her razor-sharp umber eyes tells of a grand secret only she, her First Mate and her Boson know. A tale of some dark vermin creature that sailed away to the isle many seasons before and was never heard from since; a tale of sleek ships in the mist that hunt any that trespass within, taking all booty and prisoners to the heart of the isle where their master waits...

The crew can only whisper and gossip, some shaken at the thought of sailing into Black Water, the Pitiless Mists. Could this wildcat do what no other beast had? Could she truly sail into the mist without fear and discover its secrets?

And was she truly the only beast to do so? Or is there something more to the mysterious island located at the center of the frigid Northeastern Sea?

Perhaps you'd like to find out? ;3

If so...then, apply here I guess. lol xD

There are a slew of openings for just about any position. I think I'm going to go ahead and take Captain Keeta as my own. I may have just thrown the concept together for this RP, I already like 'er. So I'd like to play 'er. xD

If that's okay with everyone. ;3

So, other important openings would include:

For the vermin crew of the Keelcrusher
-   First Mate
-   Bosun
-   Lookout
-   Steersbeast (taken!)
-   Slavemaster
-   Galley Cook
-   And of course, general crew

Slavebeasts of the Keelcrusher
-   Most any traditional Redwall species could work here, since they've taken slaves from all over

The Master of the Isle and the Pitiless Mists –
-   Second-in-command, what creatures who see him call the "Blackbeast Devil", he has no actual rank (though some use "Devil" as a title of esteem), but nobeast dares question him or show disrespect, he is a fairly close friend of the Master or at least has some form of pre-existing relationship I've yet to decide; maybe they're enemies, who knows (taken!)
-   2-4 captain officers known as "Nightmares" (ex. "Nightmare Hornclaw, I have a report for you, sir." | "Stop slaggin' an' report back t'yer Nightmare, or I'll 'ave yer guts fer garters ye useless Specter!")
-   All general sea-faring soldiers are referred to as "Specters"  and are considered "special forces", generally using stealth and ambush, hence their names
-   All general land-dwelling soldiers are referred to as "Fiends" and are special-trained in their own ways, their captains are still called Nightmares

Other possible concepts:

- Shipwrecked vermin crew
- Escaped slaves taking shelter on the island
- Renegade Specters and Fiends who no longer wish to serve the Master

The vermin of the island can be just about anything in the wind, from Mossflower to Sampetra and back again. Any motley creature might have turned up there at some time if they ever strove to travel northeast and cross the sea. The stories are all pretty well-known and may have even traveled the waterways to the western sea shore. It's an eerie place with all manner of horror stories coming out of it, some for good reason, others are pure lies. Superstitious wave vermin like to gossip, you know how it is. lol

I'm going to keep the Master's species secret for now, whoever takes on the Blackbeast role (who can also be any species under the Redwall sun) will likely have to work with me directly so we can get some background stuff straightened out. ;3

Same with whoever takes up First Mate and Boson of the Keelcrusher.

I also may have a concept for a slave to play, but I'm uncertain as of yet. I might wait and see who takes interest, let everyone make/offer characters and then I'll see if there are any gaps to fill. ^^

I'm keeping some stuff under wraps, don't wanna' give it all away at the start. lol xD

Buuuuut...I guess I should give you a character template to use to submit your characters. xD

Character Template:

Age: (I generally treat years as seasons and seasons as years, as I've been re-reading the series, I almost feel like Jacques did the same thing at least some of the time.)
Physical Description: (In text. I want you to work for it. Too many people cheat with pictures. ;3, Paint me a picture with your words.)
Brief Personality:
Summarized Background: (A few sentences often times is enough, don't spill all the beans right away. Leave some to be discovered. ^^)

Disadvantages: (Must counter-balance Advantages.)
Advantages: (Things to note here include but are not limited to: any form of notable combat talent or physical prowess, photographic memory, quick reflexes, acrobat, seasoned campaigner etc. Anything that benefits your character or gives them a leg-up over their competition in any way is seen as an Advantage. Thusly, Disadvantages are the things that hinder and cause complications for the character.)

Gear: (Note what your character is generally carrying on their person, most slaves would be expected to have little to nothing in their possession, but may have things stashed away.)

That's about it. I can't think of anything else I'd need, really. Disadvantages/advantages are things I think people forget to mention sometimes. I have a lot of characters with old injuries, arthritis, blindness, missing limbs, you name it. I like characters to be as equally flawed as they are gifted, and that can extend to social parameters as well, not just the physical/mental.

I will likely give you hell if I feel your character is over-powered, so keep that in mind. ;3

Current Cast:

- The Master of the Pitiless Mists | ??? | ??? | ??? | played by: Para the Mite
- Captain Keeta the Cutthroat | 27 | Female | Wildcat | played by: Para the Mite
- "Devil" Blackbeast Teufel Swarz | 43 | Male | Stoat | played by: W0NWILL
- Sedge the Sage | 27 | Male | Squirrel | played by: danflorreguba
- Roka Kaloz | 20 | Female | Fox | played by: KitrallStreamrippler
- Darknight Shadefur | 35 | Male | Pine Marten | played by: Ceteruler
- Marril | 24 | Female | Hedgehog | played by: W0NWILL
'Paws of wrong meet paws of right,
As autumn leaves would turn.
Fates entangled in dawn's cruel light,
Where the lizard fires once burned.
The shadows of evil walk with thee, thy babe,
Dare ye wish it not to be true?
Wouldst thou seek the path of right,
If it brought only pain to you?'

Dannflower Reguba

WOOOOOOOW....... That was REALLY well thought out!  ;) Welcome to the Forum, I'm Dannflower Reguba, but I get called a bajillion other names around here, so take your pick when you find them.  ;)

As for the RP, I think I'll join as a renegade.

Age: 27
Sex: Male
Physical Description:
Brief Personality:
Summarized Background:
Advantages: Was a former officer, an ex-Nightmare,

Just getting my template ready at the moment, can these beasts be any species as well?
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


This is looking great Para the Mite! I wouldn't mind joining in! :)


Name: Blackbeast Teufel Swarz(Tew-fell, Swar-zeh)
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Species: Stoat
Physical Description: Teufel always wears a black hood, shadowing his face so only his eyes glint out of seemingly nowhere like pale chips of ice. He wears a long black cloak that's made to billow impressively over a comfortable and effective grey shirt. He wears brown leather pants that are a few shades lighter than his fur. What one can see of his fur is short and dark brown, and grows rough and layered at his wrists. All along his left side is furless and a terrible mess of scar tissues.
Brief Personality: Teufel does whatever in his power to win. No matter what. He doesn't care about anyone except his master, and freely sends the footsoldiers to their deaths, as long as he gets a report out of it. He's a bit of a coward, and hides behind the grunts as he give orders. However, when he's pressed to it, he takes charge and fights. He's officially a psychopath, suffering from a chronic mental disorder with violent social behavior, but really doesn't let that get in his way.
Summarized Background: He was born on the island and clawed his way up the ranks until he became second in command.

Disadvantages: Psychopath, old injuries hampering his movement, few morals
Advantages: High-up in rank, few morals, combat powers

Gear: Several thin throwing spears made from reeds, a hook, and a short stabbing spear for melee

Note, I'll probably add things later, but before we start rping.

Para the Mite

Quote from: danflorreguba on March 31, 2013, 07:36:50 PM
Just getting my template ready at the moment, can these beasts be any species as well?
Absolutely. ^^, Northern species would be more common than others, but it's likely to find a little bit of everything from wash-ups, castaways and escaped slaves; whether they were recruited as soldiers or not.

Quote from: BrookSkimmer on March 31, 2013, 08:03:12 PM
This is looking great Para the Mite! I wouldn't mind joining in! :)
I certainly hope you do. ^^

Quote from: W0NWILL on March 31, 2013, 10:23:30 PM
Note, I'll probably add things later, but before we start rping.
No problem. I'm loving him so far! =)

I'll also toss you a PM so we can figure out a little bit about how the Master and Blackbeast will interact. Give you some details, etc.


Gonna' put my character templates here. ;3, Currently filling them out and whatnot.

Name: Captain Keeta the Cutthroat
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Species: Wildcat (gray tabby)
Physical Description: Keeta has a strange way of seeming both alluring and dangerous all at the same time. The gray-furred beauty hails from some northern clan and bears dark markings and stripes in a mottled, ashy pelt. Slender and athletic, Keeta can easily make herself seem disarming and quite charming only to turn into a fireball the next with death in her umber gaze. Though not necessarily tall, most beasts usually hold some measure of height over the petite wildcat, though don't let that fool you. The elegant cat can fight like a score of beasts and has a real mean streak that's lasted the last pawful of seasons.

Keeta always dresses well, taking care to seem well-cared for and in good order. She always keeps her armor and long frock coat tidy and every weapon is double-checked and displayed. At her left side and held on a thick fox-hide belt is her fencing saber, the blade long, slim and lethal. A marvelous basket hilt weaves round to protect the paw and a massive emerald stone ornaments the decoration facing the defender when held en garde. At her right side and on a similarly gorgeous belt tanned of stoat leather sits, in a painstaking crafted scabbard, a fearsome long dagger. It would make a great short sword for a mouse at its size with its deep blood channel and amethyst pommel stone. Dark leather, seasoned from use, wraps the hilt; unlike the saber's cord-wrapped hilt. The wildcat generally dual-wields the blades in tandem, becoming a deadly whirlwind wherever she treads.

At times the Freebooter Captain may dress simply in stolen Corsair silks or armor, leaving her ill-gotten indigo frock coat for more important occasions. Even her armor is simple: naught but a sleeveless, tanned leather jerkin studded with bronze, padded breeches cut-off below the knee, studded leather wrist and ankle bracers and that was mostly it. She prefers to be able to swim if she absolutely has to, but hates to be without some form of protection.

Though it would be rare to see the wildcat without armor, if one did a beast might be surprised how beautiful the cat's pelt is. Shades of ash to charcoal create a dappling pattern and almost tiger-like striping. A dark splotch across her nose and brows give hard points to her face that draw creature's eyes to hers, allowing her to bore into them with her clay-colored gaze.

Brief Personality: Keeta is a little difficult to truly understand, most of the time she puts up a very fierce, very tough front to keep her creatures loyal and in-line. And its worked. But beyond that few really know much about her (except maybe her first mate and boson). She's cold, this is true. She's vicious and ruthless, nobeast contests that. But underneath? Who knows...though nobeast would go bettin' that she had a soft side.

Summarized Background: Keeta the Cutthroat hails from a land across the Northeastern Sea, where ice rules craggy mountains beyond cold, green hills and a massive freshwater lake; often frozen several inches deep. Those who know her from her home would know she fought hard to get away from a dying land and dying people, but the treachery of one beast alone was what brought the cataclysm. It is this beast she pursues, relentlessly since the event nearly deadened her swordpaw and cost what kin she had their lives. Vengeance is her goal, and nobeast will stand in her way.

Disadvantages: Injured right arm can sometimes ache and become exceedingly stiff. She's managed to hide it thus far, but it's getting more difficult. Her First Mate and Boson are the only creatures that know, and out of loyalty or fear (one can never know) they keep it to themselves (or so she assumes). She's also not the best swimmer and can panic slightly once in it, frightened enough she'll drown others to get out; knowingly and without mercy (but it won't send her into illogical panic, not unless she starts gulping water). Keeta is definitely lighter and faster than she is strong, she relies on her speed and smarts to do the fighting, due to this she tries to pick her battles very carefully; but that's not always an option...
- Seasoned swordsbeast
- Quick on her feet
- Quick-thinking and resourceful

- Fencing saber
- Long dagger
- Hidden throwing blade in her sword-belt
- Armor: studded leather vest, padded breeches, wrist and ankle bracers


Physical Description:
Brief Personality:
Summarized Background:


'Paws of wrong meet paws of right,
As autumn leaves would turn.
Fates entangled in dawn's cruel light,
Where the lizard fires once burned.
The shadows of evil walk with thee, thy babe,
Dare ye wish it not to be true?
Wouldst thou seek the path of right,
If it brought only pain to you?'

Dannflower Reguba

Great!  :)

Name: Sedge the Sage

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Species: Squirrel

Physical Description: Dark grey fur, lizard like yellow eyes, wears a dark forest green tunic with a hood and veil, is said to use fur paint. Not much else is known any longer about what to expect to see if you meet him, he has passed many a fiend, and many a specter without them ever realizing.

Brief Personality: When he was part of the forces, he was mean, delirious, sporadic, unpredictable, but again, not much is known about this anymore since he "disappeared."

Summarized Background: Comes from the North, and washed up on the island one day, he was dazed when he arrived, and was climbing in the ranks, but awoke from his stupor, and escaped the Specters, and Fiends.

Disadvantages: Rather un-social, quite, still gets dizzy spells though they are gradually receding, he isn't very literate (can hardly read his own name), Frustrated easily when he can't remember something, especially when it's important.

Advantages: Was a former officer, an ex-Nightmare, was known and feared for his un-paralleled speed and agility, his sensory perception (sight, smell, etc.) are fine tuned from constantly having to find targets in their different hiding places, Stealth. 

Gear: Carries a staff, but hardly ever has to fight with it, usually uses his hands. He carries a satchel-of-all-trades, you never know just what he's going to pull out of it. Wears a bark and leather tight-bound gauntlet on his right fore arm.

I think I've got it for now, as the RP plays out, things will be revealed about him.  :)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


I would like to play the steersbeast. Ill have a template up soon!


This is amazing!!! You're doing an excellent job! I started thinking about a character to play, and though I don't have time right now, I'll have a template up soon. (I'd like to play a corsair that was shipwrecked on the Isle.)
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Para the Mite

Alright, cool. Looking forward to the profiles. ^^

In the mean time, at least I got Keeta sketched alright -

Captain Keeta the Cutthroat

There are some errors, like always, but oh well. Good enough for me. xD
'Paws of wrong meet paws of right,
As autumn leaves would turn.
Fates entangled in dawn's cruel light,
Where the lizard fires once burned.
The shadows of evil walk with thee, thy babe,
Dare ye wish it not to be true?
Wouldst thou seek the path of right,
If it brought only pain to you?'


I like your drawing- it's very good. :) Anyway, here's my character sheet.

Name: Roka Kaloz
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Species: Fox

Physical Decription: Roka's fur is an even dusty reddish color. She has no markings except for black "socks" from her paws to her knees/elbows. Most foxes have a white underside and tail tip, but she does not. Her eyes are dark green and sometimes cloudy. She is the average height for a fox her age, though she is more slender, even scrawny, one might say. Her fur is usually rather unkempt.
     Roka wears plain but sturdy clothes: a hooded cloak and a long, faded tunic of unidentifiable color. This tunic reaches to Roka's knees and is in very good shape other than being faded. Her cloak is quite large and loose, and colored a mottled brown that is excellent for camouflage. She also has a plain brown leather belt with three leather pouches and assorted knives and daggers on it.

Brief Personality: Roka is fairly clever, very curious, and good at talking her way out of trouble. Roka is not ambitious, but enjoys having power over other creatures and will use this power to get things done rather than belittle the creature (unless she finds them annoying). Prefers working alone, but will works with others if she needs to. She has little use for gold except to help get out of trouble, but highly values anything useful.

Summarized Background: Her town was raided and her parents killed when she was young, but the corsair captain who did it saw her potential and took her aboard his ship. As she gained experience, she quickly became a feared member of the crew. A season or two ago, the ship wrecked, and Roka washed up on the Isle. She soon learned how to survive and (mostly) avoid attracting notice to herself.

Disadvantages: Roka has some mental issues and can become unbalanced or emotional. She is very curious. She has a tendency to "space out" and become oblivious to her surroundings. She is prone to occasional insane fits, which last for varying amounts of time. Her camouflage skills are sloppy when se is rushed.

Advantages: Roka is good at camouflage (except when rushed) and has amazing knife skills. She learns quickly, and focuses on functionality. She is not likely to choose a pretty trinket over something useful, like cooking implements, food, or a better tunic.

Gear: Always wears her cloak, under which she keeps her belt, pouches, and knives. Most of her other belongings are at her "home", and the rest are hidden in convenient places (for her).
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Name: Marril
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Species: Hedgehog
Physical Description: Marril has light brown fur and rust coloured prickles. Her spines get darker closer to the tips, and are black at the very ends, though the black looks a dark blue when the lighting is good and right. She wears a simple brown smock, held up by a belt of woven grass. Her muzzle is the lightest part on her body, and has varying shades of tan an brown on it. The parts of her not covered by spines have fur roughly cut short, so it seems layered and haphazard. Her eyes are teal and small and beady.
Brief Personality: Marril doesn't care what people think. She is rude, a bit full of herself, and a bit of a jerk at times. Despite her true nature, she attempts to act proper and sophisticated when interacting with others, and is pretty good at it when she's paying attention. She rarely shows all this though, as she is socially awkward.
Summarized Background: Marril was born on a deck of a ship, and was seasick the first half of her life. She grew to hate the water, until an otter taught her to swim. She was a natural, and became second only to the otter. Something happened, and the ship was wrecked. She and the otter survived by living on the island, and he recently died of old age.

Disadvantages: Slow walking and running, not that strong, socially awkward, tactless
Advantages: Can swim like an otter, spiky, notices things most miss and makes connections

Gear: Stone knife(handle made from cherry, blade made from a pinkish stone), a sling and stones

Para the Mite

Lookin' good so far. =)

I think if we can snag a couple more people we'll probably be able to start. Though where the RP will start remains to be seen. Whatever side has more PCs on it, I'll prolly start the focus there.
'Paws of wrong meet paws of right,
As autumn leaves would turn.
Fates entangled in dawn's cruel light,
Where the lizard fires once burned.
The shadows of evil walk with thee, thy babe,
Dare ye wish it not to be true?
Wouldst thou seek the path of right,
If it brought only pain to you?'


I shall join soon. I do not have the time to come up with one RIGHT now... I'll probably have it up tomorrow or Friday, Saturday at the very, very latest. *nods* this looks like a good roleplay. I assume the bosun is open.

Para the Mite

Quote from: Ceteruler on April 04, 2013, 12:35:28 AM
I shall join soon. I do not have the time to come up with one RIGHT now... I'll probably have it up tomorrow or Friday, Saturday at the very, very latest. *nods* this looks like a good roleplay. I assume the bosun is open.

It is. No one has claimed it yet. =)

I'm waiting for BrookSkimmer and W0NWILL as well so don't feel too rushed. =9
'Paws of wrong meet paws of right,
As autumn leaves would turn.
Fates entangled in dawn's cruel light,
Where the lizard fires once burned.
The shadows of evil walk with thee, thy babe,
Dare ye wish it not to be true?
Wouldst thou seek the path of right,
If it brought only pain to you?'

Dannflower Reguba

Quote from: Para the Mite on April 04, 2013, 12:47:54 AM
Quote from: Ceteruler on April 04, 2013, 12:35:28 AM
I shall join soon. I do not have the time to come up with one RIGHT now... I'll probably have it up tomorrow or Friday, Saturday at the very, very latest. *nods* this looks like a good roleplay. I assume the bosun is open.

It is. No one has claimed it yet. =)

I'm waiting for BrookSkimmer and W0NWILL as well so don't feel too rushed. =9

At first I thought that smiley was a reverse stick your tongue out, then I came back to look at it and realized it was licking its' lips.  :D

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This