The Master of the Pitiless Mists - OOC discussion and sign-up

Started by Para the Mite, March 31, 2013, 07:03:14 PM

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(work in progress)

Name: Khol
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Species: Wildcat
Physical Description:
Khol is a beast most have to look up to. That being because he is very tall for a wildcat. His decent is rumored to be from the far east where others of his guild share his stature. He is slightly lanky but well built for the most part.

The tom has ash colored fur, accented with darker tabby markings over most of his body. His points are black including paws, tail, and ear tips. His eyes are a deep amber color.

Brief Personality:

Khol is a fairly quiet individual. He broods quite a bit and is apt to dark moods. He enjoys his position as steersbeast however, expressions of enjoyment are rarely if ever seen upon his features.

He is fluent  in taking orders from those above him in rank. He does not do the same with somebeast below him.

Summarized Background:




Name: Darknight Shadefur

Age: 35 seasons

Gender: Male

Species: Pine Marten

Physical Description: Darknight (or Dark as he is known by most everybeast) suits his name. His fur is totally black, with not a trace of any other color in it. His eyes, equally dark, give off little light in the dark. He has a lean build, very slender but wiry. You couldn’t tell just by looking at him, but his muscles are quite strong. To go with his completely black fur he usually can be found wearing black clothes, just a simple tunic and pantaloons. The clothes he wears are very well-fitting, to allow for quick movement. His ears are usually laid back against his head, and his arms are held close to his body, so as he goes about his duties as a boson he usually seems like just a shadow. But he’s watching. Always watching. In a nutshell, Dark has the appearance of an assassin, but uses his skills to keep his decks under control instead.
Brief Personality: Dark is not what you would call a people person. He doesn’t talk. At least, no one had heard him talk for ages. Perhaps only Captain Keefa knew what the pine marten’s voice sounded like. Dark always is on top of what was happening on his decks. He takes his duties as a Bosun very seriously. If there’s every any upstart, or something going on that shouldn’t be, Dark will fix it. And quickly. Those that see him and his deadly stare are usually intimidated into following the rules. Otherwise  they may meet his deadly poisoned dagger, or maybe they will taste his sword. The pine marten takes orders from those above him with little more than a curt nod, if that, and treats those under him with seeming contempt. His emotions are never truly shown.

Background: All that I’m revealing for now is that he’s been around Keefa for a long time, and that he’s never once been scared of anyone. Any other background will be revealed later.

Disadvantages: He’s rather slow in the long run
Can be overconfident in himself
Poor communicator

Advantages: Very quick on the draw
Expert poisoner
Learned intimidator

Gear: he carries with him a dagger made of ebony, with a black sheath and handle. That’s his main weapon. If a bigger fight is needed he has a sword of the same general construction. Both are poisoned. He doesn’t use any shields.

Para the Mite

Quote from: W0NWILL on April 01, 2013, 03:35:31 PM
Name: Marril
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Species: Hedgehog

Brief Personality: (In progress)

Quote from: BrookSkimmer on April 04, 2013, 04:07:07 PM
(work in progress)

Name: Khol
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Species: Wildcat

Summarized Background:



Once these two are done we can get the IC thread up. ^^

Just bumpin' to remind people for good measure. =3
'Paws of wrong meet paws of right,
As autumn leaves would turn.
Fates entangled in dawn's cruel light,
Where the lizard fires once burned.
The shadows of evil walk with thee, thy babe,
Dare ye wish it not to be true?
Wouldst thou seek the path of right,
If it brought only pain to you?'


Para the Mite

Quote from: W0NWILL on April 09, 2013, 04:57:22 AM
Righto! Added personality.

Very cool. ^^

Now once Brook finishes we'll be ready to go. =)
'Paws of wrong meet paws of right,
As autumn leaves would turn.
Fates entangled in dawn's cruel light,
Where the lizard fires once burned.
The shadows of evil walk with thee, thy babe,
Dare ye wish it not to be true?
Wouldst thou seek the path of right,
If it brought only pain to you?'


Oooh! Can I jump in before you start? ( I always seem to join roleplays like this... :P)
I would like to be the lookout or the first mate, are they available?

Name: Rusvul
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Species: Red Fox
Physical Description: Red fur, three scars over left eyelid and face, one scar across muzzle. White chest fur.
Brief Personality: Ruthless, though doesn't enjoy it, only when needed. Never backs down from a fight, and will challenge any who insult him.
Summarized Background: Was an oarslave on a ship called "Darkstern", when Keeta took the ship, he started to work for her, and (If I end up as lookout) was promoted to lookout because of his good eyesight and fast reflexes, (Or, if I end up as First Mate) Rose up through the ranks because of agility, speed, cunning, and ruthlessness.
Disadvantages: Anything that is crawly, squirmy, or sucks his blood. (Leeches are specially hated, and I have a feeling we'll be encountering them)
Advantages: Brave when it comes to near everything else, fast, quick thinking, and agile.

Gear: Cutlass, flintlock pistol (If we have gunpowder, otherwise ignore that), Poisoned dagger in boot, White poofy piratey shirt thing (What are they called?), a leather vest that provides just a little bit of armor, two very thin stilletto daggers tucked behind belt, a tricorn hat with a large green feather in it, and a coil or rope hanging from the left side of his belt. He also has a flute, and there is a smaller feather in his hat, that is a poisoned dart that can be fired from this flute.
(Hope this isn't considered OP, I will modify if needed)

Para the Mite

Quote from: rusvulthesaber on April 14, 2013, 01:41:16 PM
Oooh! Can I jump in before you start? ( I always seem to join roleplays like this... :P)
I would like to be the lookout or the first mate, are they available?

Name: Rusvul
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Species: Red Fox
Physical Description: Red fur, three scars over left eyelid and face, one scar across muzzle. White chest fur.
Brief Personality: Ruthless, though doesn't enjoy it, only when needed. Never backs down from a fight, and will challenge any who insult him.
Summarized Background: Was an oarslave on a ship called "Darkstern", when Keeta took the ship, he started to work for her, and (If I end up as lookout) was promoted to lookout because of his good eyesight and fast reflexes, (Or, if I end up as First Mate) Rose up through the ranks because of agility, speed, cunning, and ruthlessness.
Disadvantages: Anything that is crawly, squirmy, or sucks his blood. (Leeches are specially hated, and I have a feeling we'll be encountering them)
Advantages: Brave when it comes to near everything else, fast, quick thinking, and agile.

Gear: Cutlass, flintlock pistol (If we have gunpowder, otherwise ignore that), Poisoned dagger in boot, White poofy piratey shirt thing (What are they called?), a leather vest that provides just a little bit of armor, two very thin stilletto daggers tucked behind belt, a tricorn hat with a large green feather in it, and a coil or rope hanging from the left side of his belt. He also has a flute, and there is a smaller feather in his hat, that is a poisoned dart that can be fired from this flute.
(Hope this isn't considered OP, I will modify if needed)

First Mate position is still available, however, I would prefer a more seasoned creature for the role (character-wise). 13 is a bit young to have risen through vermin ranks so swiftly, and then there's the issue of keeping the position.

Lookout, however, is a very suitable position for a young beast, even a vermin. ;3

No black-powder/flint-locks. As far as I know, they never existed in Redwall.

Also I'd like to see a more tangible weakness. Given the fact he's young Small of Stature is sort of unavoidable. Unless he's exceptionally large for his age.

His eye is scarred, is it damaged? If it is that counts as a fine disadvantage as well. =)
'Paws of wrong meet paws of right,
As autumn leaves would turn.
Fates entangled in dawn's cruel light,
Where the lizard fires once burned.
The shadows of evil walk with thee, thy babe,
Dare ye wish it not to be true?
Wouldst thou seek the path of right,
If it brought only pain to you?'


Small of stature, yes. His eye was not damaged, when he was whipped on the face he at least had time to tightly close his eye. And the one whipping him wasn't trying to kill him, only punish him. It'd not make a lot of sense for he lookout to have a damaged/missing eye, eh? Though I suppose, if his other was good enough... Anyway, I'm fine with the position of lookout :)

Para the Mite

Quote from: rusvulthesaber on April 15, 2013, 03:12:55 AM
Small of stature, yes. His eye was not damaged, when he was whipped on the face he at least had time to tightly close his eye. And the one whipping him wasn't trying to kill him, only punish him. It'd not make a lot of sense for he lookout to have a damaged/missing eye, eh? Though I suppose, if his other was good enough... Anyway, I'm fine with the position of lookout :)
I'm suddenly struck with the desire to make a one-eyed lookout. xD

Small of Stature is enough, it works for me. I'm just interested to see how you play him. I'm not sure I've ever seen a character this young depicted as a vermin crewbeast in role-play before.

Not that I mind. I enjoy young characters as much as I enjoy old characters. I'm just curious to see how believable he'll be. ^^
'Paws of wrong meet paws of right,
As autumn leaves would turn.
Fates entangled in dawn's cruel light,
Where the lizard fires once burned.
The shadows of evil walk with thee, thy babe,
Dare ye wish it not to be true?
Wouldst thou seek the path of right,
If it brought only pain to you?'


Shadowed One

Can I be First Mate please?

Name: Otto the Crusher
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Species: Weasel
Physical Description: Big and strong, he towers above the rest of the crew. He wears a striped shirt, black pants, and seaboots. His fur is brown, and his tail has been cut off
Brief Personality: He is usually nice, but when angry, is not content until he has killed someone
Summarized Background: He was always a pirate, from the time he was old enough. His parents were killed in fights when he was young, and he gradually worked his way up to the position of First Mate on Keelcrusher
Disadvantages: He is not the smartest of pirates, and can be quite clumsy at times.
Advantages: His physical strength gives him great advantages over opponents, and he is quite skilled with a cutlass
Gear: Cutlass

Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc


Shadowed One

Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc


Sorry for my delays here... been busy... I'd still like to RP in this tough. :D


Just wondering- are we still planning on going through with this RP? I'd hate to see it die, especially before it even starts.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!