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Tower of the Deep

Started by Norham Waterpaw, April 13, 2013, 03:17:20 PM

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Rusvul recited a spell "Auma Loricato Min!" His fist was encased in black chain mail, which he proceeded to use for smashing the skull of a skeletal mouse. "Good, mate! I'd over looked that, apparently simply severin' the skull's not enough!"


OOC: Geez, I get Saturday School and you guys RP a whole two pages? Remind me never to miss a day of school again.

BIC: Rhys, without verbally acknowledging the bat's request for a fire spell, began blasting the undead creatures with pawfuls of fire. She noticed happily that they burned easily. Also, once they began to burn, they ran around senselessly and caught others on fire.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


OOC: Reminder: Never miss a day of school again
BIC: shortly, all the skeletons had either been crushed, or reduced to piles of ash. Rusvul could see no clear way to proceed.

Thomas Barkshield

"Try knocking the walls". "That way we can tell if anything is hollow" Tordek said.


OOC: It was a passage so there has to be a way out  :-\ and also Tom, it's boring to use the same solution twice
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


OOC: Ach, can ve please slov dovn a vee bit? It zeemz like ziz RP iz goin' vay too quickly.
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

Thomas Barkshield

OOC: I guess I missed the first time we knocked the walls, This RP is going REALLY fast.

Dannflower Reguba

What was all the commotion?!? Sedge, the Sage entrapped in the tower for many years had learned much about it, though it seemed the way around it was not one of them, for the after time all the maze's and tricks of its' paths jumbled, forcing his memory to start a fresh. Thankfully, he new where those specific skeletons were, and headed slowly in that direction.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Norham Waterpaw

Amos was standing amidst the strewn skeletal parts around the hall. He drew his knife, and set it aglow. He ventured down it. There was a door, and it looked like a group of beasts could push it open...
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


OOC: Thanks, Rusvul. ::)  Um, question. We are all together, yes? I agree with everyone else- this RP is going very fast and it's a bit difficult to keep up with.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


OOC:Hmm, that could be largely my part. I'm pretty new to rp (Very new, in fact, this is the first one I've been in,)
Sorry if it is me, please tell me if/what I end up doing wrong.

Norham Waterpaw

Ooc: Well, just put a little less content about moving or stuff like that, because we just leveled a group of skelly weasels in like, three posts. The challenges are meant to last a lot longer.

Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


OOC: Okay, so-

BIC: Rhys joined Amos in front of the door. "This is quite a door. What do you think, friend- should we try to move it? Already this tower has been full of surprises, and perhaps it would be wise to stay put for the time being..." She glanced back at the remains of the skeletons and shuddered. "Or not."
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Norham Waterpaw

Amos knocked on it. A knock sounded from the other side of the door, and a massive, resounding thud of a knock it was. Amos stepped back, this thing was huge.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Cable looked up at the door. "I don't think just staying put would be wise at the moment. I frankly don't trust this place to just let us sit here. I think our best bet would be to continue on."
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.