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Started by Thomas Barkshield, May 04, 2013, 04:06:17 PM

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no ones going to be a redwaller? lol i would assume there'd be at least one whod of found the vikings and pleaded for aide


Quote from: SFox63 on May 07, 2013, 06:14:04 PM
no ones going to be a redwaller? lol i would assume there'd be at least one whod of found the vikings and pleaded for aide

  Technically, if you read the history of Elda (I don't blame you if you don't ;)), her family lived out in the middle of nowhere, but when her parents died, she found the vikings and begged for them to accept her into the tribe.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


On the contrary, i love reading a good long bio. I've made bio for characters that have been over 20 pages long if you could believe it(no one wanted to read it v.v,).

Anyways! i suppose ill put a chary in!

Name:  Steinvor Baneblade

Species:  Badger

Gender:  Male

Age:  50ish

Position:  Smithy

Weapons:  Two-Handed Sword

Physical appearance:  Tall and built for war, He has a look of a creature that has seen much in life. He has many battle scars: one across his eye, some over his chest and back and arms, and a piece of his ear missing.

Armour/clothing:  In times of comfort and sailing he wears a simple blue tunic sewn with his family crest on the back. He also wears a black sash along his waist and a scabbard on his back that contains his family's Sword. He can be a bit tough looking and sea-hardened, but his expressions is more like a father towards the other crew than that of a mere soldier. In times of battle he dawns a simple chain mail vest over his tunic.

Personality:  Battle-worn and hardened, Steinvor has seen many seasons of battle, but prefers the times of peace where he likes to drink with his fellow shipmates, and keep them out of trouble. He's the kind of creature who's always there if someone needs to speak to him, or bash someones skull in. Being a smith and a right good drinker, he's hardly the kind of creature you want on your bad side, He will always fight for his shipmates and his captain forever loyal to their cause.

History: (i could probably write a book about this guy but ill leave storytelling to the RP, just gonna give the basic basics)

As a youth Steinvor lived in a viking village to the far north where he had a family and a son. He trained in blacksmithing from his father who learned it from his father and so on. One fateful day there was a raid from a vermin pirate crew, who nearly wiped out everything and everybeast, including his whole family. Stricken with grief he sought revenge and led the remainder of his village to fight back against the vermin.

After many seasons of fighting in the north lands, battle scarred and tired, he finally managed to confront the pirate captain. After a long and arduous battle Steinvor slew the captain of the ship and reclaimed his land, but he having changed, sought new adventure, and felt that he could not return to his old village due to his family being gone, he continued his journey and joined several crews in his time, ending up in this current crew as a smith.


  *Coughs*  Twenty pages long?!  Whoa!  I mean, I can write in some pretty good detail about a character, but twenty pages?!

  Lol, anyway, seeing as Elda is gonna be a shy and quiet otter, I was thinking that maybe she finds somebeast that she can be slightly more open to.  It's funny, before I read your character bio, I was going, "Hmm, maybe Elda has a buddy who's older, maybe wise, a good fighter who can teach her more about the art of war, etc."  Then I read Steinvor's bio and went, "Did SFox read my mind?"
  It's totally fine if you don't want to, but would you like to have Elda and Steinvor be sort of casual buddies?  I'd think that it would be slightly more interesting and a good way to get Elda more comfortable around others if she had a mentor of sorts.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Well i did write him up to be sort of a mentor to younger creatures, so sure! id be happy to =3


It was inevitable for me to join. Why, I'm proudly descended from Vikings and Norwegians. I'll be working on a character for a bit, maybe start a new family of creatures(not just the Torsorems or Dari's). And with the story idea thing, I'd love to smooth out the posts, make them run into each other, and all that stuff, so it's great. Oh, and a thing about RPs that make them hard to make into fanfictions is that there's often one post, a whole bunch of RPing, then a post replying to the first post.

Name: Sampson
Species: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Weapon: Spear
Appearance: Sampson's fur is a dark brown with a thinner-than-normal rudder and small for his age. He always wears a thick purple scarf wrapped multiple times around his neck. It's very long, with it trailing by his footpaws when he walks, often tripping him up. He wears baggy brown pants as well, with multiple pockets full of tools that he doesn't know how to use. The fur on his muzzle is sparse and what's there is blackened from his multiple magic tricks. (in progress)
Personality: Though Sampson is childish and carefree, he is bullheaded stubborn, never taking no for an answer. He's a bit of a power shove, always trying to dominate others to get his way. He's a bit of a coward, with a fear of heights and creatures larger than he. He's intelligent, being able to draw conclusions from small details, but not in a 'Sherlock Holmes' fashion, and has a lack of common sense. He often shares wisdom that is usually flawed, but does have a few gems. His logic is straight-forward and simple, and he enjoys pointing out what he considers to be inconsistencies in other beast's logic, though really they aren't, and lies to cover up his embarrassment afterwards. He enjoys high-fives and refuses to put down his paw until somebeast gives him one. He'll go as far as to elevate his arm in a sling before giving up. He's a decent magician in his way, his favourite tricks involve fire....and they always seem to backfire, in more ways that one. Despite his independent outer shell, he's a fairly fragile sort who's afraid of being alone. He just wants creatures to like him and to be important to them. He has a large lack of experience in tools and weapons. He's a bit of a womanizer and proud of it. (in progress)


Quote from: SFox63 on May 07, 2013, 07:22:22 PM
Well i did write him up to be sort of a mentor to younger creatures, so sure! id be happy to =3

  Thanks!  :D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


So when is this gonna start?

Thomas Barkshield

Sorry for the late reply, you are all accepted. If everybody wants, we could start now, but vikings are a popular theme and I thought maybe a couple of people more might join. What DO you guys think of doing this in a story style? (Its in one of my earlier posts.)


My thoughts were in the character post.

Quote from: W0NWILL on May 07, 2013, 08:22:10 PM
...And with the story idea thing, it's very possible. I'd love to smooth out the posts, make them run into each other, and all that stuff, so it's great. Oh, and a thing about RPs that make them hard to make into fanfictions is that there's often one post, a whole bunch of RPing, then a post replying to the first post.


Well im ready to start if everyone else is.


  I think that for the fanfic-like RP idea, are you talking about just having very long posts?  'Cause I'm fine with the idea unless we're allowed to use other people's characters.  That would just bug me if we did that.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Thomas Barkshield

Yes I would like longer posts but no, you wouldn't be able to control other peoples characters (unless they give you permission of course).


  Okay, thank you!  That would just drive me nuts if we were allowed to do that.  ::)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


ill try to make long posts with good detail =3