
Started by Thomas Barkshield, May 09, 2013, 02:59:33 PM

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Shadowed One

Roald paced the deck of the ship. The food was almost gone, and no land had been sited. He looked out over the water in disgust. What he saw made him jump with joy. Far off, but clearly visible, there was a dark smudge of land. They had almost made it.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc


  Elda Logi sighed as she stirred a pot of thin, watery soup.  It was supposed to be a vegetable stew of sorts, but with only a small, overripe tomato and a shriveled potato, with a few dried herbs in it, it didn't seem like much of a stew.
 A fat hedgehog, one of the cooks, tried to squeeze past the albino otter, poking her with his sharp quills.  "Oy, watch wheere ye're goin', Fjerpen!" she shouted, wincing as she pulled a quill out of her rudder.
 "Sorry, miss," he said, looking quite embarrassed as he shuffled away, carrying when looked - and smelled - like a hunk of cheese.  Elda knew he wasn't trying to hurt her, and she also knew he was trying to lose some weight.  This same thing had happened several times in the small kitchen below the main deck of the great viking ship.
 Elda continued stirring the sad stew, pausing for a moment to raise her hand in greeting to Sampson, one of the otters on the ship.  An odd fellow, by the albino's standards, but he was better than being stuck with Fjerpen.
 "'Oow are ye?" Elda mumbled, trying to be polite as she stared at the now boiling stew.  Before she could say - or not say - anything else, the ottermaid was thrown off her hindpaws by the ship hitting something.  Hard.  She screamed, clutching Traustar, her trusty ladle, as she laid on the wooden floor, watching icy saltwater flood into the kitchen.
 "Everybaest oot!" she cried, running up the stairs above deck and looking around.  An iceberg!  They'd hit an iceberg!  Elda ran back below deck as fast as she could, sprinting to her bunk to grab her belongings.  She was not leaving without her shield, Björt, and her dagger.  She dove underneath her cot, pulling the shield out as she felt cold water on the pads of her footpaws.
 Swinging the shield over her shoulder and gripping the strap that held it there, Elda shoved Traustar in her belt and grabbed her dagger, attaching it just behind the ladle.  She then ran back up and jumped off of the ship, diving into the freezing water to swim to another ship.  She watched sadly as the dye she'd so carefully applied to her muzzle washed off as soon as she made contact with the water.  It would take her forever to reapply it!
 The ottermaid swam to one of the other ships, calling out, "Throw me a roope!  A roope!"  She caught a hold of a knotted rope, climbing up with ease onto the ship, landing on the deck and coughing.  She spat out some saltwater that had been collecting in her mouth as she was yelling.  Nasty stuff.  Elda then proceeded to lay on the deck, panting as she listened to the cry of other vikings on the sinking ship.  It seemed no one would be eating her vegetable stew today.

  OOC:  Sorry about the late start, I'm gone on Thursdays.  This was a pretty long post so I'd be caught up and wouldn't have to post again today.  I'm performing in a concert tonight, so I'm going to be leaving at about 1 PM PST.  Hopefully that post was okay.  Are y'all fine with it?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


OOC: Fine with me. I understand being busy.

BIC: Nama sat against the mast, carving. She had seen to her gear already, and Tyv's gear, too. She let out a sigh of content, letting her paws carve automatically.

Tyv saw an otter standing by the rail and joined him. Noticing that he seemed quite happy, she introduced herself. "Hello, my name's Tyv. What's got you so cheerful, mate?" she paused. "Not that you can't be happy just because you want to- that's the best reason, in fact."
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Shadowed One

OOC: I am assuming that I'm the otter.

BIC: "Land! I see land off the portside! Quick, tell Svein!"
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

Tam and Martin

"I will" Yelled Milo as she once again dashed off to Svein

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000

Thomas Barkshield

Svein, who had been sleeping in Erlends bunk, was overjoyed at the news of land! A quick look with his telescope revealed it to be an island with a burnt out castle on one of its cliffs.

OOC: Just so ya know I'm talking about terramort from mariel of rewall


Quote from: Shadowed One on May 10, 2013, 10:03:46 PM
OOC: I am assuming that I'm the otter.
OOC: Yup.

BIC: Nama heard the shouts and headed toward the rail to see for herself. Tyv was there, talking to an otter. Nama snuck up behind Tyv and tweaked the mousemaid's ear. "I thought I told ye t' get that 'eadwound seen to." Nama sighed. "Ah, well I s'pose it's fine. Just don't come t' me when it hurts. 'Ere's yore lute, by the way." She handed a beautifully made instrument over to Tyv, whose eyes lit up. "Thank you, sister dear. Shall I serenade you to show my gratitude?" Nama shook her head. "No thanks, Tyv, I don't fancy me ears bleedin' at the moment." Tyv put on an exaggerated indignant expression. "Well then, you leave me no choice. To heal my smarting honor, I will sing for the crew once we reach land- perhaps somebeast sensible will give an honest opinion of my work."
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Steinvor heads up to the shaken Elda and puts a paw on her shoulder, "It'l be alright las, they're in a better place,,, and if my ears deceive me, i believe one o' the ship spotted land." He smiles at her lightly.

Shadowed One

Roald grabbed his weapons and put on his few pieces of armor. He strode onto the deck. "Cheiftain Svein, permission to go ashore with a scouting party? This island could be dangerous."
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

Thomas Barkshield

"I like that idea. Better safe than sorry I always say." he said. "I'll come along with you, to get a first hand look."

Shadowed One

"Aye aye, sir. Alright, we need some scouts. Come on!" Roald jumped into the shallows and waded ashore with sword drawn.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc


  Elda was still panting, but she stood up so as to not seem lazy, just laying on the deck.  She smiled halfheartedly at Steinvor, thankful for his company, but not feeling comforted by his words.  "Aye, Ah do 'ope they're in a better place.  A better place than this froozen land, eh, that's fer shoore!"
 She sighed, leaning on the rail and gazing out at the land in the distance.  "Steel, Ah guess it's good tha' we're goin' tae land.  We mahght bae able tae git s'more food, fer one thin'."

  (Edit)  OOC:  Which ship are we all on?  Are we on the same ship, or are we kinda just spread out all over the fleet?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Shadowed One

Roald stood on shore, looking up the cliff path to the ruined fort. It stood like a symbol of evil on top of the rocky island. Roald looked back to where the scouts were looking around the beach, then he began the climb to the top of the cliff.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

Thomas Barkshield

When Svein and some scouts reached the fort, they were greeted by the ghastly skeletons of searats! the walls showed signs of a fire, and he could barely make out the name situated above the doors. "Terramort" the sign said.

OOC: You're wherever you want to be.


Tyv winked at Nama. "Are you coming ashore? I'm going, as a scout." Nama glared. "You are not. Stay 'ere- I'll go. It could be dangerous," she said firmly. Tyv pulled a face. "Yah, quit acting like you're so much older than me, grumpywhiskers. Besides, I have my axe." Shaking her head, Nama jumped over the ship's rail and headed ashore. Tyv followed, grinning. Once they reached the beach, they looked around warily. It seemed to be deserted, but that didn't mean that it really was.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!