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The Pulps

Started by WoodlandWarrior, May 11, 2013, 04:16:41 PM

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I'm wondering if anyone here enjoys the pulps or books/comics in the vein of the old pulps?

I love two-fisted tales and weird science/fantasy!  Edgar Rice Burroughs, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, EC Comics, H. Rider Haggard, Robert E. Howard, and H.P. Lovecraft are some of my most favorites....

And while not traditionally pulp but fitting the vein of weird science and fantasy I love H.G. Wells and Jules Verne.

As for modern pulp Indiana Jones rocks...oh and if you are into table-top rpgs, Hollowed Earth Expedition is awesome!!!!


Planet of the Apes.....among my favorite pulp world!!


Hehe, no one for the pulps eh?  You folks are making me feel old! :)~
"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules."  -Gary Gygax



"Pulp fiction" = old sci-fi or fantasy stories or B-grade movies.

There's also "pulp romance", which is basically stories like the awful Mills & Boon books or silly fiction stories in many women's magazines.


Quote from: Buzz_Bumble on May 14, 2013, 08:09:03 AM
"Pulp fiction" = old sci-fi or fantasy stories or B-grade movies.

There's also "pulp romance", which is basically stories like the awful Mills & Boon books or silly fiction stories in many women's magazines.

Exactly.  H.P. Lovecraft (Call of Cthulhu) and Robert E. Howard (Conan the Barbarian) are two of the most popular authors...and EC Comics (Tales from the Crypt, True crime, Two Fisted Tales) is a well known pulp comic publisher.
"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules."  -Gary Gygax


There's a series of Armageddon Expos that run here in New Zealand each year (in a few different cities across the country at different times of the year). It used to be called the Pulp Expo, and the old webaddress of still gets to the website, but these days it's really normal science fiction, fantasy, anime / animation, and games expo / convention.


That sounds pretty awesome.  I'd go even if it was just sci-fi/fantasy.  They run a pulp con here in the states, but it is always to far from me so I never get the chance to attend. :(
"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules."  -Gary Gygax


One of the Armageddon Expos does run in the city I live in (the biggest city in New Zealand, but not the capital city), but I've never bothered to go. These days it's always in a stupid location in the central city were parking is difficult and expensive, plus the expo is over-crowded and expensive too. They do have some good international guests come over for them (and, as usual, the autographs are hideously over-priced).

The same company that runs them also had a special Doctor Who event a few weeks ago with five of the Doctor Who actors appearing (because this year is the 50th anniversary of the show, although it took a break from TV for a few years), but again it was hideously over-priced and in the central city.


You can create a custom pulp magazine cover at Pulp-o-mizer.

It doesn't work on my ancient computer, so I don't know how good it is.


Quote from: Buzz_Bumble on May 21, 2013, 08:09:50 AM
You can create a custom pulp magazine cover at Pulp-o-mizer.

It doesn't work on my ancient computer, so I don't know how good it is.

I'll have to check that out!  

Speaking of Pulp and Dr. Who, have you ever watched Dr. Who?

I also love watching Battlestar Galactica (1978) and Buck Rogers, those have such a pulpy feel to them....probably due to the resurgence of pulp themed works in the 60s and 70s.
"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules."  -Gary Gygax


Yep, I watch Doctor Who - it's on here in New Zealand tonight (in about an hour and a half) - we're a couple of episodes behind, so tonight is the Cybermen at the theme park episode.  :)

I'm a big fan of the original, real versions of Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers:)
The new so-called Battlestar Galactica is over-realistic drivel that's barely recognisable, as well as over-sexed and unwatchable. They should have given it a different name.  :(


Quote from: Buzz_Bumble on May 23, 2013, 08:07:03 AM
Yep, I watch Doctor Who - it's on here in New Zealand tonight (in about an hour and a half) - we're a couple of episodes behind, so tonight is the Cybermen at the theme park episode.  :)

I'm a big fan of the original, real versions of Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers:)
The new so-called Battlestar Galactica is over-realistic drivel that's barely recognisable, as well as over-sexed and unwatchable. They should have given it a different name.  :(

Wow!  That is a refreshing opinion Buzzbumble!  Most people I know who like Galactica love the 2004 series.  I cannot stand it.  They ruined it in my opinion.  Don't even get me started on the cylons!  :P

Apart from the original Dr. Who, what is good to watch?  I've only dabbled a bit...I know there is something like 8 or 9 incarnations of the show.
"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules."  -Gary Gygax


There's only one Doctor Who show, but Matt Smith is the 11th Doctor because the character can regenerate when he dies (or when the actor needs to be changed). Originally there was only meant to be able to be 13 regenerations, but that will need to be changed somehow if the show goes on much longer.

The best Doctors are usually Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee, and David Tennant. I haven't seen it, but the Americanised movie version starring Colin McGann is said to be rubbish. Personally I disliked Sylvester McCoy (too much like Hercule Poirot).

There is a whole Doctor Who topic.

Most people who like the so-called new Battlestar Galactica weren't really fans of the original, real version. They're simply sci-fi fans. It's the same with most of the idiotic, barely recognisable "reboots" / "reimaginings".


I understand now.  Well that's a cool concept.  I guess I'll start from the beginning then!  I like Jon Pertwee as an actor...his son Sean is awesome in the televised version of Cadfael.  Not sure if you've ever seen it, but it is a mystery show set in the middle ages.  Medieval crimes solved by a monk!  Maybe you have since you mentioned Poirot.

You are correct on your observation on the new Galatica.  It was hailed as cutting edge science fiction.  But I don't even know about that...I'm sure even if I wasn't biased, I wouldn't have liked it still.

Since you like Dr. Who, Galactica, I wonder if you've ever read any E.E. Doc Smith?  His Lensman and Skylark works are really good pulp science fiction/fantasy.
"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules."  -Gary Gygax


I have seen one or two Cadfael episodes, but not enough to know much about it. Whenever I see Jon Pertwee I always expect him to go and find his "thinkin' 'ead" ... even though he did the role after being Doctor Who, he's awlays been Worzel Gummidge to me. :)

I tried to watch the pilot episode for the new so-called Battlestar Galactica when it was on TV, but within about five minutes I knew it was probably going to be rubbish and I changed channel before the end of the first half. I flicked back a little while later for about two seconds and it was still soft-porn rubbish, so I didn't bother ever watching any more of it. Even ignoring the fact that it's not really Battlestar Galactica in anything but name and basic core idea, it's not even a watchbale show in its own right - dismal, depressing, soft-porn, and purposely bad camera work.

I do have some of the proper Battlestar Galactica books andthe series on DVD. I evenb have the rather silly Galactica 1980 "boy scout dectectives from space" series on DVD, but really only for the episode with the Starbuck in it. (The pilot episode for Galactica 1980 actually played in cinemas here, so I saw it on the big screen, and when leaving at the tned wondered what had happened to real Battlestar Galactica.)

I'm not sure if I've read any E.E. Doc Smith stories. I've got and read lots of sci-fi books and short stories collections, but I couldn't tell you 90% of the names of the authors. He not an author or book series I've specifically collected (like Redwall and Star Wars for example).


Heh, that is why I have it and I think why many have it - because of "The Return of Starbuck" episode.

I used to have, not sure where they are now, the cylon centurian and the cylon raider, colonial scarab, colonial viper ship toys.
"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules."  -Gary Gygax