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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Started by Redwaller, June 02, 2013, 08:31:22 PM

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Are there Elves in Skyrim? No, probably not. They don't really seem like they'd fit the theme... If I did play, I'd probably be Khajit... Or however that's spelled


  Well, I know there are dark elves, and I THINK there are also some other elves... but yeah, I play a Khajiit.

  UPDATE:  Okay, I looked it up, and there are actually several different types of elves.  Altmer (High Elves), Bosmer (Wood Elves), and Dunmer (Dark Elves).
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


There's also the Dwemer, Falmer, Ayleids, Orsimer, and Bretons.  Dwarves, Snow Elves, Some type of extinct elf race that lived in Cyrodiil and enslaved humans a while back, orcs, and humans who descended from high elves, although, out of that list, only two are playable races, as the falmer have genocidal tendancies and both Dwemer and Ayleids are all dead.

I've played as an Argonian, Imperial, Dark Elf, Nord and Wood Elf, in order of when I started the character.

So, how many of you have played any of the other Elder Scrolls games, specifically Oblivion?


^ I've played about 100 hours of Oblivion, and about 10 hours of Morrowind. Oblivion's my focus right now, aside from the Online beta, that is.

My favorite race is Altmer (high elf).  I try to play all the races at different points, just for fun and a little variety:
Skyrim: Altmer and Nord
Oblivion: Breton
Morrowind: Dunmer (dark elf)
Online beta: Altmer, Khajiit, Argonian at different points.  My main one upon release will be an Altmer.

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


I kind of wish the developers made Elder Scrolls 6 before working on Online, but as that clearly isn't happening, I guess I'll just have to play online, wait a long time for the next single-player Elder Scrolls game, get some of the Skyrim expansions or find another series of games and/or a one-off game...


Actually, it's a totally different company working on Online.  Elder Scrolls Online is being made by Zenimax, while the regular ES games are made by Bethesda.  The release of Online will not affect ES6 whatsoever, and ES6 is certainly already in the works.  It'll still be a couple years since there's always like a 5-year gap between the games in the series, but you don't need to worry about Online affecting it at all. ;)

Norham Waterpaw

Well, I bought Morrowind! Yay! Elder Scrolls and- yup, it won't run on my computer.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Another beta weekend in Elder Scrolls Online - and they've finally lifted the NDA so we can talk about it, so feel free to ask me anything.  ;D
In the last two betas I played an Argonian dragonknight named Tajeetha.  I decided to create a new character this time - a Redguard sorcerer named Kaydri.


  Random question:  Does anyone know what happens if you kill a Jarl?  I don't really wanna try doing it myself, I'm just curious as to what might happen.

  Also, made it to level 15 today!  Yay!  I also took out two dragons (one attacked Riverwood, the other was in the wilderness near Whiterun), killed a bunch of Silver Hands and vampires, got an amulet of Mara (yes, I do plan on my character marrying.  :P  So far I've been trying for Farkas and Sven, but neither of them have shown much interest.  Actually, the only person who's proposed is some creepy old guy in Riften.  :P), salvaged a couple of wrecked ships, killed some corsairs and salvaged their ship, and have decided I want to join the Stormcloaks.  (I got a lot done in three hours.  ;D)  I've also decided that I wanna buy a house in Solitude (or was it Riften that was selling the house?  No, I think it was Solitude.), but I can't figure out how or where to buy it.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Good luck with the Solitude house. It's expensive. I'm looking it up, and it says 25,000 gold.

I'm pretty sure all Jarls are essential characters, meaning you can't kill them. A bit like children. :P And as for Farkas and Sven, I doubt that you would be able to marry Sven seeing as you just helped him with his love life, and you have to finish the Companions to marry Farkas. Also, FYI, Stormcloaks are huge racists. Check out the Dark Elves in Windhelm and the Argonians at the docks just outside.

EDIT: Oh. My. Talos. I just had the funniest thing happen. So, for this quest, I was near Markarth. It was simple, just kill a dragon. So I go to the place, and start fighting the dragon. Now, my character is not the strongest in battle. She uses light armor and a sword. No shield, not all that much protection. She is a thief, after all. Anyway, I decide to lay low in a nearby tower for a bit, to regenerate my health, which was almost gone. I'm there for a while, and I notice the dragon isn't flying around nearby, trying to kill me, so, I go out and investigate. I see it's getting low on health, and it's attacking a bunch of Forsworn(a special enemy near Markarth). Thinking this will be easy, I run over to deal the dragon the finishing blows and claim its soul. But then, the forsworn turn on me, trying to kill me. Hello? There's a great flipping dragon trying to eat you all? I came in to save you and most likely kill you afterwards? Anyway, I kill a couple forsworn, until there's just one forsworn, the dragon, and I left. The forsworn and I fight for a bit, the dragon breathing frost over both of us, and I kill the forsworn, using all my remaining potions and food. My health was almost gone, and the dragon wasn't as near death as it had looked at first, so I was sunk. I look through my inventory desperately, and lo and behold, there is one potion that restores health. Sleeping Tree Sap(you can find west of Whiterun). I eat it really quick, and the thing about sleeping tree sap, is that it also makes your screen go all funny.
Recap; fighting the dragon, drank sleeping tree sap to stay alive, and now I'm fighting a dragon I can barely see.
I start running away, obviously, but who is to stop me, but a thief? He tells me to hand over all my valuables or he'll kill me, somehow not noticing the fifty-foot dragon right behind me. I quickly tell him that I am part of the thieves guild, but I was too late. The dragon was upon me, breathing its frost, and I died. The last thing I heard was the thief muttering 'Messy swine, leaving everything lying around!'

Excuse me, but I think a dead person has a right to drop their sword.


Quote from: Rainshadow on March 24, 2014, 03:27:52 AM
 Random question:  Does anyone know what happens if you kill a Jarl?  I don't really wanna try doing it myself, I'm just curious as to what might happen.
W0NWILL is right; Jarls are unkillable.  You can get their health down enough to make them crouch on the ground, but they don't stay that way. (And of course they and everyone else attack you for attacking an innocent person.)

Quote from: Rainshadow
So far I've been trying for Farkas and Sven, but neither of them have shown much interest.  Actually, the only person who's proposed is some creepy old guy in Riften.  :P), salvaged a couple of wrecked ships, killed some corsairs and salvaged their ship, and have decided I want to join the Stormcloaks.  (I got a lot done in three hours.  ;D)  I've also decided that I wanna buy a house in Solitude (or was it Riften that was selling the house?  No, I think it was Solitude.), but I can't figure out how or where to buy it.
Farkas is my character's husband in Skyrim.  ;D
As far as the house, go to the Jarl's palace and speak to their steward.  The steward is the one you pay.

Quote from: W0NWILL on March 24, 2014, 11:13:11 AM
EDIT: Oh. My. Talos. I just had the funniest thing happen.
Haha, that's awesome!  I love funny moments like that.  I haven't had too many like that.  

I've had a lot of fun with the Online betas and can't wait till release.  

One of my favorite moments from the betas thanks to other players:
I was in Cyrodiil - that entire region is player vs. player - just wandering around doing quests for NPCs and taking screenshots of creatures for the UESP wiki.  I was in Sneak mode, which renders you invisible to other players until they get close enough (unless you attack or whatever), and suddenly heard thundering hooves.  I noticed a handful of enemy players riding toward me on horses, and I didn't have any time to get out of the way, so my only hope to remain undetected was to hide behind a lone tree.  They rode around each side of the tree and I could see them dismounting, and I thought, "Oh no, they spotted me, and now they're going to kill me." However, it turned out that it wasn't me they were attacking: a group from my own alliance happened to be riding up the hill behind me at that moment, and the two groups started skirmishing right in front of me. I leaped into the fight.
Of course, since I'd been taking screenshots for the wiki, which involved me frequently getting close to creatures and subsequently dying, I had removed all my armor so it wouldn't degrade upon my character's death, so I was jumping into battle completely naked, which must have looked hilarious. We fought and killed the enemies, and I continued on my way. A few minutes later, I realized that the group from my side had followed me, and I stopped and they started quoting from a rather suggestive in-game book due to my character's race/gender (which matched the book) and the fact that she wasn't wearing anything.  The whole situation was hilarious and it made my night.


Quote from: Dawnwing on March 26, 2014, 09:17:57 PM
Quote from: Rainshadow on March 24, 2014, 03:27:52 AM
 Random question:  Does anyone know what happens if you kill a Jarl?  I don't really wanna try doing it myself, I'm just curious as to what might happen.
W0NWILL is right; Jarls are unkillable.  You can get their health down enough to make them crouch on the ground, but they don't stay that way. (And of course they and everyone else attack you for attacking an innocent person.)

  Ah, okay.  Lol, I just had that weird idea one night and went, "Hmm, now I wanna attack a Jarl and see what happens..."  :P

Quote from: Dawnwing on March 26, 2014, 09:17:57 PM
Quote from: Rainshadow
So far I've been trying for Farkas and Sven, but neither of them have shown much interest.  Actually, the only person who's proposed is some creepy old guy in Riften.  :P), salvaged a couple of wrecked ships, killed some corsairs and salvaged their ship, and have decided I want to join the Stormcloaks.  (I got a lot done in three hours.  ;D)  I've also decided that I wanna buy a house in Solitude (or was it Riften that was selling the house?  No, I think it was Solitude.), but I can't figure out how or where to buy it.
Farkas is my character's husband in Skyrim.  ;D

  Lol, my character actually married Benor (the guard-wannabe from Morthal) yesterday.  Then (funny story) the quest told me to go to his house, so I went to Morthal.  I didn't know where his house was, as I'd only ever seen him hanging around the guardhouse, so I went wandering around the town... at midnight.
  So there I was, walking past the guards and peeking at the houses, when all of a sudden the music drastically changed from peaceful night music to Dragonborn.  I spun around after hearing a dragon roar to see a large, frost-breathing dragon sitting on a rooftop behind me.  Pulled out my bow, started firing, missed, did some magic, watched the guards freak out... you know the drill.  But then the dragon just flies away over a large hill, and I can't see him.
  I thought that a bit odd, but assumed that the dragon just flew off back to his roost.  So I put away my bow and went back to searching for Benor's house.
  A minute passed, and the loud "Dovahkiin!"s began singing again.  I started freaking out 'cause the dragon had come back and was right above my head, and started attacking him again.  Oddly, though, after firing only a couple of shots at him, the dragon flew off in the same direction.
  This time I figured something was up.  What was the dragon doing?  So I stayed by the Jarl's palace, bow drawn, waiting for the dragon.  The guards immediately forgot about it and went back to patrolling, when BOOM!  DRAGON!
  Fired a couple shots, watched it fly away, went back to waiting.
  Minute passes, and DRAGON!
  This time, I had pulled out my fire and shock spells and started trying to burn the dragon.  He was out of range.
  Dragon flies off, minute passes, and I have my bow out again.
  After another unsuccessful attempt of killing the dragon, I watched it fly off.  Only this time, the guards followed him.  Then, all of a sudden, I see a dragon tail on a curve in the road, and the guards are attacking the dragon behind the hill.  I quickly run up and kill the dragon, only to turn around and see the sun coming up.  It's been a day and I still haven't found my husband's house.  Yet the quest tracker told me that I had.  So... yeah, I only figured out where Benor's house was when he stepped out of the guardhouse.  Then I wanted to kill him, 'cause the guardhouse had been locked all night.

  So, yeah, I have some interesting experiences with dragons.

  (By the way, I just realized yesterday that the Breezehome is available for only 5,000 gold in Whiterun, so I'm aiming for that instead.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Man, it's one funny thing after another!

Okay, I recently started another file. Bit bored with my thief, as awesome and OP as she is. Anyway, it's my first time in Windhelm, and suddenly, a dragon flies out of nowhere. Lydia is there with the guards, everyone shooting arrows. Since this character is purely melee, I can't do anything, as it's only landing on rooftops. It finally lands on the ground, and I run over to it and kill it easily. The people are all awestruck, except for this one guard.
"It's true, isn't it? A dragon has attacked Whiterun! How can mere men bring down such a beast?"
Since he literally killed one two seconds ago, I would think he'd know. Or maybe guards in Skyrim just have really bad short-term memory.

EDIT: With all my funny story-sharing, I've just remembered one more. It's my last one, though.

I was in Riften, and someone tells me he's been cheated out of a horse called Frost. He asks me to steal the horse's lineage papers and the horse itself. I do so, and meet him a fair ways outside of Riften. I decide not to kill him and take his horse, as I already had Shadowmere, the best horse in the game(looks awesome, too). He climbs on Frost and heads back toward Riften, and I decide to come with him. We travel down the road, and are attacked by bandits. He climbs off Frost to fight them, and Frost runs away. I helped him kill the bandits, and continue on my way, because I could have easily avoided the bandits if I was by myself. Riften is in the direction Frost ran, and I see him up ahead. Thinking that another good horse couldn't go to waste, I run forward to take him. But before I get there, a bear jumps out and kills Frost, just as the person who wanted to buy him comes up.
Sorry about your horse. Also, no refunds.
But he doesn't even pause at Frost's body, just continues toward Riften. I decide to follow him, just to see if there were more laughs. He reaches Riften with no problems, and as soon as he gets there, he goes straight to the bar.

The Skarzs

I'm messing around in Whiterun, showing my friend my progress in the game, and I start following a lady around-just looking for a quest- and my friend goes "Oi! Leave my wife alone!"
That was the NPC he had as a wife.

I kept talking to her just to bug him.

Then I glitched and died. Instant. Karma.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.