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Started by Tiria Wildlough, July 20, 2011, 03:09:06 AM

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I've never had a falling dream, but I have had alot of flying dreams. I've barely remember my dreams ever since we came to Korea though  :-\

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Many people do not remember dreams, and when they do, sometimes they remember them in black and white.


  I remember one dream that was really weird.  I had been reading a book series called The Berinfell Prophecies and had just finished watching an NCIS marathon.  I fell asleep and dreamed that I was stuck in a room with the NCIS team and there were Drefids (enemies from The Berinfell Prophecies) outside of the room.  One of the NCIS characters, Gibbs, stepped out of the room and got killed.  Pretty much everyone that was on my side in the dream was killed except for me.  When I woke up I was like,  ???  'What?'
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Dreams come from things you have seen or done in the past days. Your mind puts them together to create a new world, which is why dreams are unusual. Except, you don't realize something in the dream was weird until you wake up.


Sorry for the doublepost but I couldn't resist telling this dream. I might right a one shot story based on my dream.

So I am Martin.(Obviously. Always end up as him.)Mother Mellus, Rose, Dandin, my sister, my father, and my brothers are there. We are at some kind of giant pool game. And. . . Something happened earlier. An evil thing. And the world is so sinful and stuff that the sky turned black. Dark as night with only lights to guide us. Anyway, I was standing by Rose and Mother Mellus, when a noise like a passing truck roused up. It got louder and louder. Then suddenly in the direction everyone was looking a giant monster came out of the ground. I can't describe it. It was like a dino-clawed-50 foot tall-black-shadow. This thing was. . .Undescribeable. It had some kind of glowing eyes. . .I think yellow. . .I guess it was the. . .devil. . .But anyways. There was this shelter of God, where God had actually blessed this casino where we'd be safe from harm. The last thing I remember before passing the speacial fence was seeing Mother Mellus. . .And she was paralyzed, overwhelmed by this thing. And that evil angel. . .It killed her. I saw it guys. But the worst part was that I thought this was all real. . .The people, the giant crowd in a frenzy, the everything. . . .Sorry guys. This dream is a little evil but I'm telling you, no lies. I have crazy dreams. And I know it was a dream because they had the 3DS XL out already. So I saw Rose go in the casino. . .And this is a little embarrasing but I actually had an affection for Rose. So basically for the rest of my dream I was searchong for her. But it was almost impossible in that place. It was too big. I was also looking for Dandin so I could ask him if he'd seen her. But all failed. And then my dream cut off. Somewhere something stopped and forced me to wake up. . .

I don't care if you believe this or not, but I believe it. But you'd all have to be there to understand all the emotions I had. This dream is the most realistic dream I've ever had. I thought I would die of fright, death, or of not finding Rose. . .


  Such a strange dream.  I don't like most of the dreams I have.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Quote from: MatthiasMan on June 21, 2012, 12:54:27 PM
Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on June 21, 2012, 02:04:16 AM
If we all keep in touch, we might be able to have a convention when we grow up.
(Sorry, I know this isn't about dreams but.)
Well I could run away and meet one of you. I have a map and compass, and I don't know why but I feel like my cousin Mya would help me. Why do think I make Redwall weapons? In case I do have to run away, out to the wilderness.
when you say make redwall weapons what do you mean? as in wood ones? metal ones? sharp ones? ones made out of flimsy sheet metal? i'm a blacksmith irl so i can make sharp metal weapons


I've made wooden ones but I know the secret to getting wood razor sharp. I have a sword I was working on but someone broke it in half. This one wasn't very thick and I hadn't gotten far anyway. I could make a sheath out of duct tape and a quiver of arrows. Not that hard. Just get some cloth and sew some leather together. Poof! A quiver of arrows. Anyway, this is off topic.

Rainshadow: I think I know why I had that dream. . .2 people herebwould know why.


I've made wooden ones but I know the secret to getting wood razor sharp. I have a sword I was working on but someone broke it in half. This one wasn't very thick and I hadn't gotten far anyway. I could make a sheath out of duct tape and a quiver of arrows. Not that hard. Just get some cloth and sew some leather together. Poof! A quiver of arrows. Anyway, this is off topic.

Rainshadow: I think I know why I had that dream. . .2 people here would know why.


  Umm, you read too much Redwall the night before?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


No. I haven't read any Redwall in a week so it was definitely not that. I really don't want to post why.


I think i know why... Is it in the prayer request thread?

Back on topic: I've had quite a few falling dreams.


Well sorta, not really. PM me what you think. Anyway. . .

I was woken up one time when I was having this awesome dream, then I closed my eyes again and the dream continued.


ha lucky^ I wish it would work for me! :P
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Well actually a dream is like a daydream but you are sleeping, so if you close your eyes and it doesn't work, make up the rest of the story like you are daydreaming.