Berserk Badger Lords

Started by Log-a-Log, July 21, 2011, 03:24:54 AM

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What badger lord do you think is the most bloodwrathy, berserk badger lord? I'd probably would say Cregga or Rawnblade, they wanted to take take down their opponents by themselves- Rawnblade deserted his army in search of searats, and Cregga pretty much tried in the Long Patrol when she marches ahead of everybody
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Tiria Wildlough

I don't like the way Cregga is in the Long Patrol. She is short-fuse, with only one goal on her mind. I like her better as a Badgermum.
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I think Gorath the Flame from Eulalia was pretty scary when he got bloodwrath, but Boar was definately the most bloodthirsty, IMO.
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James Gryphon

Quote from: DanielofRedwall on July 21, 2011, 08:04:31 AM
...but Boar was definately the most bloodthirsty, IMO.
I don't know about that, just because of the fact that even while tearing through a horde of searats, Boar was still perfectly in his right mind and capable of commanding his army. Don't get me wrong, Boar loved nothing better than fighting and killing vermin, but we are talking about the most berserk Badger Lords, and he didn't get carried away just by the act of fighting in the same way that other Badger Lords have.

Boar is my favorite Badger Lord, and I like to think he's the most dangerous one in all Redwall history, but the Badger Lords that went the most berserk were Rawnblade and Rose Eyes -- Rawnblade went into a nearly mindless rampage not just once, but twice in Mariel of Redwall, to the point where he couldn't even perceive that his TRAG allies were being pounded on by searats.

Rose Eyes also was renowned for her temper and violent mood; her eyes were constantly tinged with underlying Bloodwrath, and she went completely berserk twice in The Long Patrol, once against the birds, secondly against the Rapscallions, even though it probably would have been better for her if she kept her wits about her in the latter case.
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Tiria Wildlough

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James Gryphon

Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on July 21, 2011, 09:14:40 AM
What birds?
I believe they were crows or jackdaws; Cregga stumbled into them when she was running ahead of the army, and single-handedly killed every one of them in a bloody battle.
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Tiria Wildlough

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Cregga. Before she was blinded, then her eyes were perpetually Bloodwrath-y.
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Bloodwrath is kind of a relative thing. It seems to change depending on the age of the badger, as well as depending on how much they've used it. Someone like Lord Asheye used it so much that he lost his sight. On the other hand, Sagax didn't experience a strong Bloodwrath because he was young and inexperienced. That being said, I cannot pick a proper "winner"as to the most berserk Badger Lord. However, I believe each of them had their own "most berserk moment that makes every Badger Lord (or Lady) a force to be reckoned with.


Two of the most interesting Badgerlords, and not contestants:

Russano the Wise. Some Badgerlords would have annhilated Ruggan Bor, and would have been correct in the pursuit. Granted we don't know much about him persay, but wisdom seems to have been his ruling force, and he didn't seem like in the vermin-killing business unless he had to be.

Gorath the Flame struggled with the Bloodwrath, and actually, as two points of unique value, overcame it and fought against it instead of embracing it. Embracing it wouldn't been been bad, but his path as a Badgerlord called for something else. With the Tabura and Salixa at his side, he became, as he said to Lord Asheye, a controlled and wise Badgerlord, still with the warrior blood to fight when he had to.
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I would say Cregga was the most berserk.
Lots of other Badger Lords went berserk during fights but they often had tactics and stratergies in how they fought and it was the bloodwrath overcomming them and abandoning reason.
Whereas Cregga pretty much ran from one recklless fight to the next with the plan of "I'm going to get really angry and hit them with my really big Battle Pike!" and we loved her for it !!!


Oh yea, it's Cregga. She's gotta' be the MOST BESERK!
LateRose is locked up in Martin's heart, and there she's bound to stay.

Captain Tammo

Deffinatley Cregga. I think it said somewhere she had the worse case of bloodwrath ever. I think it was somewhere in the long patrol.
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Tiria Wildlough

Wow. Now I'm rediscovering all the dirt on Cregga... :-\
I think that her going blind had something to do with stopping the Bloodwrath.
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I'll throw my hat in with Cregga. She was all kinda of win. :D Rawnblade is also noteable for deserting his own army, as the OP said. Gorath and Asheye were both mentioned as being pretty darn berserk in the book, but neither of them struck me as standing out, particularly, in their bloodwrath.
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