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Faiyloe's art and Requests.

Started by Faiyloe, July 19, 2013, 09:18:07 PM

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And I have things up... sort of, anyway, here is the link as promised and more pictures should be posted periodically. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  As I said on your page, I really love the drawings you have up!  :D  And I was wondering, would you maybe possibly be open to the idea of humanoid requests?  If not, totally cool, I understand completely, but if so, could I maybe request something?  :3
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Why not I have been wanting to do some serious art for a while. I have been working on Gadna but I could do with something new. Besides I always love the way your request turn out. ;D Throw it at me.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  I am excite.  :D  (Yes, I left out the "d" purposefully.  That's how excited I am.  ;D)

Name:  Kestrel Lavellan
Gender:  Female
Species:  Elf
Age:  Mid-20s
Physical appearance:  Tall and thin, with light brown skin, crystal blue/green eyes, and short dark brown hair (reference image below).  Also, she's missing her left arm from the elbow down.
Clothing:  I got three choices for ya, and I'll post pictures below
Weapon(s):  A metal staff with the head being three dragons (picture below)
Personality:  Kes is very unsure of herself, but despite this she can be quite the intelligent leader when she actually tries.  She has a quick wit, and is kind to those in need.  However, when someone makes her truly angry (like betraying her or her friends, or hurting innocent people), she will do whatever she can to bring them down.
Short bio:  To put it as simply as I can, Kestrel used to be from the Lavellan clan, a Dalish (elves who keep to ancient tradition) clan, and she was sent to the conclave in Haven to spy upon the peace talks.  She witnessed the attack on Haven and lost her memory in the process, but gained a powerful mark on her left hand.  After that she somehow worked her way up from prisoner to leader of the Inquisition, then saviour of the world.  And all she lost in the process was her left arm!
Pose:  Whatever your heart desires.
Other:  If you draw her fighting, she mainly uses electricity magic, which is purple.

  Pay no heed to her tattoos; she doesn't have them anymore, but this was the best shot I had of her face.



Outfit choices
  Congrats!  You get to choose from three outfits Kestrel wears!  The first is her battle armour, which is by far the most complex:  (Apologies for the cut-off feet; I didn't realize that they weren't there when I took the picture.  :P)

  Choice number two is her formal attire:  (Again, sorry for the no feet; the skill bar got in the way.  Dx )

  And choice number three is the casual attire worn around Skyhold:  (Hey, look, feet!  Must be because this is a picture I found online, not my own picture.  :P)


  Please tell me if there's something I need to change, add, or elaborate on!  :)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


@ Rainshadow: Awesome, I will get to work on her some time in the near future.

@ Skarzs: Thanks.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Good job on all the art! Keep it up.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


I'll watch yah on DA when I get the chance!  ;D


And I have finally gotten around to posting something. I promised Rosie I would draw something for her so here it is.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Eyy, very nice, Faiy! Good to see some art from you again! :D
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


I have been doing stuff, I just haven't been posting XD XP
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


I am lazy... and self conscious XD, a lot of the stuff is half finished or I didn't really think it was good enough to share... messy studies with lots of hand written notes... those are a pain to clean up enough to share so I usually don't bother.  :P and the fact that everything I post here has to be posted on DeviantArt first so it has to be of a quality I am comfortable posting there. XP
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Norham Waterpaw

That looks great, Faiy!
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?